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Five Generations In One House

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Ed. Courier.- la your issue of May 28th, you refer to the long residence of tfr. O. M. Martin in the same house. It a a long time to occupy one house and to ive on one spot of ground. My father, mother and inyself came to Michigan in the spring of 1834 and ia 1835 we moved on to tho farm I now own and lave oocupied ever since. I was married n 1846, June 17, and the fall following I milt a house in which I now live, never iaving moved since I began housekeeping. "ive generations of our family have lived iere. My grand-father and father both ïaving died here and myself with my children aud grandchildrcn still reside on the ame premisos. Wbo comes next? t'lu-lsea, Mlch.