Cliancery Tiotk-e. QTATE OF MICHIGAN- Tbe Circuit Cuurt for the O Comity ol Wasliteuaw, In chancery. Ruwlek D. Jenklue, complainaut, va. Kliza A. MclKMiald, defendaftt. At :i ei-sion of said coiirt, holden at tbc (ouri Houw, in the cily of Aan vrbor, on Wediirttfaj. Uw iweuly fint ilny cif April. A. I). lx.-. lYc-int, the aam, Gouverneur Morris, t'lrctit Hill ór l'iwnplalnt lu UiU caute hvlng been 8W on the ninh duy oí April, A. l). 1880 ; ad i now f.inffiu-t'triiy appt-.iriug to thia conrt, upou due ürotr liy nflldavit. Ihnl !hf drleudant l tbi cause, W't A. McDonald. rvBliles out ol ihi swte, "iiid ii rvwden; ol the Sute of Texae ; on nioiion of brauliy F. dranger, xoliclior, and ol couuíel for Uie coralil.'ilniini, il l ordered that the ald defendant, SU1 A. MRUoiinld.appt-vaiidaiiKwerthebillorcompwii' in tliix Hiie, withiii throe moutlia from the date I ttiH ordrr. Uül VKHNttlK MoKRLS, ClrcaltJadfe. B. F. (IKIRGKR, Solicitor, and 01 Counae) for the Complaiiiaat. 985-961. rMtt r George (mn illf. O 'PATS OK MICUIOAN, CutiDty of Wabteo.At h gklon of the ProbateConrt for the CoutitT'1' Wuthtenaw, holden at ihe Probate Offlcr, In the Uty of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the daj M May, iu the year om thousand eipht Uwndrod auo eluhty. rreaent, Wll.iatu D. llarri(nan, Judi " ProWte. „, In the matter of the entate of öeorge tirtoviiie, a. Wllliam 8. Crane, administra''' '"? the ill annexed, of eaid eitate mm to conri, and represeota that he ík tmw prepared to reuan ! ai couut u sucli adnilnistrator. h TheraapoD II la 0fd that Kriday, the lonrtn day of June next, at ten o'clock in tb noon, bo uslcncd for oxaroinlDK and allo"-: uu-h account, and tha'. the ocvUeaa, leeatee "" tieirs at Uw oí nuld dcceaaud.and all othor pereoii iuteretd io Mild i'iiaie. are reduin-d to app'' l " „I Kairi conrt, theu to be hoWen at the rroliatu UUicu, In the City ol Anu Arbor, in nWt"u7: and show cause, il any thoro be( whj tn !u account Hliould uut bo nllowad. Aud it l "f '¦ ...,:, r. ,l,ihat lid adiuiniatrator giw u'tlcS ,of uited iu said esUtc, of PPndP".2„ ¦aul account, and the heariUK thcreof, by f"''1 a oopy of thi ord.T to be publlahed iu Ui'. Aibor Cmirur. % uwpawr prluled and "r.ul""J msuid cottuty, tbr rt weck previou iu sald daj of hearlug. (Atruecopy.) .,,„.., WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN. W.M. Q. IIOTY, Probate Retfiflter. HW-wa All liiii.lh. af Hoofc-BindinK ¦" " The Courier olllce on nhort