3l COMPOUND SYRUP B3 DISEASES, süch as -lhmn, BronohltlH, ConBnmptlon, ïtrulii KxhaiiNtlon, luiiiiir 4'oiinUiiutlon. liroiii.' IHarrhu'ü, lj HiMn or Iom of IsTEEVOITS POWEE, Are poeitively and spccdlly cured by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites ' - om;irkaVi' rmedy is dne tn it pc :¦ mi PTo;k rt "f ret-', 11 ;¦ :h wted tiHHliet ol Lht 'k. .ij Ui ;t:eir prBfl and íor. 11 wII koown Uut for overy thoughl and nction there df un amount of material proporU nata in Uw uugnltad ol Ue thoofhJ or aciion. TIn mate is IVppUed liy the unimpaired mitritive functiüus. The preoodOM MtMtj of youtbs, the eniliiitiiiMie atngglt for and fauiu tn the mlddle ih!, und oldat'f UnlfcnM annuduodecay of mterüll mtvoiih f"n r. X'liOXliArriON. IMwin Clay, of PugVaih, Nbvi Scotm, #rlteV ai lollows : Mn. .Ia Be I. Fbllows, Sir,- HavliiK.whlIc at yonr establishment, carefulty axamlned yonr prescrlprlons, and the method of propar ing yonr Componnd öyrup of Bbrpophoaphites, I feit anxtooi ti gfrettft fair trial in my practice. For tlu1 liint twehe montht I have done bo. and flnd that in incipient consamption, and other diseaneH of the tliriint and luut;.-, it hie wonder. In restoring i'i-oriJioHilÏKrom Uie effect ol dipuierla, imi the corfh iilliMirfc Érphoid tever, pievalrtii In thlc rejiioa, It Ie the ïeit reintMÜai aeut 1 have e'at nsedí ftitTÓruégaOüe rafferlng trom exhnu(tion of pomn of the brain and nervoua syrttum, froiu loDg-CODttnnd tudy or teachlni;, or in those enge ..f exluutiOB from which m many young men entfer, I know of nu lietter medicine for reetoration to luiilth than juar Compoand Syrnp of Uypophosphilos. II. G. Addy, M. D., Pt. John, N. II., writes ae follows: Mh. Jamis I. Fillows, Chemilt, Pear Sir,- Ilavlng used your Componnd Synip of llypiiphoiphltes for sonii; timi' in my practlce, I have ufhestotiou lnrecoinmenainj; ittomy paiii-nta who are flirering trom gtneral doMliiy, or any dixcao "f the hum', lmowlui; that, even In enees utkTly hopeless, it afforde relief. SÖLD BT ALL DRL'OGISTS. PiiltE $1.50 Pk Bom.. !i7li m Browo & Co.i Agenlt, Alm Arlor. CHILDREÑ Crj Tor Pittlier's Castoria. Tliey like It bican.te ft Is sireet? Mothcrs likc Castoria lic-ause it glfw hraltli to tlm cliild ; and riiysiciaiiü, becanse it contnius no mor phine r mineral. Castoria i Xature's Rcmpdy for asslmUating the Food. It cures Wftid Colic, the raising of Sour Curd and Diarrlima, allsys FeverMnipss and kills Worms. Tlius the Chlld luis hcalth and the Mother obtalns rest. ricasaot, Clirap, and lieliuMo. CENTAUR LINIMENTS ¦ih.' most Pain-relieving wats for MAN and DEAST tho wrorld has ovor knownOver 1,000,000 llottlo oíd laxt jremr! Tho roasons for this unpreccdented populaiity are evident ; the Centaur Xjinimonts are made to deserv confidenco, tu'y are absorbed uto the triicim !¦ ; tl-y always cure and nerer disappoint. Hopwioii aaed longer enflVr with PAIN in the BACK, Hlieumatism or Stin .lin,t. Tor the CENTAUR l.inimonts vill üiirelj extermínate tin Pain. There Is no Straln, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Biirn, Bruise, Stiny, (iall or Lampncss, to -whloli Mankind or Ilnmb Brutrs are subject, tliat does not regpond to tliis Soothing Balm. Tho Coutaur LINIMENTS not only relirve pain, bot tbj'y incite hcaithy action, uMui injlammation, and nire, whether the ympjrocecd f rom wninrti of the flesh, or Nenralgia of the Strvit ; from contractcd üarU or a tcalded lumd ; from a sprained ankle of a gaslied fooi , whether from diggueling PIMl'LES on a LADY'S FACE or a stratned joint on a Iforxc' Leg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortiflraurn from Froet-bitcê ; Swcllinijs from Strains ; the torture of Rhrumntimi : VrippU il lor lift: ly some in ülocted accident : a valiuille hm-se or a Doctor's Bill may all be saved from OnO BotUo of CentMr TJnimont. No HouBckeepcr, Farmer, Planter, Teatnater, or Liveryman, can afford to be without these wonderful Linimento. Thcy can be proenred in any part of the globe for 50 VenU and tl.W a buttle. 'Mal hottles 25 Cents. Swallowing P0IS0U Smrls nf disgruting miieonë from the nostrils or upon the oii3ils, Watery Eycs, Smtjfles, Buzzinr in the Ean, Deafnets, cracklin,' senvationa In the head lutiTmittent Tains over tho Kyos, Fatid Hreath, .wl Twanp, Kcabo in the NostrilB, and Tli-kling in the Throat, are SI;VS OF CATAKRII. No ollitr su h loulhsoiM, treacheroun und undarmloing malady cnrees mankind. Onc-flfth of our Cliiltli -i-ases tenante) by Ui Infiii'inux '"iin, and one-fuurth of livlrig men and women drag ont miserable exlstencee from the ame cause. ll?itf aeltep, the bjnpfjtttt in the i.oxtnl are niceisarily swalloueil itUo the stomach and inialed tt'n the hmrj.t to pütton every part of the system, Ir. Wei Ie Moyer's Catarrh Cure absorbs f bc pnrnlcnt virus, and kills the goeds of poison in thp farthost partsof the systcni. It vtili not only relieve, bnt eer taiuly cure Catarrh at any stage. It is the only rpmedy vrhich, in our judirment, lias ever yet really ciircd a case of Chronie Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured!, Pr"i. VTe1 End Hotel, Txn(; Branch. Curud of liüyeara Chronie Catarrh. S. Beuodict, Jr., Jeweler, (íi7 Brodway, New York, Unember of family) t'ured of Chronic Cutarrli. IC II. Brown. : Cnnnl Mn N. Y., C'nred of II yeax Chrouic Catarrh. J. I). McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Sister-iu-law) t und of in yearn (.'hroiiie C'atarrh. Mn. John TViiLhty, t'ifhklll, N. Y„ Cnred of 8 ycars Chronic Cmarrli. Mr. .Tacob Swartz, .7r., 900 Warren Street, Jersey City, Cured oi 18 years Chronic Catarrh. A. H. Thom, lx.'i Mouten Mt., Brooklyn, (self and nn) Cured of CaUiriu. Iiev. Wm. Andernon, Fordham, N. Y., Cured or 20 years Chron ie Catarrh. Mili-. Aimee, Opera I'rtma Donna, ' I have recelvcd wry reat benefit from it." .11. i! Pi -.. SS Braad Bt., N. Y.: "My faniily experlenctd Immedinte relief." Jtc., Ac, Ac , &c. , Ac. Wel Do Mcyor's Catarrh Cure is the most iiii]ortant Medical Disctivery since Viu-einatlon. It la ,-"li! ly all [mi?gl8Éi, or dclivered by D. B. Dkwi-.v & Co., 46 !.-y Bt, X. Y., at $1.50 a package. To club% itx padcagei for $7.50. I)r. Wel De Meyer's Treatise is sent free to anybody. B61 luna- eow TOÜS WANTED. I will pny, at tho Aun Arlior meara saw mili, for White or Swamp Oak I.k, from Í 8 to SI p'-r M Ked luk Hutt Lo;.', xdiiiid 7 per M White Ab _ 10 II per M Wlmewood 10 II per M 1' iiwwood - 8 li' per M iry I-' per ÍI ll.irii Maple ö per M Walont iri I pir M I'.inti runt 1') 15 per M Jied Elm 1U per M Wil! buy Inga wlthin four rulleg of my ml!l, if dcsired, and dniw them. Penoni h.iving lo;s to Bell are reqnocted tocall and Hïe me nn soon au poetfible. Nov.l,l(f7'J. J.T.HALUM'K. 950tf