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LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Franklin S. lleminirw) . QTATK OF MICHIGAN, CoumyofWasutenaw, se. At ñesBlon of the Probate Oourt for the Connty of Wahtonaw. holden at thi: Probate Office, ir the city of Aun Arbor, od Tliuraday, tho tweuty-seventh day of May, in thc year one thnnaand eight hundred and liu'hly. Present, William l. llarriuutn, of Probate. In tho matter of the catóte of Franklin S. Bemlngway, deceased. On rcadin and filing the pviition, duly vcrISnd, uf Charles FI. Wordeu, prayiog thut a Oaftftta inetruluent nuw un ftlu Ín thia court, purporliiitr to be the latt will and teatameut of eald di-cetind, may be admittcd tu probate, and that h and B. L. Hubert may be appolnled executnre thcn-ot. Thereapon lt i ordered, thut Wodiiendny, the twenty-thlrd day of June noxt, at ten o'clock Ín tho tiin-iiiMín, be aaaiued for the hearing ot rtiid uetltiun, and that the devíseos, légateos, and boira at law of eald dcceaaed, and all other per Hoiis interi'Ktod in said estáte, aro r cniin'd to appear at 11 schhIod of eaid court. theu to be holdeu at tho Probate Office, in the city ot Anu Arior, and show can', lf any there be, why the urajer ot the petltiuner shoutd not be gratitud. Aud it íh Tnrther uriU'rcd, that eaid petltioner give notlce to the perBons luterested Ín Bald tata, of thependency of unid petltion, and the hearing thercof, by cau!ng a copy if thia trder to be publiuhed Ín tho Ann Arbor Courier, u newtptper pilnted aod circnlating in sald roumy, thrce swBMMlTe ivi-ekn pn-vionH to ald day ot heariug, (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKUIMAN, JudiTo of ProlMlto. WM. (í. DOTY. Probóte Rceleter. 9SX-W1 Notlee to Credltors. Q'''ATE OP MICHIUAN, Coonty of Wahienaw, s. O Notlce ia bereby giTen, that by an ordir or tho Probate Uourt for tne County of Washtenaw, made om Ut uventTOnth day or May, A. L. 18U, bIjc niuntliK fniin that date were allowed for crediiora to pn-ít-ut tlu'ir clalnu aKuiust the eytatu of Gilbert Allen, late of a1d oounty, dcceafcd, and that all creditore of natd deceaued are required to present tliclr claims to eaid Probaie Court, at the Probate OftVe, n the city of Ann Arbor, for ciamlnatton anti Mllowanci'. on or hefore the 17th day ol Noveinier nnt, and that nuch claimB will be heard belore satd cimrt, on Tui'nday, the 17th day of Auirimt, and on Wcdnetday, the 17th day of November mxt, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ot tnch of aald day. Dated Anu Arl)or, May 17th, A. U. 1880. WILLIAM O. HARRIMAN, 987-9U1 Judüe of Probato. Estáte or Jame8 O'Connor. QTATK OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Wanatenaw, t. At a soBBlon of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden nt the Probate Oölce, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the teuth day ol May, in tbe year one thouaand eigbt hundred and clglity. Present, Wllllam D. Ilarriman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jamee OUonnor, doceascd. On reading and flUng the petltion, duly verifledt of Wlltlam F. Breakey, praylng that ha or ome othcrinltable person may be appolnted admlniatrator of snid rstato. Thereupon H is ordcred, that Monday, the H.-vnth day of June ncxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bt aselgned for the hearing of uald petU tlon, and that tho betra at law of aaid deceaaed, and all othur perttopa lutorubtea in aald entate, are raqulred to appear at a soselon of naid HUL tii. 11 i lx' holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any Ui re bc, why the prayer of the pctitioner Bhould not b granted. And lt 1h fnrthor ordert'd, that said petltioner t'ive notice to the peraon Interested in aald oatate, of the peudoncy of aid petltlon, aud the hearing thorcof, by caualng a copy of thla order to bo pubim1i'-(1 in 77[r' Ann Arbor C'ourUr, a newpaper priiitcd tinti cii'culating In aald county, tbieo huccilive weekt prevloun to nald day of hearing. (A tnutupy.) WILLIAM 1). UAKU1MAN, .ludf oí Probato. WM. O. 1)OTY. Probate Keginter. 980 'JBS