Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ( brmerív ir. Craig'$ Kïdney Cure.) A vegetable preparación and th only mr ranedj in the world for liriffht'a I f . niabela, and ALL lUdney, Llver, ad UrlM&ry Dlirwtrn atfTestlmomal of tho higbef t order In prooi of these st.Memen ts. KFor tbe care of Diabetes, cali for Wiu nrr'i .Safo DlabetM 'ure. ö"For tbe cure of Hriffht'a and the nther dlseasea, cali for Uarnci'i Safe Kiduj and LivtT Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. ItisthebestBIood lartfler. and stlmulatea every fuDction to more he<bful acUou, au4 ia tbus a benefit In all dlseasen. Xt cures Xcrofulou and otb er Kkln Empitona and Diaeases, tucludiu Cuucer Cl oer, and other More. Uyspopsln, Wcaknru of th fltomMta, Constlpmtion, lizxlneM, General IebllIty, etc, are cured by tbe Smfe Bltra. It lm unpqualed aa an appetlserand regular tonlc. BotCIes of two sizea ; prices, 50c. aud tl. 00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qnlckly gives Rt nnrt SIrep to ttaeiuffetlng, cures Ilradarbe and Neuralcta, prvinu Kpllepllc Fita, and relieves PfarTon Pro tratlon brouglit on by exoulve drink, OTrwurlt, mental shockt, and olher causw. Powerful as U ia to stop pain and aooth? Alttnrbed Kervel, It never lnjurea the tai, whether taken in nmall or lartre doaeê. llüttlcs of two siz-jí; pneea, SOc. and 1.M. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate an1 nctive stimulus for ft Torpld Livcr. and cure CoitlfBll, Drippl. BU¦¦HfMIK ) louiiu, BlUou DUiI I-UMti 11 rha, MfcUrt, rTtr ¦ I ÍUiaMK ¦ '"' ""' '' heiiiver tb H BpTHfrtn HDB bowels do not operat ¦ KB and r.-folr!r ¦ TV"W "" Hlb rlr 4 ¦ W99ntfRfWlm bl a-unll doN for Urv4 H (¦'UUUlHiLI H ,-,k. l'.k. tfteU. k. ["IJULJjiilÜJ UH "'¦' 'T Ir.UU DmIo i LUIr KI H, H, Warner & Co., RpMKJfl I'roprletora, I [fWlnJ RnHLTEE, N. T. ____ %5 101 tj „___- í OLD AND RELWBLE, JDit. Hankohd'.s Livrk Intiooratob i is i StumLir 1 P.unüy Komcdy for jdisrasesof tlicLiviT, SUnrwcK %5# midBuwcla. - It is l'mvly .Oft'M Catluu-tic aud -OJt1 U 1# ( Ton e. varrlin6 llf ! 2jÉ8U MU% in my prncticfl ji ¦HL'"M1 by the publicj I Fl r for moro tlnm .'ï" y. :irs, IIJ5 witli iiüjin e. .. i'ti'd P'Sillt.i. S v SFND FO CIRCULAR. JOi f.W, SAflFONÖ, M.D., NIWTOBKCXTlJ p INI lii l.iasrvll.l.TKI.I. tlll' ITSHr..'; IITIOI. f W tVMïtiVUMMVrWWJ 'i.:i m L. S. LBBOH, AGKNT. 4 LI. KINDS OF BLANKS rlllNTIl) ON BOKT NllTlO AT TUK (OU KIEK JOB BOOMS.