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Tlio ehief of pólice reporta eleven arrest.s last mouth. Haven't hcard any coni laint recently about the dry weather. Don't forget the concert and festival at the M. E. oliuroh to-night. Cold water is the last, pUoe to report the uiurder of a child by an open cihtern. tl 50 were expended by the red ribbon boys ingetting up the miss conveotion. Ludwig Walï had been fined $10 for keeping nis saloon open after ten o'clock p. ib. The banks of' the city took advantage of the Sist as a legal holiday aud oloued thcir doors. , AK1. Besimer report nuuierous applications ut' .workingmui for work upon the streets. The firrt picnic and dance of the season at Relief park was annuuuocd for last night. Zenus vSwcet, general teauister and street sprinkler, lo-t u hoise valued at $100 a few day.s sincu. Tlie Woshlonaw county democratie delegutcü WO said to bc all anti-Tildcn wuli twu exceptions. Tlio fire alarm telegraph was put up last Saturday, cinnecting the 5th ward wit h hall. When jou cal! on Joe T. Jacobs the great clothier, hitn to tfhow you the nvted eijhmte ihirts. We underotand tliat V'igilant tire eoinpany aro to give an excursión to Toledo and return in-xt Sunday. Micliael Keek, üi' Lodi, had his leg broten a few days tinco by a borse falling upoD it whi'e in his stall. It 9 announced tliat Wilt Carlcton will addresü the red ribbon club at the opera nezt Sunday cvenipg. 1 'ick Jofinson had to pay $5.00 for assauliiDgJ. tí. KarlH, the uew 10 cent bus uiau, befure Judce Grancer. Tho ladies of ïst. Aiidrew's church clcared over $1QO at their sa!e, at tlie aruiory hall, last Friday niht. Tbere is to be a meeting of the tetnperancc coanty comiuittec, at tlie red ribbon rooms in tbe opera house ncxt Muuday. John Morgan has been awardod the contract for cleaning the streeta the present season, being allowed $35 for the same. Noxt Sabbath eveuing Rev. J. Alabaster, at the M. E. church, will lecturc upon "Chas. Wesley, the Christian Bard." The circuit court records of la t Tuesday show that John Sears was arraigned and pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery. The plcntiful rains have so cooled the water of the river and pond that it makes the boys' teeth ehatter to go in bathing. The proper authorities have fully decided to extend the D. II. and S'wn 11. R. 42 miluH west and south, to La Grango, Iud. Calyin Bliss says he has resided id the Iwuso in which he now livcs over 38 years - soiue three years ahead of Mr. Martin. The new ncalcs fur wcighing cara on the Toledo & Aun Arbor railroad llave arrived, and will bo put in near Mi lier avenue, Hoon. The homeopathie hospita] aid association will meet in the parlorof the hospital building, Thursday, June lOth, prouipily at 3 o'clocl p. m. A base ball club from tliis city are to play match game, we understand, with the Tecuiuseh nine, next Saturday, on the grounds of the latter. Chai. G. Clark, at the postoffice, roccives subncriptioiis for the c;iinpaign Pont and Tribune, t 30 cents. This wc bclieve, gewei tbc paper until election. We have received the programme for the 17tli annual conimencement of Albion ooilege, commencing Thursday, June 17th, od ending Thursday, June 24th. . t'P. E. P. Allen,' Ypsilanti, ,8 attend"ig the Chicago oonvention this week, and e notice made a speech at the Michigan unión, held Wedncsday evening. The proprietors of the hotel at Mt. Uemcns have contracted with J. Keek & o-i of thiB city, for the necessary furnitufc, which will include 89 chamber sets. It has been so wet that the driving park sation have not been able to make much progress, but are gradually maturing heif P'ans and gftting the track in good wnduion. There was a runaway near the high hooi building last Tuesday evening; two JMy oocupants of the carriagc were thrown nd the vcliicle mullid up i„ . deoidwly artistic manner. Ncxt Monday evening Company A will J 'e dress parade corner of Main and "won streets, They have received several ''Uhons (o particípate in 4th of July 'ebrations. The Germán musicians of this city have anized a sinRÍng olubf be fcnown ag Beethoven Geoangrerein, with M. C. "Wier president, G. Ilallor secretary, and Kempf, director. Chelsca Webster is the name of an cclectic M. D. living in Lambertsville, this Btale. If he would move into a certain township n this county we would have Chelsea Webster Sigho. m-, It lookud dubious for John Schnmaeher and the carriago he was in, for a few uiomcnts last Sunday evening, but he managed the ribbons dexterously and brought his equine to time. ?- L. D. James of' Massachusetts, owns the old jail square, and not Luther James of this city. He still continúes to think Chkl $6,000 is cheap for it, and perbaps n a business point of view he is right. Thé dixtribution of the poor fund forthe mooth of May, was as follows : lst ward, $12.22; 2d ward, $13.74; 3d ward, $4.75 ; 4th ward, $16.25 ; 5th ward, $24.25 ; 6th ward, $2.88. Making a total of $74.26. If sludents are to be arrested for taking part in charivari conoerts, why nqt arrest town-boys for the same offense ? Or is it more of an offense in a student than in otuers? Why should partiality bc shown. Saturday evening, June 5th, the regular mouthly meeting of the Ann Arbor scientitic assoeiation will be held in the zoological lecture room, when a paper upon " the gold and gravel of California," will be read by Prof. Petee. The Baptist church have their service of laying the corner &tine, on Monday the 7th inst., at '2 p. m. Hod. Wm. A. Moore, of Detroit, Kev. Dr. Morris, of Toledo, and other6 have beeu invited and are expected to makc addresses. IIow muoh botter the music of our boys would sound if they only had a nice uniform. Have we not enough of liberal, enterprising citizens in our city to help the boys on a little ? As a band they are a credit to the place. The Kuterpeon society of the M. E. church aro to give a concert and festival at the M. E. church, this Friday eveoing, June 4th, and an unusually good time is promised. (Jo and hear the concert and then attend the festival. Some one in Wayne eounty takes ordtrs for India ink pencil wwk, and when tbe picture come they are only poor tintypes with a glass over them.- Lansing Itepublican. Ves, and tliat t'elluw hu.s travcled in other couuties bisides Wayne. Vi% ,. tHUH UA Tlie Ypsilautian says : "The Coüüier, rarely credits anything to"Ex."or the author.' ' Too bad ! tou bad I Guess, however, that the coluuius of the Coubier in that respect compare favorably with other publications in the county or state. The Congregational society held a festival at their church last Tuesday evening, which was very sucoessful iu poiut of numbers and nutted $30. Last Friday eveuing the Presbyterians also held a fastival at their chureh which was well patrunized. G. L. Warren was oaught in a largo belt at Cornwell's wooleu f'actory lat Friday, and hut for the belt slipping ofiF i'rom the shaft, would have been probably instantly killed. As it was he escaped witli some few injuries about the head and shoulders. The contract for ereoting the new bridge on William street, over Allen's creek, has been awarded to Ed. Graff, and $275 the price. The same party was awarded the contract for the ncw eistern at the interseotion of Jeffer.son and Fifth streets, for $250. The Detroit Free Press yelps terribly when any of the papers are caught from its columns, yet in the last ltepublican Banner we find an item credited to tbe Free Press whioh was originally putlished in the Courier. How did it happen ? It is s.iiil that & small black insect is getting in his work on the buds of the grape vine. It eats diroctly into the head of the bud the moment it begins to swell, and that the vines should be gone over at least once a day. After the bud opens out well all danger is past. Several members of the B class of the grammar school held a picnic in Cascade glen last Saturday, and had a joyóus time. One little girl sprained her ankle which kept her out of school for a few days, but cothing else occurred to mar the extreme pleasure of the day. The Baptist Sunday school excursión and pic-nic to Toledo by the T. & A. A. railroad, and from thence by the magnificent steamer Chief Justiee Waito to Putin-Bay, bids fair to be a grand success. Everybody most proposes to take a day 's relaxation, and join the throng. The Evening News says that some people would like tbe privilege of living in the the court house of this county, notwithstanding the disintegrating influences at work in its destruction. Don't doubt it at all, but wc have another building herc which we keep for such people. The regular annual field-day meeting of the athlotic association of the univensity is to be held ou the fair grounds, on, #June 29th. The contests are to be divided into first and secood class, and ;"i) ocnU will bc charged to enter the first and 2o cents the latter as a contestant. Christian Ikhorn, who was sent to Kalamazoo about ono ycar or sp ago, from this county, escaped from the insane asylum tbe fore part of the week. The circumstances Jf his boing sent it will be remembered, were that he had been arrestad for larceny of sheep, and was adjudged insane. The wool market has openod in this city at 35 (d 37i, the latter for the very choicest grades. We understand that Maek & Schmid have purchased a small lot at the ,ast figure, while Bach & Abel report a few flccccs at 35 only. The commodity has not fairly commeneed to move yet. The following dispatch was received from a citizen of tbis place in attendance at the Chicago convention by one of the prominent democrats of this city : L'HICAOO, June 'M, 4:38 p. ui. "Convent Ion fuljourned to 11 o'clock ft. in. to-nmrrow. Grant wltl be knocked blfber thau Beecher'ü Life of C'lirist. It he has m-iisc he will wlthdraw." Our band boys did remarkably well last Friday, in competición with the older organizations of Chelsea, Dexter and Ypsilanti, and it was pretty generally conceded that it would be diffieult to teil which one carried off the palm. All were good and reflected much credit upon their various ocalities. The June meeting of the Washtenaw County Pomologioal Society will be held en the 12th, Saturday afternoon, at 2 p. m. in the court house. There will be a display of strawberries and an exhibition of flower?. All are cordially invited to attend. Those who have sample strawborries are requested to bring them in for exhibition. W. H. Bennett, who has had the job of painting the entire wood work of this office and the residonco in the rear on Catharinc Ht., has oompletcd his job in a very satisfactory manner. He is an A No. I man. The sign painting was done by W H. II. Boylan, whose work always reflecta credit upon him, as he never does a poor iNp lAi hLL Vaa Ab mik W One of our northern exchanges speaks o the appointmcntof "senfes cnumerators,' being appointed in its villago. The major ity of pcople don't have so mauy senses that government officials are necessary to enu uierate thein. 'f f si roak o' llghtnln' fu' miles long, Some dese cIh.vb gwlne hit hlm. In will sIiik a nuoder song Wlieu de debbll git hlm f Dobbll watch fo' slch as hlm- Ketch hlm In hls collar Choke hlm black, an' hit. hira "blm " Butt hlra, twlll him holler ! Debbll stan' up klmbo straight, Laugh at Ing'soll' prancln"; Stan' him on a red-hot plate- Pat whlle Bob'8 a danclu' !" A dangerous counterfeit five-dollar lega tender note of the series of 1875, has just been put in circulation. It 13 printed on imitation fibre paper and is three-eights oi an inch shorter thau the genuine note ; lines in engraving blurred ; the note has a greasy appearanoe ; signed,; John Allison, register, and A. U. Wyman, treasury.- Adrián Times. Coiupetition is the life of business, and the two telegraph compaoies doing business in thiscity, the Western Union and American Union, have been very enterprising in furnisbing the proceedings of the republican convention at Chicago this week. Bulletin boards wero placed at severa] different points and the proceedings given to the public in good shape. Soldiers would do well to note that any disoharged soldier of the United States who has Dot made application for pension on account of wounds or disability received while in the servico must do so before July 1, 1880. After that time pensions will date only froni the time of application. Tbe same is alao true regarding application for additioual bounty yct .claimed by many soldiere. ' As Monday was the legal decoration day, we have been a.sked several times why that day was not obaerved instead of holding the services upon the Sabbath. The people having the matter in charge can probably give good reasons for the same. Monday would havo been a much pleasanter day, but we fail to see why the decoration of our soldier'8 graves was out of place upon the Sabbath. During the recent session of the state homeopathie society at Jackson, a series of questions were submitted by the W. C. T. U. , of this city, in reference to the use of alcoholio liquors in the practice of medicine, askinx if it was neeesary, eto.? The society, afier a protracted discussion, voted that it was not necessary - that other measuros were more effective and less pernicious in after results. The lady who has charge of the red ribbon rooms in tbe basement of the opera house is firm in the belief that she frustrated an attempt to fire the building directly under the stage, during the session of the teuipeianco ineetiug last Friday night, by having occasion to pass out that way and fiightening the alleged incendiaries away. Plenty of kerosene and rubbish were visible next morning. The Benton Ilarbor Palladium gays that Mr. F. D. Orcutt, of that place drove across the state, from Ann Arbor, and "reporta the outlook through the eastern part of tbe state for peaches as very promising, and mentions an orchard of 30 acres near Ann Arbor, whieh bore well last year and is now full, with no sign of the yellows. The disease is unknown there and in favorable places the erop is.assure as along the lake." The census takers have anything but an easy time with their work, after all. Iostead of taking one section or block at a time they are compelled to commence on a certain street and go throuih with it before oommencing on another street. They also bave to report each day's work, both to Washington and the census superintendent of their district, which for this county is at Jackson. The enumerators in the city report fair progress. - Last Sabbath a horse belonging to Fred Stabler, who lives on Huron street, while aeing driven by his daughter Mary, became Tightened by the raising of an umbrella, when opposite Dr. Cocker's residence, on [iuron street, and ran "like a streak of ightning, " as a bystander expressed it, for hoine. By good management and pluck the driver kept freo from aecident, and reined the horse into tho barn without injury to ocuupants, vehicle or animal. There is a reform needed in a certain line, which parents can themselves greatly aid if they choose, and that is the suppression of cheap literature, 10 cent novéis, and that class of highly colored, exciting reading which injures every boy or girl who touches it. The majority of the stuff is imnooral, and shoutd be shunned by all pure niinded children as thoy would shun a viper. There are plenty of bonks and magazines, pure in tone to be' proeured, and parents by supplying these in very many instances can save themselves great sorrow in after years, and make thu bapplness of their children more secure. The Robcrt Raike'a centennial at the M. E. church last Sabbath evening was quite interesting. Tho pulpit was surrounded by both exquisito and mammoth bouquets of beautiful flowers which mado swect the entire auditorium with their fragrancc. The exercises consisted in readings and responses and inging by the children. The littlo song sung by the infan t class was of itself worth all the time and trouble spent in getting up the memoiial. The names of Wesley and Vincent were also eulogized as being intimatelyconnected with the Sunday school work, in the remarks of the pastor. The red ribbon news for the week is, that Will Carleton will speak at the opera house Sunday at 3 p. m., and an admission fee of ten cents will be charged. - The people interested in the cause are preparing to give tho Whitmore Lake club their presence as much as possible upon their anniversary eelebration to-day, Saturday and Sunday. - Some one from this city will speak at Lodi town house next Sabbath and an Ypsilanti speaker will address the Superior olub at the same time. - Mrs. O. B. Sohuyler is announced for Sabbath of next week at Dixboro.- The high school reform club will be addressed by J. C. Bontecou, of Jackson, Sunday, June 20th. ¦ m ¦ A painful and perhaps fatal accident occurred at the residence of Mr. Jeremiah D. Williams, about one mile and one-half out on the Houth Ypsilanti road, on Monday morning last. It appears that Fred Starks, a 13 years oíd son of C. M. Starks, of Webster, had been visiting at his uncle's mentioned above, and that he in oompany with Mark Williams, his cousin some two or three years older, had purchased a toy pistol which shoots blank cartridges, and by putting in large duck shot had succeeded in killing woodchucks, gophers, eto. Monday morning as the boys were in their room, the Williams boy picked up the pisol with the remark, "now, if you wero a robber, I would come for you just so,' poioting tho pistol at young Stark, and a he Jid so, the pistol went off, the bali en tering the right lung. Drs. Frothingham and Stevens were immediatoly called, anc all done for the sufierer possiblc, but he i still in an extrcmely critioal condition. No blamc is attached to young Williams, am his grief, and that of bis family over the unfortunate accident is very grcat. Win. Guenther informs us that Jake Stabler, formerly of Lima, but for the las year and a half living near Grass Lake met with an almost fatal accident on the 26th uit He was returning from Jackson in company with his wifo, and when near the residence of Chas. Cassidy a little dog ran out at the team which scared his fiery horses, and one in rearing broke the tongue when they started to run. Having gone a short distance the tongue dropped to the ground, throwing them both out with great violence. Mr. Stabler was severely injured about the head, while his wife escaped with but a sprained arm. The horses cleared themselves and ran home without injury. Mr. Cassidy's people rendered great aid to the sufferers, for which Mr. Stabler's friends desire to return tbanks. Last Sunday was a very unpleasant one for the memorial ervices which had been planned for that day. Nevertheless, company A turned out with good ranks to attend services at St Andrew's Episcopal church, Rev. Wyllyg Hall, the pastor, being the chaplain of the first regiment. At 3 o'clock p. m., the proeession was formed at the court house square, consisting of company A., preoeeded by the Ann Arbor city band, and followed by the mayor and common oouncil in carriages, and a long line of private carriages. They proceeded to the lower towo where they were met by a company of little boys and girls attired for the occasion, the former carrying flags and the latter bouquets, and all proceeded to the cemetery. Arriving at the soldiers' monument a halt was called, and alter appropriate singing, the little girls proceeded to strew the monument with flowers in memory of the brave boys who died for their country. The entire programme was not carried out because of the threatening state of the weather, but the custom of giving one day to the memory of our dead héroes is a pleasant one, and deserves perpetuation. In the language of Carloton : "Cover them over, yes, cover them over, I'arent and husbaod, son, brother and lover, Wreathe in our hearts those horoes ol ours, And cover them over with beautiful flowers." ? ? Last Monday morning some of the niany warm friends of Dr. Cocker, among students and citizens, learning that he was to leave the city upon the 10:55 train for his European journéy, decided to tender him a farewell greeting. Accordingly the Ann Arbor city band was engaged, while students of the varioua classes who could leave their recitations, together with a large number of citizens, marohed to the depot, forming quite a respeotable procession, considering the limited time in which the demoñstaation was gotten up. Upon arriving at the depot a general handshaking and eaying of farewells took place, and while the train was waiting several pieoes were sung by the boys and played by the band, while as it moved out three long and loud huzzas were sent up for the good Dr. which carne from the hearts that loved him and wished him a God speed upon his journey. Dr. Cocker is accompanied by his wife, and they are expected to sail from New York immediately upon their arrival thero. Previous to marching to the depot the students waited upon Prof. Cocker and his lady at their home on Iluron street, west, and the Dr. made some very feeling and touching remarks, giving good advice to the boys and thanking them for the c?idence of esteem and affection they had expressed by their farewell greeting.