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Among Our Exchanges

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Ooe week the Lelanau Enterprisa spells its name wito a u and the next with a w, anrl it. is rather perulexioc tp know whether we shall nau rrench lashion or naw in good old Engliah. Which is it? The Berrien Springs Era thus givea .somo of our patriotic citizens, who are niany thousand miles away from real danger, a sly dig : " The patriotiam and earnestness ofthoee American citizeoa who are laboring to free their native landa from tyranny cannot be doubted, but at the same time it is questionable whether the héroes of the revolution would have suoceeded so well against King üeorge had they made some other country their field of operations." Cadillac News: "In all towns where a newspaper is published, uvery business man should adVertise in it, even ïf it is no more than a card stating his name and the business he is engaged ia. It pays that advertiser, and Iets people at a distanco know that the town is full of business men. The paper finds its way into thousands of places where handbills never reach. A card in a paper is ' 'a traveling sign board, ' ' and can hu accu by un-iy luadur. Tbink ol' this thing and let your light shine." Speaking of the great work of tlic Czar of Russia, tlie Michigan Tribune, published at Battle Creek, saya: "The emancipation of the serfs of Russia is a gloriouï diadem in the crown of the present Czar ; but he scems content to rest his case upon that, and take no further steps in the pathway of reform. A correspondent says that General Melikuff recently submittsd to him a proposal for establishing a two-house legislature, and he deprecated it, stating that he left further reforma to the Czarowitz after his death." The Ogemaw Herald, referriiig to the prospects for an abundant erop of fruit of all kinds, saya: "Report from different parta of the state show that the indications for an immense erop of fruit, was never better than at the preaent. In the western part of the state, the poach, plum, and grape promises to bc superfluous, and iu the eastern part, apples, pears, and a host of small fruits will prevail in abundance. In thia the northern part, blackberries, huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, and cr&nberrics, nature'tt wild fruit, will undoubtedly bo very plentiful. While this county bas as yet few bearing trees and yines of older sections, her foresta and plaina, in respect to berries, generally, offers rare induccuients and bountiful supplies." The Berrien Co. Record tells of tho doings of a sharper whom it would be well to keep an eye out for; " A sucker catcher talked on Main street near the bank corner a short time Saturday afternoon. His manner of operating was to place five-dollar bilis in some boxes, taking pains to allow a prominent corner to stick out from the box ; mix them with a lot of other boxes and then offer three of tho boxei, two of which had corners atickiog out and plainly visible, to the crowd for five dollars. Strange to say, inBide of abouttwenty minutes he found a dozen genuine sucker.s to bite tho bait, when he drove off toward Nilea. When everybody learns that they will never win on anotherman's gaine, such chaps will bc obliged to commence some other business. Never expect to huy any yaluablo article, especially money for nothing, Buccessfully. Q'he corners were not parts of the bilis." The Grand Traverse Herald: "Last year Menipbis Btretched out her arms in i'rantio appeal to the north i'yr help. State and city and hamlet responded. Ilundreda of thousanda of treasure werc poured iuto the lap of , the plague-stricken city. The past was forgotten, rebellion was forgiven ; there was no north, no south. Suffering makes common brotherhood. Mcuiplutook the thousands so freely given, said a weak little "thank you," and wipcd lier mout h of the sweet morae.1 of so noble a charity ; the frosts of winter come, disease disappears, the spring flowers blossom again, a politica) campaign comes on apace, and the outherncr must bc arouscd to duty and the Appeal, a uowspapcr publi.-hed in this same whilom-plaguc stricken, desperately appcaling Mempliis, settles the account with generuus Massachusotts thus : "ThlH uharituilcal Ktatd, full uf cam, loudci! down witli prejudlce, so hnbltuully lntropec tivc lliiit he has lmpalrcxl ber powerx of obKervuClon and lu utlerly iimrant of workl Im'vuikI UUi pltoful, iuiiüi;iiaiii Mauaohasefts the nest of allsort of clliiKliiK panaltea, pesky vIpeiH. orotclu-ty tnimmer. restles miiHlom invailiiiK eveu the doiuaiu of falth waf hrhl up aH tbe politiCAl parad tse to the fnorant m-groeH wbomsliarmd with the bullo! laone of Eer paroxysniMof order to punlsli the aoath " The St. Joseph Traveler Ilerald has this (o say respccting the proposed bridge at Detroit : " The House cowtnerce committee has decided adversely on the project for a bridge across the river at Detroit. Mr. Townscnd, to whom it had been referred, reported the result of a long and thorough investigation, the result of which was that the bridge proposed would bo very damaging to lake couimerce. The water is thirtyflve fect deep and running at the rate of three and one-half miles an hour where it is proposed to raake tho draw. The investigation sliowed that for eight months of nuvigation an average of' six boats pass oith.r wa7 i,er minute, niaking it impossible not to obstruct commerce, besule tbc liability to serious accidenta. This settles the matter this term." Speaking of sarcasm ! The Saturday Review, of Grand llapids, thus indulges itself: " Among your other pursuits, my daughter, do not negleot to studythe art of moaesty. lts a big card, und will often take a trick where the little joker isn't deuce high. Modesty is a tali.snian, my child, on which I would have you pin your faith und bet against odds ; for, you must remember, that virtues, like diamonds, must be polished to have the desired effect, and, like cards, played with tact and a steady hand. Stock your virtues, my daughter, and in the game of courtship, ring in a cold deck on Alfonso, who is watching the result, and not the means. And, my child, boar this procent with jou : Do no labor. As all labor is debasing. I pray you avoid it. Remember you are an American queen, and queens toil not, neither do thoy spin. Ol'oourse about tbe bouse you may treat the old womanasyour social equal, but I pray you toil not. And now giy daughter go bang away all traces of' your intellect and don thy cardinal hos. ' ' The Wexford County Pioneer for May 26th, announces its ninth birthday. It is :U011iilie(l U OUcillJaii, iliu luuuij ol ,f Wexford county, by II. F. Campbell and I. II. Wheeler, who are the editora and proprietors. They are very modest ia their innouncement, preferring to have the pubic discover their truc worth rather than to vaunt it themselvcs. The following is what tliey say : " With this number, the Pioneer starts out upon the ninth year of itn :xistenoe. We make no grand prouiises Por the future, but trust we shall continue to inerit the liberal patronage we nowenjoy. We shall take an active part in the coming campaign, and though we may differ with BOine of our readers in the matter of politics, we cheerfully accord to them, what we claim tor oursolves, the rightof free thought and of free speech, and hope no one will be so foolish as to think that we are making a personal attack on any one in anything we may say. Principies, not men, are to antagonize each other in the coming canipaign." The Ypsilanti Commercial is fearkss and outspoken in its temporáneo convictions. Here is what it says : " Years ago we advocated the nocessity of all true l'riends of temperancc combining to elect none to '_fljui_' out blioi-o wLo rcuooiootl tKo noooo sity of using legal suasion, when the moral argument failcd to close up the souree of pauperism and crime, the indisputable qutcome of the open dram shop. The immense gathering at Ann Arbor yesterday is an evidence that we are not alone in our convictions, that there is but one course to pursue. The rum sellers have thrown off the rnask and are boldly collecting a fund to corrupt the legislature and defiantly declare no person úú be elected who is not in favor of the open dram shop. They toldly proclaim that they no longer reoognize party. With 5,(XJ0 rum shops and their 100,ÚÚO patrón, and tbeir boasted capital of live millions of dollars, they enter the campaign with unsheathed sword and ïxed bayonet. Friends of law and order, shall they triumph?" With the issue of May L'Oth, the Little Traverse Republican, published at Little Traverse, Kmmct county, by L. A. Clark, ;ntered upon the fifth year of its existence. 1 1 is a large quarto, and ably represents the nterests of the village and county io which t is locatfj. Tn fact i ia a wonder to us many times, how our pioneer publishers of ;he northej-n portion of our state can afford to issue such excellent journals as they almost invariably do. From its editorial upon the event we quote : " With this ssue we enter upon the fifth year in the listory of tho Republican, and we start que ith the hope of being ablc to help push Torward the car of' enterprise in this new country with increased courage, and we look orward with brigbt aoticipation to the time when we may expect to sec this grand country wcll deyeloped in all its borders, and that our facilitics forgood and efficiënt work may be correspondiogly increased. In our effort to give you a good, reliable ournal, a paper that all mayfeel proud of, may we not hope to reccive a genereus sup)ort in the future as in the past, and labor on, hand in hand together." The Gratiot Journal thus sums up sonie of the beauties of' democratie douiination n Congress : " Gradually the beauties of democratie economy unfold themselves. None of' the internal revenue collectors, and officers connected with that branch of ,he service, are now receiving any pay, and lone of the United States marsbals have jeen paid for eleven months. The latter , officers have incurred a large indebtedness, in the faith of parties with whom they ïavc official relations, in the ultímate justioe of congress. They have kept their msoners in jail on credit for nearly a year, MoaoM the shoriffs of the oounties in which he jails uscd by the government happen to ie, have believed that eventually the bilis for the maintaipancc of prisoners would be paid. The sheriffs are becoming impatient and thcre is a prospect that ere long there will bc a general jail-delivery of the thieves, counterfeters, etc, now conGned awaiting trial. All the United States courts are ajourning tlieir terms for want of money to pay jurymen, and the wheels of justice are virtuaUy stopped. The government is collecting its revenuu on credit, and its courts haviog been run on credit for nearly a year, have been compelled to stop altogethcr. Ünder democratie economy the United State can not now try a criminal."