A Voiceless Wife
ISurdettu Icaves off his fun to write this pretty little sketch : While I was lecturïng at Washington 1 saw a lady with ;in intelligent, pretty face and bright, eloquent eycs that were rarely lifted toward the speaker, and Uien only for a flash of' time. They were beat upon her husband's hands alniost ooMtautly. Brilliant and aeconiplished a few years ajjo, she had gone down into the world of voiceless silence, and now all the music and all the speech that eomes into hor lile comes through the tender dovotiun of lier husband; and, as I talked, l watched hini telling off tho lecture on lus nimblc tingers, while her eagre eycs glanecd froui them to his sympathetic face. It was a pretty picture oí' devotion. They were so yOUDg to liiivo this cloud ahadOW tho moruing skics of their lives; but, as I lan-ed from llie voiceless wife to her hutibaml, 1 thouglit how beautifully tho gunlight of liis devotion was breaking through these olouda and timing even their affjictiona with a tender f9ittaoe. 'i'bis dieipline of ittendiag bdm suffering is a jrood thing tor :i man. It rounds out his life; it dovelopB his uianlier, nobler qualities ; it makes his heart brave and tender and StrODg as i womanV.
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