Magaazinc Notlces. The Juue number of the International review conlaius Wllkio Collins' "consldcruU'on oí tüe copyright questlou." The table (f couteuts Is if anytlilUK moro varied than usual, lt prosi-nts Mluc essays from as many coutributors In America, Kngland and France. Professor Lounabury, of Y ale coliegu, wrltesou theËngKltsh lunguagu in America. M. Auguste Imugel. of Paris, sketches Chateaubrand. Robert P. Portar glves some valuable statlstlcs as to "our goodly heritugo." Mr. ilamertou practioally considers oertaln phases of art. The recent Knllsh ehctlons recetves learued attentlon, aud there aro anieles ia sclence and history. The price per numbor by mail, post paid, Is 50 cent. Wnen we conslclor tliat Oio International Review, new mouthly series, does not niake use of picture or sensatlonal wrltlng, and ik not In auy sense glven over to a party or a sect, and is not a mlsslonary euterprise for prosagandlsts, but that all contributrons are original, whether or foreign, and prepared expressly for their pages at great ex, lt wilt be Neen that this review ha.s attained success on the most acceptable of buslni'Ks principies. Tlie laborar is wortliy if hls hlrc, and 50 cents Is vcry little for the work glven in thl review. Americana support thelr own, and tliey alreatly see tlie advautage of havini; a rlrst-class review, wilh an lnfluence feit throughout the world, exclnslvely under American control. Kubscriptlons may begin ut any timo. Prlce, $5.00 a year. St. Nlcholas for June, 1890, luis an ouUloor, summery diameter suKtalned throughout. In the poeins, the prose, and the soveuly-two pictures. Amone lts striking features laan account, by Olive Thorue Mlller, of thechildrens aid soclety's dellghtftil charity, "the Nummer home" for poor city chlldren, at Batli, L. I., wlth seven plctures made by Jesse Curtís frora sketches laken on the Hpot. Another attructive paper h au artlcle ritten and coptously llluslrated by Mr. Daniel C. Beard, clearly explalnint; to young people "how to camp out" choaply, eaaily, aud coinfortably. TbWo are Toni lnstallmentsofthetwosértals, -'Jack and Jill," by Louisa M. Alcott, with two fine illustrattons by Dielmau ; aati "the Fairport nlne," by Noah Brooks, wlth plctures by Redwood. The number contains iive complete short stortes. ilhistrated: "Little Misï tjtone, " by Mary Wuger Flsuer, describí ug the anmslng way In wnieh a very little gin watt cured of sewing on bumluy; 'Bessle Aínsley doctore Uut DoddseH,"a tale of a little glrl'8 disappolnting experience wlth her mother's favorite patent medicine; "the 'west wind's' last cruise," a stlrrimr sea-story for boys, by Frank II. l'onvoi-uo, 'i..ut orta rvmiul," o lalt, uf CllglIHIJ 1110 and "Marlon's story,'' about two country-girls, a pet rabblt and a jealous dog. Mr. R Swaln Glil'ord contributes a fine picture and a few paragraphsaboutsome InterestIng ducks called "oíd squiiws," wbose musical cry, "hegot no gun !" is siiid to ue 1 1 niuiin-; to Hportsmen. Amom the fuuny thInKS are the verses "ah lo," with tu-tie.miieal pieiuri'.sby Hopklns, and the ctrious "cbronlcles of tho AfolDos,"- a thick-wltted petjple living In Jutland, -wlth threu liumorous lllnstratlons hy Frank Beard. Hhort poenM and brlgbt pictures aro scattered throuh the number, aud there 1h a ful I page illustration of curlous modern head-dresses of Kuropeun men. "Two famous old Ktoues," frora Rosetta, ear the mouth of the Nlle, aml from the ancien t ;ounty, of Moab, are des(:rlbed and plctureil, aud thelr hlstory and iniportauce ure explalned. Tho catholicUy of Scrlbnor's Monthly is woll illuntrated by the June mimher, whlct) must certatnly appeal la a wlde radge of littmry laste. For lovers of Uht reiuling Ihere are papers on "Rocky Mouniain nlght" (both poetical and practical): "sprinf? hereabouts,'' t. ., In New York and auhiirux," with lllustrallons ; "Thackery as a draughtsman," wlth over thirty reproductlona of the novellafs sketches ; "Life in Florence, " a sprlgbtly paier from au American jiolnt of view; "my friend, Mrs Aimel." a hntnoroiiH story of Washington 111e. The curreut pollcleal interest Is apjx;alel to by H. J. Raymond's Journal of 'the Pbiliulelphla conveutlon of lSöfi," and Henry King's picturesque sketch of "a year of exoiïus ín Kansas, and indirectly by Principal (irant's third paper on tlae "the dominion of Canada." Other papers, more solld and of curlous lntereat.are Mr.Scudder's paper on "Willlam lllake. poet and palnter;" Rev. Isaac H. liall's accountof "tnoCyprolte lnscriptíonsjand Richard A. Proctor's "unspots and lluanclal panles." Hchuyler'8 "Peter, the Öreat" Is Interestlngly lllustrated, and deuls with Peter's lirst, marrliigp, the atlminlstration of rtophla, the eterual pe nee wit li Poland, oíd Hussian sports, etc., etc. Mr. Cable's 'ffrandlMlmes ' Ín r&pldly justlfying the high claims made for lt by the publlshers. The departmeuls coutoln iinuiy artlcles of special or tlmely Interest, such as "the polltlcal machine,1' "the ahadow of the negro," "Bnconstieid and GladBtone," "letters to young laothers," a review of "the art seasm," "slwim catainaran," "aeamless paper boxes," "cheiip veutüatlou," "the phoiiograph in the moon a two centuries ago,1' "recent booka of travel, frlction, etc., "regenerative gas-llghtlug," "the culture of tho rose," etc, etc. Baby rrizes, s;o. Au o.uiinent bankor's wife of N. Y., has inductd the proprietors of' that great medicine, Hop Bitters, to offer Í00O in prizes to the youngest child that say Hop Bitters plainly, in any language, betwecn May 1, 1880, and July 4, 1881. Tliis is i lihoral and interesting offer, and overybody and hi.s wifu should send two cent stamp to the. Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y.i U. S. A., for circular, giving full particulars, and begin at once to te:ich the children to say Hop Bitters and secure the prizo. Why Wcar Piasters J They may relieve, but they can't euro that lame back, for the kidneys are tho trouble aud you want a reuiedy to act diroetly on their secrotion.s, to purify and restore their healthy condition. KidneyWort has that specific action - and at tho same time it regulatee thebowels perfbctly. Don't wait to get sick, but get a package to-day, and cure yourself. No Moro White Butter. No diiiryman can afford to njako and teil white butter. l'eoplü who buy butter want it yelluw, and are willing to pay scveral cent per pound iimre for it than thoy would i'ur the lardy looking stuff they ofteu have to takc. Byu-áng Wells, Riiliardson k Co. 's Pertectcd Butter Color, every dairymun can have the golden color of June tbc year round. It is BOld by druggists an merchants generally. Kidney-Wort lias proved a most effective euro for Piles and Constipation- bc gure and try if.