The Little Shavers
A -muil boy in Massachusetts, wno tor the iirst timo noticed a sherry tree iu blos iiHD, intlnimaMically directcd thr attenlioD of his mothar to " the iop-oorn tree." A little girl of Sulliran, toaltrle county, [11:, has the p8i-t winter had, first, whoopmgeouirh; next, cliicken pox, and a few lays bj;i) took the measles. As 'she liy :ossing upon her 'pillow slie lcioked np :it lier father and said, " Papa, wuat comes next?" A Massachusettscbild, whose specialty is the quotation of Scripture texts, was told !y her mother to go into tho next room and stay there till sent for. (uick as thouelit the cbild responded : " Shall Ii'ce into Eïipt and la tbou there, till I brinp thee wurd adin 't " fá A boy of 3 years, BÏttfbp at trmnor with dis mother and the rest of tbe family, was violating the old adage: " Children should k' Meen and not heard." Ilis mother commauded liim to bc quict, when h suddenly asked. " Mamma, what are little boys' niouths made for? " A little fcllow of 5 going alonp the street will a, dinner pail is stopped bya kindliearted gentleman, who says : ' ' Wbere are you goiuK, my little uuuiV " "ïoboIiöoI." "And wnat do you do at rehool? Do you larn to read?" " No." " Ta write?" "No." "Tocount?" "No." " What do you do ? " "I wait for school to let out." Littlo four-year-old li-ussia hou a pajia with a fine board and muutaohc. Tha other day be had bis motfftache taken off, und when he carne home in tho evening she met him as usual, but as soon as she saw his alt-.1 red looks abo ran crying to her mother, and with real grief erclaimed : " Oh, dear ! what shall I do ; I don't know uiy papa! " In Crossing a street to a grocer's on the other side, a littlo lad was frightened by the violent barkiog of a large dog near the shop, and had no courage to proceed. The owner silenoed the dog and then bade the child como on as thate was no danger. "Ab, but," said the little fellow, casting a dubious glance at the object of alarm, "the barks are in him! LU - f - II JIJ A minister of our acquaintance wae seated in his study One day, hard at Work on his sermón, wnen his tittle boy entefed and held up his finger, which he had just cut with hisnew jack-knife. " Oh, don't botherme!" said his father. "Don't you see I'm busy? " The youngster walked to the door, and looking back said, "I don't think it woild have hort you to eay ' Oh ! ' "- Golde Days. M I J A little fiveyear old friond, who was always allowed to ohoiifce the jiretticst kitten for bis pet and playniatu, betbre tbe other nurslings were drowced, was taken to his mother s sick room the other niorning to see two tiny, new, twin babies. Helooked reflectively rrom one totlw other for a minute or two, then poking his ehubby finger into the check of the plumpcst baby, he said decidedly, "Save this one." A class of primary ohildren were busily engaged in tbeir reading lessons ; the; read ia order something hke the lollowing; "Tbü hat is in the box." "The man is in the box." " The rat is in the box. " "The cat is in the box." When suddenly up carne a little ehubby hand, the sign of permisBion to speak. " Wcll, what is it, Mattie?" said the teacher. " I should fink 'e box 'ood be full after a while." Little Harold, 5-years olil becauie anry with hi.s mother a day or two go. He tild fier hc did not love her and wished shu would go away. At laat he said : " Mamma, I ani going to kill a buil next fall and l woD't lot you have a bit of dried beef or fséén iiieat or cornexl beef. I won't give you any of it." At night when undrcssing hiiu Hhe said : " Harold, do you think you did rigbt gjetting oaogi-y wiih mamma? " He made no reply, but kneelingby her side to say bis little prayer, he b gau in.a very liurried way ; "Now Ilay medowntotJetp, I pray my Lord my soul to keep. And it Wie before I wake, I pray my Lord iny suul to takc. Mamma you can have the buil. God bless papa, mamma, Clifton and the baby. I'ir Jesu.s's sake. Amen." Getting np l'rotn bis kneea he ddd : " Miltuoia. vou oan havo evers bit of diifLiiU."-
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier