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WANTED. BOARDERS. A Good Home for Workingmen and Mechantes. 95 EAST HURON STREET. "WANTED. Good men to canvass In Detroit for New No. 8 Wheeler and Wllson Sewlng Machines. Libertl Inducomeiit to right parties. Addrese, WHEBLEKand WIL80N MF; L'ü , No. 179 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. J?OR SALE. MY RESIDENCE ON SPRING ST. in this city, and One Thousand and SUty Acres of Land in Kansa?, with forty-flve improred and tbe balance timbar. A. A. l.ltKl.DIU CITUATION WANTED. Situation wanted by a young married man, as job, book or newspapcr compositor, in pleasant country town ; can assist in edl'orial work, if nccenpary. Will be contentcd with small salary. Reference furnishod. Address, FRANK B. WHIPPLK, 987-992 No. 119 Tremont strect Chicago. JPOR SALE. I haveagood,-well-built house and lot,situated on Elizabeth street, No. 15. There is a good barn and wood-shed on the place. The property is new and in good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 877-98 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. "D F. BOYLAN, Real Estáte Ajgency. Farms Rnd Honsce bonght, sold, rentcd, repalred and lnenred. Office at WOLVERINE STORE, 930tf Corner of Huron and Flfth Street. "POR SALE OR RENT. X HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, in the econd ward, one block (rom Main itrect, Enqulre of 988-994 C. KITSON. "POR SALE. A Farm of twonty-one aeree, with a good dwelliog house on it, one mlle from city city limite. Knquire 966tf At THB COÜRIBR OFFICE. "OOR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of tbe State, valued at 6,000, whicb I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Having Just (rraduated from the Conservatory of Music at Stuttgart, Uermany, where he recclved a thorongh education, and instrnctlons in the latest muthodti of toachintr mualc, is now prepared to give I.cmoiik In llHrmoii) , and on tbe Piano and Orean. Planos tuned on reasouable terms. Rooms, northeast corner of Main and Liberty gtreets, up-stairs, Ann Arbor. Mich. 9t9-1000 FIRST EXCLRSION OF THE SEASON , TO , TOLEDO ANDPÜT-IN-BAY The Baptist Sunday School will give a Grand Excursion and Basket Picnic SAT1JRDAY, JÜNE 5ti, 1880. To Toledo by rail and by the stcamer,; CH1EF JÜSTICE WAlTi, To that Fnnioiis Summer Resort, Put-in-Bay. TICULT$, t$O For the Round Trip. Children under 14 ycars of age, nair I'rice. Tickets to Toledo and Return, $1.00. Cars leave Ann Arbor at 8 a. m., harp. Tickets can be procured at John Moore's bookstore, Sage's mnslc store, of memben of the commlttee, Messrs. Edward Cooper, Volney Spalding and H. B. Dodsley, or at tho depot. W. W. BLISS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOMO I CM HOUSE All Goods Sold at Detroit Prices. Afronts for GLOBE and 8E.VL OF DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET. Uilyr THE CITY TEA STORE Is the place to buy your TEAS, COFFEES, Spices, Canned Fruit mul Baking Powders, CIGARS and TOBAGCOS. A general variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, KiLht wherc you bcc the teakuttle ein, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, j M. D. L. BRANCH, Prop.