Real Enlate for Sale. QTATK OK MICHIGAN, l'ouuty or Wayne, su. In the matter of tile cítate of Mary C. Gladwtn, rteceasod. Notlce Í8 hcreliy (,'iven. thal Ín puntualice uf n order grnntcd tu tlic wdenlynad, ¦eutm Ol the Itiet will :md ti í'amcnt of lid diceased, ly the IIoo. Bdar O. Durfec, Jo(l)?e of Probate of id County of Woyne, on the teiith day "í h'ehruary, A. 1). 1SS0, iherc will be solii at public vi'udui-, to iho hlghuxt bidder, at the city of Aim Arbor. in the Cnniuy of Washtenaw, ml State of Mxiiu-nu. at th maln entramo to the cour! hoUM ui hid .ily. u rtaturday, the 2Hth day ctf May. A. U. 1HNO, at two oclock p. m. of xaid day, the followini.' denrrltid roal state, to-wlt : The undlvlded unu-thlrd of ih certaili piece or parecí oí land aitnate in ttie city of Ann Arhor, Waahtcnaw C'onmty, Michigan, and known atj twenty-one anti one-half (214 fevt In widtb 'il the north sld or lot livo (.5) lu block one (1) south or Iluron struet, in range four (4) eaut, In the cliy of Ann Arbor ; siso the une of the alley uloni; the eaet end of lots five (3) and ix (t) in faid block one(l). Detroit, April 12, 1880. WINÏHKOP G. HAWYKK, Kiecntor. MICHABTj BKENNAN, Attoraey for Eieciitof. Eütate or Tniman It. licatli. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, County ofWanhtenaw. es. At aec8ioD o! the Probate Court for theOontitTOt Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the nrentj-Mcaad May, in the year onu thtiuaaud kM baoared and eighty. Pruöeut, William i). Harrlmnn, Judjje of Probate. In the matter of tlie estufe of Trnman B. Heath, deceaw'd. On resdlne and Allag tk patlUoB) dly verined, of Almira a. Ueatli, prayim; that a certain instrument now on öle in tliis eimrt. porporting to !¦ the Uut will and tentament oí said aeceaaed, muy lxadmltted to probate, aud that ahe may lic appuiutcd execotrix thereof. Thcrcupou H Ie orrtcred, tliai Monday, the twenty. flrt day of June next, at ten o'clock in tbr fur.'noon, be asalxned for thu hearing ol xuld petition. and tliat the dortioea, lesAtMfl aud Ixïir attfan '! said deccased, and all othor persona IntetMt' d in raid estute, aro reuuired to appoar at a mi court, then to !e Uoldtii at t li o Probate Oülct;, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cunee, If any thera be, why the prayer of thr petlttoaei hould nol be rnotiid. And it in further ordi lid i t.i'.on.r (ftvc notice to the pernons intcrepted in snt(l estati-, o! HM ]'iidvncy of sAld petitlon, and th. bearlag tbw of, by caueim; a coiy of thtf ordax t" pobliBbttd in the Aun Arlior Courier, b nowapaper prtntud nml circulatlnR in satd coiinty, thr ¦ m eltv w..-k ln vioiiH to naid day of hrnrini;. (A trui' copy.) W1LI.1AM I). UAimlMAK, JUÓgQ vf Probate. WM. U. 1XJTY, Probate KuülU:r. IK-b 'JU1