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The Why And The Wherefore

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OF THE GREAT RUSH AT BACH & ABEL'S Ut. Tliey carrj HM largeNt Hoek of uil kind. of good. lo bc round in Ann Arbor, xvl.i,,, mukc liopliig a matter of plenure. M The Ir largc line. of fcadlei and Gent.' F.r..lhing Cood, Holcr, CIotc, Underwear. I nee' Embroldcrlc, Pnra.ol, Ribbon, Fan, Corcl, and Faney Ore. Good, lnure lo thelr „alrons l.n.l . vt r urll U II! wl.b loucr ü an be found in an ether hou.e I.. the clt,. One prlce and a low pricefor Ladies', Cents' and Children's Spring and Summer Underwear. PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! Our tock of Iaraols tkfi pring In most novil, varicd and plcaitlng. They are In color and sIvUm. to mattli the prcvalling "tiles or rc tituuU, hetag In Halln, Slik, Kr.,.,.,1. ,, wlth aorted M.n,ct ll..l..s. LOW PRICES PREVAIL IN THI8 DEPARTMENT. &%%$&&% &%%X&1 $t3UK$l Ötï-KST It lx an acknowlcdgcd fact that we lead the Slik Trade In the Interior or the Male. Wc have advantnee that no othcr houw? In IMimoUm powte. Special atlention oalled lo our hundióme Black siíkVat 5, 65, 75, SO and 100 cent. Elegant Black Mik, hcavj enough Tor aek, at $1.25, #1.39 and si I!. AUo a Tull line cquallj a cheap from #1.6O to # l.OO per yard. The great bargHtn for the next ten la) Ml bc our $ 1 .25 Colored Siiks at $ 1 .00. We respectfully cali your attention to the above, where you will find facts and figures worthv of vour notice. It is to your own interest, and you can not afford to let the opporturTiti escapeou? KEMEMBElV HUT THE PLACE TO TEAM IS WHEKK T1IKÏ MAXE PMCtS, .NI) N01 WHEKE THEY MEET THEM. B-A.OH Sa; -BEL, CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE.