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f TH lEONüM S I f MMÏÏ J That Acts at the Same Time on L 2 THE LIVER, 1 THE BOWELS, fe and the KIDNEYS. f I These preat orsrans arthe natural clean. IJ J ertof tin: syntem. li thry work wcll. hfaith M ¦ wlU b perfect : lf they beconie rlogged, n fl dreadf ui dlseasea are eare to follow wUii 1 TERRIBLE SüFFERING. P I Bllionsness, lleadachr, Dyspepaia, II dice, Constlpation and 11 les, j ¦ noy Conyluints, Orarol, DlabolOT, Ej Kedlront In the IVlne, Slllky X or I.opy Uriue; or Iüienraaiic l'ains wid Arlus, I m are developed tocauso th hlo'xï M pnisnnd P IC wlth the bumort tliat bhould Lave keen m 1 expeUcd oaturalïy. - I KIDNEY-WORT T wm rectoro the hcalihv actlon !¦! ai: tl)cc I M .:ustTüylnn cv;l9 wlll be tmuíalKrt ; uíplíc! pt ¦ tfieniaad you wlll live butto uflter. r 1 Tbou8ande Lave been ourod. Try itandyou g I trlllscid oncniure to the narüber "i..ku ít fi M andhcalth wllloocemore;TiJíl''u y f i Why suffer longor f rom .he torment li J of an ach Ing back ? ¦ Wh( uch littca .: 1 tloalon and PI'bs? ¦ Wh bo oo fearful tooa-jao of e J ordored urine ? ¦ Kicsinr-WoBTirni cure you. Try n.pavl i ¦ KC at once and be MtUBcl. ƒ! is n dry mgehiblc cov; i 1 ODcr:irkaTmkesiTqnT' I rotir DrriijO"' 'f :' J yo. inittH uvon hap ¦¦ ' ' ' ' ¦"'¦ S54-1UU5- ch e " JKVEGETABLE SICIL1AN Qrfe&%w II AIR This standard aiticle Is comixmnded with tho " greuteet care. S Ity nlocuare a wond'rful Hatit-faciory as ever. 2 It ruHlnri-i üriy or faded hair tü it youthful oolür. ? It reiuovca all eruptioiif, itchlng and dfli.drulT: 5 and the 8ct)i ly tt M(j hWnUltH white and clean. lty lts tonic iiriiiitTtii's it rubloriii tlic cnpHbiry: J ulands to tbclr normal M_-or, pretentlos lulilm-.and maklng the hirgron Ihicü and i-troiiL1. Ab a Awalitg;', Éotlrttff hits bron fonnd o eff or desirtfcto. Dr. A A. HaJTM, Slate Aiy'r of Ibaael luettf, ayn ol it: " 1 conxidur il the heat prejiai tttion for iUi intended purpoütit1." BÜCKINGHAM'S DYE, Tor Ilic Whl'.ki'r. This elegant nreparatiua may be nlnd on to chanu tbc culor ol Ihu board trom Lray or nny oibrr umU'elrablu fhadu, to brown or black, ut dlscretlon, It ií ciiilly )illi'(l, Im'Iiij! In preparátlon, and] qnickly and offwtHally prudncos a rx-rmnnent color, which will nelthn rub nor wash dR MANUFACTVKKD UY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H.' ; Sold liy uil Drutcltil!' an'd Delera in M. ili, ! 976-6lO-e6w ! ¦ ' - " - ' ¦ - i ', i BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN, 5 TO 10 PER ACRE! Mi'oiik SoI'.h: Sim i ri..! Hiillfoiid { (liroiitclt -nl4-r or I.itiKls. llcullli.Y Í HniiiU. SIkmI and 4'uui-t'llc. Ini lOulHttua. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Thii lntirt nri n lunir rUstanoo Kami of lli Mtssis-,ipil Hivi-i. Lur'r uinount saTt-l ui f trïiv-! mul tratiRportallon of crcis. Deacrlpi Uvo ]niullilt in Knicllsb mul tierniHii. A.l.lrvsi W. . HI'KIIAIIT. (miinlK-sii.niT, GrunO U-nniU, JMuliiguii QOFKINS ANJ) CASÍB i VÜLL STOCK AT MARTINI AU ordo y altuDded to.


Ann Arbor Courier
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