Notes Editorial
Balance n the state treasury May 29th $ 1, 189, 8:22 52, which was a docreasefor the week of $15,685. 66. The Illinois republicans have renoaiin atnil S &L (Iiillnm for roveinor of Tllinois He is a nativo of Kcntucky. It is said that Michigan furnished inore visitorá to the Chicago convention than any othcr state, Illinois exceptcd. The next session of the Detroit M. E conference ia to be held in Bay Cily, oommencing September 8th, with Bishop An drews as presidiog officer. There isn't the faintest danger of the deoiocrats nominating Jubtice Field of Cal fornia. . His own state conveotion only sent one delégate out of twelve for him Ouesa not liked at home very well. And once again has the assaasin attempted to take the life of Col. D. R. Anthony ot'Leavenworth, Kansas. This time Hon. Lucien Baker, foruierly of thïs state, was -. nmisly if not fitally wounded by tlie bullet intended for Anthony. The Hillsdale and Sho-wac-cae-niette crews have been the lions of New Orlcans for ihe past week, and they have been enteruincd like prinres. On Tuesday they were each handed a check covering their expenses to and from Michigan. The member of the national rcpublican iniiiiittee íroui Michigan, will hercafterbe James II. Ntono, of Detroit, the managing editor of the Detroit l'ost and Tribune. In him the party of the state will have an able representativo and a hard working member. Senator Eaton, of Connecticut, is roportcd a.s saying that " tho next democratie presidential candidato who receives a majority of the presidential votes will be inauguratcd, let come what may." Why, the fcllow talksas if soruebody had been disaplointed in tliis awpapi W'liat does he mean ? The latest news respecting the Panama oanl project is tliat Mr. A. G. Menocal, nprosenting an American company, has entered into a contract with the Nicaraurtian government for the construction of :in interoeeanic canal across the i.sthinus. The sanction of the eongress of that governnuiit is now needed to wake it binding. There are as many candidates for Attorney-general as there are- cities and villages in the state, we were aboutto say- but will havo to qualify it a littlo, by saying as thero are leaves on the trees, or something of that kind. But as all of thetn so far, are good men, there can be no possible danger of having a poor candidato for the poaition. Every time Courtney the pretended Tnited Status single scull champion, bas met Hanlan, the Canadian champion, he has had some accident which prevented meeting nis antagonist fairly and wjuarely. Isn't it about time Americana quit putting any faith n such a man? The truth is (!ourtney knows he is overmatehed, and dare not row willi him. Dr. Chas. Ilynd, of Adrián, officiated as orator upondecorationdayatElkhart, Ind., and his oration was so well reocived that the audience votcd unanimonsly to have the samo published n all the city papers. Tbe opera house whcre the pcople gathored was fill-d to overflowing, although a pelting storm raged at the time. Which compli maat to the ex regent is an excellent one, and gladly we record it. Four rt'publicsn senators refused to sign Senator Forry's petition askiag the privilege of cata in the recent republican conventHMIAtOtlieagÓ, forthc "fidelegatesfrom tbe woman suffrage afsociations. Their names are Conkling, of N. Y.; JidmundR and Morrill, of V'ermont ; and Platt, of Connocticut. The women have placed tUm upon their black list, and a remerabraooe in the future, when thoy have suceccdod. As our democratie brethern have littlo or no enthuaiasni in running up their co! umns of delégate m the different statcs elect, it is lea to the New ïork Herald to make this wild estímate, bo ftr as cliosen : Tilden 171, Hancock 74, Thuruian 44, English 2. But reliabie democratie journals give the New York statesman ( ? ) doublé the Herald estímate. Tbe Ann Arbor Deuioortt of tliis week flings to the bréete the ñames of Stephen J. Field, of California, for President, and Clarkson N. Potter, of New York, for vice president. Too late ! too late ! Theclaimant has it in his power to foreclose and foreclose he wilL Besides Field and Pottor would sound better roversed, something after this fashion ; Potter' s Field. The Shiawassee Republican, herctoforo published at Owosso, has consolidated with the Shiawassee American, published at Corunna by Hon. John N. Ingeraoll, and the oombination paper will hereafter be issued frotn the office of the latten This joining of forces by theso two most excellent journals will not only be a gain to each in a financial way, but will be a benefit to the party of the eonnty in many ways. We wish the eütórprif surontm ¦ i Somebody has been opening, mutilating and defacing the letters of Brother Fowler, of the Manistee Times and Standard, and he very justlyeondemns the authoritieswho allow such violation of the mails. In a little note respecting the affair in the Uut Standard, he spots his man thus : "We never charged postmaster Cutcheon with any part in it, and the editor of tho Times has aduiitted that he did it, (with his little hatchet) as indeed the hand writing indica tes." The Adrián Times, in speaking of the recent county temperance convontion in that city says : " The county temperance association, in this city on Friday, was swallowed by the prohibitionists. One of the resolutions in effect, pledged the members to support the nominees of the prohibkion conventioB this fall. Somc temperance men, who don't happen to train in the prohibítion crowd, objected strenuously. But it was no use. A prohibitionist must have politics in tais'n." Mrs. Matilda Joslyn Gage, one of tho woman suffragists, was prosented with $50 by a friend of the cause, for the purpose of " baying a fresh spring suit to be worn at the conventions. ' ' Instead of carrying out the design of the donor, she took tho amount to issue an extra edition of a woman suffrago paper. Of sach stuff arê martyrs made. Any woman who could resist a nioe ncw $50 suit, bonnet ineluded, for tho sake of dit-seminatiug knowledge to the heathen men, would be burned at the stake without flinching in the cause she ndvoH.tcs. Michigan was recognized in the nationa! convention by the following appointments: Vioepresiilent, Perry Hannah ; committco on eredentials, Omar D. Conger ; oommittee on resolutions, Geo. A. Farr; cominittee on permanent organization, E. 0. Watkins ; committee on rulos and order ol business, J. H. Chandler ; member of tho national committee, James H. Stone, and Chas W. Clisbee, one of the temporary secretarles. The eommittee on crudentials, made tbe Hon. O. D. Conger, chairman, a compliment not only to his most excellenl ability, but to the state he represents. Lest somc of our readers may think that we look at the slippory eipherer of Grammercy park from prejudiced eycs, we will quote from the New York World, the leading democratio paper, regarding him : "Hut the worklug of tlie Ciphcr alley methods was best UluBtrated In 1K76 Iu Oregoii, and it was the dolnjra in Oregon whlcli gave blrth to the phrase. There was no more pretensa in In 1K76 that a raajority of tho vote of üregoa ljlleuueu iu iv QoiBtKath) cleciul limit tbera wat In 187 that ft majorlty of the voters of Maiue intended tochoose a democratie and greenbaok legislatura. Yet by the Cypher alJy methods a democratie elector was oounted In TIn counting In was bad unough, but the furl that It was lnstlgated not merely by local zeal and party paiwlon overHWeeping the txmnds of reason and Justlcu, but the prusldentlal wlrepiilliT far .iwuy In New ïork, made it simply umndurable." It has been said that thore are no people in the wide world so quick to respond to a cali for aid as the American people - if the cal! only comes from far enough abroad. This is something of a slander. Portland, Me., Chicago, Boston, St. Johns, N. B., Memphis and her southern sisters, can ali testify to the extreme liberality of the American people at home. And many countrics from abroad, can also testify to thcir generosity. The American people are cqual to great emergencies, but when it comes to small generositics ; the relieving of the wortby poor at our own doors, ror ínstanos, she can learn many a useful lesson. The Hon. Fidus Livermore, of Jackson, died on Friday afternoon of last week, at his home. He was in the 69th year of his age, having been born in Oneida county, New York, in 1811. In the year 1839, after graduating at Harvard, he settled in Jackon county and oommenccd reading law, and upon admission to the bar entercd upon a very lucratíve and satisfactory practice, being peculiarly brilliant aa a crimina] lawyer. He has ever been an uncompromising democrat, yet during the late rebellion lie firnily upheld all the war measures. He has held many offices of trust, and has been a candidato for his party at least twice, for congreas from hie district, but being upon the wrong side was very properly defeated each time. It is said of him that upon his first cundidacy he traveled on f'oot through his district stuniping it for himself. For the last threc years disease bas held him firmly n its grasp, and for quite a period his death has on!y been a question of time. He was buried by the Knights Templar of Jackson, being a member of that comuiandery. In his death the stato loses another of its able citizena and old pioneers. The great novelist, Marian Evans, known to fame as George Eliot, recently married an American banker, Mr. Cross, aged 38, whilo she ia 00 years old. Added to this she bas lived with Mr. Lewcs, an Englishman as his wife, though nevor marriod, for many years, until death took him away a lew months ago. Respecting the marriage a correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial says: "Had she been aware of the niche she has so long occupied in the holy of holLes, the heart of the young, the heroic, the dreamers ; liad she known what it had cost these to raise her, and to dcfend her ; and how having lived down all the sneers of society, she had become a person uniquo, ideal, dwelling apart in the finest imaginations as one who for love gave all, deficd the world, and gave the saoctuary of her heart ; had she known all this she could hardly have subjected the world to this cruel disenchantment without some motive powerful enough to be stated by her personal t'riends. A score of pathetic myths have invested her ever since Mr. Lewos's death ; so tremendous a sacrifice as the had apparcntly made was explained by some as the maintenance of a sociológica! principie, but for the majority it mcasured the surpasning depth of her love. On the mornmg of her marriage any hundred of her devotces would have sworn that she was sitting in her lonely study, gaïing through tears on the image of hiiu for whom he opposed the world, another ' Mariana at the moated grange.' Any of t hem would have asüurcd you that the great authoress was to be veiled for the rest of her life, to write oo more, but only to cdit her dead lover's paiiortt. huddcoly thin inagiiiary George iliot fallsto the prosaic ground -a shattercd idol."
News Items
Human Interest
Panama Canal
Ann Arbor Democratic Party
Women's Suffrage
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
A. G. Menocal
Mrs. Matilda Joslyn Gage
Perry Hannah
Omar D. Conger
Geo. A. Farr
E. C. Watkins
J. H. Chandler
James H. Stone
Chas. W. Clisbee
Fidus Livermore (70606
Marian Evans
George Eliot