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CloatnK n Opening of IHalU. MullsleavlngAnn Arbor, hlandWet,wH floaoMiollOws: HOIK'i Wist. Whv Mail - H:30. m riirougti and Wiiy Muil HtVl . m.aiuM:5üp. m Vay Mali between Ana Arbor and Jackitou 4:50 p. na Jhlcafco atid beyond 7:30 p. ai OOIHQ KAST. otnlt pouoh 8:80 a. m fhrougliaad Way Mail 10:J6 a. m., 4:50 p. m Easlèrn Mails dlntrlbuted at 8 and 10 a. m., 12 m. and fi:80 p. in. Wetiteru Mali dlstributed at 0:30 p. m. Chicago Mali diKtrlbuled at K a. in. Jackson Mali and Way Mali betweeu Jackon and Ann Arbor dlutribulod at 11 a. m. Mali by Toledo Kailroad doses at 11:10 a. ra Toledo tallrcuul Mali distrlbuled iiM"iu. m except Saturdiiy ev.-nliu, wlien 11 i dlstributed before the iflloe (4oe8. Tlie mail to W iniruore Lake, Webster and Brlghtttn lea ves Titesdays, ThursdHyii and Satunliiys at 9 a. m., aud Is recelved from these iiliK'ös Mondaya, Wednesdays nnd Krldayg at four o'olock p. m. CHAS. O. (JLARK. P. M Traveler' tuide. Tralns arrlve and depart from the Michigan jentral Depot m tins city as follows: Taxiss kast. Atlautic Kljiregs -..r h. mi MglitBxpreM 6.'tóa. m. Ih.'Kk.hi Accominudatlon 8.15 a. m. Grand liapidb Kxpreu 10.35 a. ui. lay KxpreH 5.10 p. m. Mali 5.Mp.m. TBAINS WIST. Mali 8.40 a. m. üay Express H.liOa.m. Grand llapuls Express 5.20 p. m. Jacküon Express 7.35 p. m. Eveulug Express .3S p. m. Piclflo Express. 11. U0 p. m. All tralns are run by Chicago time. which Is tlaeen minutes slower thau Anu Arbor time. Krtenda of The oiiri.-r. who have i,uiu.- at the Probate Court, will ulcaor rrquext .IiiiIü. llarriman to ¦end (helr Prlntlns to thin ofllrr.