WHEDON - At Ann Arbor, Mich., May 28th, 1880, Hiram Whedon, aged 81 years and six month?. The deceaaed in born In Hebron, Washington county, N. Y. The grater part of hls Hfe waa spent In the cuntral part of that tato, chiefly at Syracuse, H.imi', Caiodon, Stockbridge and Oneida. In 1877 hc came to Ann Arbor to reside with ais Bon, WilUam W. Whcdon, wlth whom he paoecd the qolet closlng days of lire. HU death waa without a struggle, clnalng hl cyes ai if In eloep be pant-d away. Hiram Whedon was brother of D. D. Whedon, the roppected and venerable editor of the Methodist (uarterlj Review, and father of 1). A. Whedon, an able minister of the Methodist church. He was four times married, and survived all bis companions. When 18 years of age he was converted and ULited With the Methodist church. His religiĆ³n lite was consistent, and in doctrine, in faitti, in beslflccucui In earnest effort for good causes, and in the vindication of the glory of God and the rights of his fellowmen, his example is prized as a rich legacy by bis family and friends. The remains were taken for interment to his old home near Oneida, N. Y.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William W. Whedon
Hiram Whedon
D. D. Whedon