Mollee to Credltors. C"TATE OF MICHIGAN. County of .1 Notice Is hereby glven, that by an order of the róbale Coart for the üounty of Wa-htenaw, made on he aevemh ilay of May. A. D. 1880, elx monihs om that date were allowod for credftors to preient ït'lr claims agaiufit the estáte of Thomas Smith, tte of said county. deceascd, and that all creditors of aid deceaped are rvquired to precent thelr c!a!mn to ald Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city f Ann Arbor, for ezamlnation and allowance, on or bcfore thu eivbth day of November next, and tbat uch claims wlll be beard before sald Coart on Saturüy. the seventh day of August, and on Monday, the Ighth day of NoTember next, at ten o"clock in the orenoon of each of said days. Uated Ann Arbor, May 7th, A. D. 1880. WILLÍAM O. 1IAKKIMAN, '¦mK9 Judec of Probate.