University Items
l'retiiueiit Angelí, who sailsfbr China on the 16th inst, was tendered a reception by Judge Cooloy, last Wednesday cvening. Kemcmber the frcshman class supper tonight. All are invited- that is all freshman. Tickets, $2.50 can be obtained at the grand stand. A good many of the boys were late to recitation.s laat Friday morniug. Cause : too uiany brass bands in the viciuity. Saturday niorning Miss Klla C. Williams read and defended a thesis on "The Origin of Knowledge," before the public in Room A, for the degree of M. A. The case of the two students who were caught last week while horning, came before tbe faculty Monday evening, and it was decided to suspend them for one year. The jovial face of W. C. Bell, secretary of the frcshman class last year, appeared on the campus last Tuesday. He bas not been in college this year but expects to return. The cditors for next year'a I'alladium have been elected by the societies, and will meet with this year's board some time this month, so that arrangement can be made to have it out earlier next fall. We have rcceived an invitation to be present at tho commencement exercises of the olass of '80 at the Illinois Wesleyan University. In the list of graduates we notice the name of F. C. Blandin who was a aophomore here last year. Instructor Thomas appears in print in an article on the University in The Western for this month. It is written in an interesting manner, and not only gives the history, but also the objects, aim, and advantages of our university. The regular monthly meeting of the Scientific Association will be held Saturday evening, June 5, in the Zoological Iecture room. Prof. Pettec will road a paper on The Gold Uravels of California. This will be the last meeting .before the summer vacation. The upper and lower classmen alike, las Monday morning were stuonedat the sightt of about thirty shiny new plugswith a junior attachment walking into chapel. The classes changed seats that morning much to the confusión of those who came in late and didn't know about it. There was a very large attendance at the Chronicle eleotion last Saturday forenoon. Only three ballots were necessary, one to eleot Messrs. M. K. Perkins and O. B. Daniels from the secret societies ; anothcr to eleot Messrs. F. H. Goff and W. L. Liggett as independent, and the third to elect Mr. C. F. Brace in the place of Mr. Zinktieisen, resigned. Last Friday evening the Alpha Nu literary society elected the following officers for the first semester of next year : President, O. F. Hunt; vice president, H. E. Spauld. ing ; senior critic, Nat. Gunter : junior critic, Miss M. Gilmore ; senior editor, J. E. Beal ; junior editor, W. B. Cady ; secretary, I. N. Payne ; treasurer, J. A. Mc Lennan ; librarían, B. S. Bennett. After the electioD and the special programme, the company adjourned to Ilangstorfer's where a pleasant time was had. It had been arranged to give De. Cocker a serenade last Saturday evening but it was deferred until Monday because of the rain. So immediately after chapel the boys met in front of the Law building, and thence proceeded to the residence of the Doctor, where a prooession was formed as follows : Band, hack with Dr. Cocker and wife, followed by a large number of students in line. After arriving at the depot he passed to the cars between two lines of the boys, and aa the cars rolled out of tho depot they gave him as a parting song, " Good bye, Dootor, you're going to leave us now." May he have a pleasant voyage, and return next fall with renewed energy.