Circuit Court Proceedings
Tho circuit court for this ooutity, eomineuced 1 t-t Tuetiday, Judue Morris prcsiding. The following cases had been dis posed of up to Thursday noon : III ram Flsk vs. John K. Gules. Timo to settlc lilll extended twu wwkti from date. TIn' l'eople vs. N. W. McCall, embewlemenl. Contluiieu uu applunt um ol duR-ndiint md buil rasplted. The People va. U. W. and John Clark, emb.zlement. CouLluued on appllcatlou of dift-nduut un.t tuil icspll. .1. H. B. Spooncr vs. F. W. Cleveland, ('oiitiiiued ty oousent. The People va. Johu Sours, forgery. Floiul gullty ; romanded for seutence. Marión Uutchluaon vs. Jur. lluddler. Appellaat to ülu a ni'w boud In 15 dnyH, ur appcul t'. 1. CVlman vh. Emma Aahloy, ot al. ( !mi tluuul un i il next ttrin. 0. U. Colemau vb. Israel Hall. Conlluuod uiitll UAxt term. Ohas. 11. Miller vs. Jumes Wade aud M. Mol'.imnny. Coutluued. V). C. Brancli vs. l". Brniich. Dcerieof dlvorcc granted. Jno. Looney v. II. Beahau. Motlou to qontluue deuled, wlth cusUs, iucludlug altonuy fee of $5.U0. l:ivld Mandt vs. Jno. (leo. Hlumtinrdt , sland.M. FlaluLltl to Ulo auourity fui costa lu 30 days from date. The Feople vb. Chas. Downer. Information for lareeny. Plea of gullty euterud. TobuBonli'lin-d OU Kilt ui iLiy. FlrBt National Haukof Ann Aruor vs. W.8, llli'kH, et al. i.'xumdeil. The Puoplo vs. Clinatlau Zanxl. Coutluued. Hall flxadat fii. Kin ma .1. Uartlett vs. Jcsse Comstock. Ueoree grunted and slgued. Thel I'eoplu vs. John Rirtsch. Jury trial. Verdlot gullty, recommended t the mercy of the court. The l'eople vs. Patrlck Cari. Information for ansuult wltU intcnt to eommlt rape. On trial.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Crime & Criminals
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Hiram Fisk
John R. Gates
N. W. McCall
G. W. Clark
John Clark
H. E. Spooner
F. W. Cleveland
John Sears
Marion Hutchinson
Jas. Huddler
C. D. Colman
Emma Ashley
Israel Hall
Chas. R. Miller
James Wade
M. McEnanny
D. C. Branch
P. Branch
Jno. Looney
R. Beahan
David Mandt
Jno. Geo. Blumhardt
Chas. Downer
W. S. Hicks
Christian Zanzi
Emma J. Bartlett
Jesse Comstock
John Raisch
Partick Carl