CHURCH DIRECTORY. Hap Hst Chureh. Kkv S. IIaskxix, l'autor. ,Miaüi :er' leca, lütf a, . and "% r. H. ¦ morning eorvica. . Vriyor 0ÜwrThurBdJ evecing at 1% o'clork. Cfttkullc Chnrch. Kv. Katiiki Fiels, Pastor. ;..w Hm, s. n; "lU'li Mas, lOtf i. a. Vospcre r. . Sunday School, 4 r. M. Conprreg'Htloual Chnrch. (F. II. Htder, ristor. S:ilihtti lervtcaa. l'S4 a. m. und 74 r. u. ! nfl'jr mornini: gcrvi.v. ng Tburfday evenlng at 7Vt o'clock. Episcopal Church. Riv. Wïllts Hall, Keotor. - ' itfclt"lMl. iui K' "¦ ""d 7H p. . S,..i.: . I". :l. k'TT'cci), ThnrBd:i cventng ut 1H D'eliick . fJcriürtn MeMiodist (hnrch. i:icv. e. Helivio, Putor. l'l% A. U. iliid 7, I'. H. ' . !¦! ¦( ' 1 ' n:.c oV'loclï a. Iiiithoran Chnrch. lniis Nkumann, I'astor. tabbah orvlcoè, m a. a. and 74 r. n. Su:m1 iy' Sclioul iifter raorniD forvicc. ¦ i, ¦.¦:::.,¦. ruurdday evoniu{ut7 o'clock Methodist Clinroh. :i-:v J8N Alabistsii, X"aat'r. . 'lul'' ¦¦¦r.icrf, VH4 a. a. und 7H . TÍCC. NÍigi7K"Y1ork. 'i' ¦ i ¦ i - : ;]¦¦'- V-':-.-, :-iT-:ri!fvy 7 l'. x. l'nwhytoriiin Church. :. n T. Bbown, D. 1)., Putor. h s,!r.icue, 104 a. m. nnd 7H r. m. snt.l iv 4chooIftDd Hihlecl(iHaftorra()nilnpt'rv1f e i'r ii;r iai!t!tmu',Thiiri'(iay cvuiiiuR at Ho'clock. i') i u' IVople1 idci-tinp, Sunday evenini,' t. Unitariiin Chnrch. I(KV. J. T. ÜUNDEliLAND, I'8tnr. Ti -"rrviroH, !U a. x. and 7 r. x. Sand i School ut 12 m. Sloilonta' Uible Clase :it 9:1B a. m. on liiiihiTiin Church. liv. H. F. BKI.8KH, l'ai-ior. ' 1";4 i m. and 7 r. ¦. xil impiodiBtolj itlet mornfiis ¦¦ iVcdneaday eveniiu?At 7olc!ork. BUSINESS CARD8. T K. AV. BAIITUAM, Veterinary Snrpoii. (Gradante of the Ontario ƒ ry College, Toronto, t'anaila.) ƒ Al' lUm'ase f Ilorscs. Catite, au1 ƒ ƒ Other Domcnttc Animal trrated. C2c, 5 3. Uaia Ct., oro: Ottf "si Storo. HiidoH, 17 S. División st.,Ann Arhor. ƒ iwr I idies ! Ladies ! MISSES HAYLEYSA LADIBS' 8TUBH, No. ;i S. Main St., lor Conetl, icry.Towcliuf, Table L1neu, ion, Lincn nuil Slik llaiidkerchicfr-, 1 Kockttes, G:iruf!t tind Jt Set, and Indita' t' iürcat vuiuMy. No 'i S. Main St. No. :) S. Muin St. '.IWiyr O. C. JENKISS, I OFFICE : No. 32 Est Washington Street. fr'unncrly occnpietl by Dr. ƒ FrotUiucham. ƒ I . 'witf ƒ UKNKY 11. HILL, UttorneyatlawX Real Estáte Broker, AND INSURANCE AGENT. orricK : No. 1 Opera House Blook Ann Arbou, Micb. 795tf I ÜEO. W. REXWICK, I f Frota the New Eogland ƒ tory of Music, Bosion. Teacher ot I I Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony. ƒ Conductor of Musical ƒ :' :ir claenes. ƒ i'rivitiu íeswons will be given at ƒ ƒ ' '¦ '1UÍ18. ƒ ƒ ü. Box íail, Ann ƒ I Arlior. B61-986 W.C.STEVES, M.D., FhysiGian anflSüreon office, aa W:iBhina;toii StreetA Office llourt- 7 to 9 a. m., 10:30 i. . to 12 ,, 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 r. m. llttiience- No. 10 Grovc StreetA y YuLitr I JOri L. BURLE1UH, j I Attorney -AND Counselor at Law. orne : Uvcr IHatioiial Hank, Aun Aiuion. ƒ .. I 7)tf ƒ W. II. JACKSOJÍ, dentist 3l-e oi-r lluch & Abel. sutrauco by Flret National Bank.X 7;tr y F. HOHd, I llüUt, HlBN iHD OBKAMHTA1. '!'fTEB Papertng, GlaíinK, ƒ 'fiWlng, and ?ork of every ƒ ƒ Tiption done In the best style ƒ ƒ ints, Oiln, and VarnlFhee on ƒ J luncl anrt fnr imle. ahou, No SJ ƒ Ë Mt raahlDKton Street, Ann ƒ WILLLVM HEKZ, B008B, SUiN, ORNAMENTAL A PUJWOO PAINTKK. Y'al'Tini(,(ihizinir,(lldinKandCalci 'iihi;-,ui,,i workolcvurydfCilptlorA Vl"i'v m Ul hom Btjrle. -md wrranted l" -'"- --ilisiaction. Shop No. 4 WoA yv ashini; ton Street, Aun Arbor.MichA MHtf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, tlioliisan. TSANSACTS SENERAL JANSIN5 BUSINESS, CAPITAL, 850,000. ,100,000.00. ?""otoí!.ñr].ro?tE '"trest la allowcd on all """¦Mmmllv i„" """'k'1";"! intiTont compounded "" aifd agSftSBl&r nBlnc'n"-1 'or, -ChrWian MckTw. W. Winc. R. A. Heal Wllham, Willlam ü. Ilarrimln, Daniel Hiscock, and Wlllard B Smltu ¦¦¦, i.,.-.. W.W.Wnw.Vieo-ft. Cuas. B. Hiscock, C&ehlcr. ai5-9W ii"1ktlTHVr.,ïï"lt"";ul1 Job work wlH be kt ratts lliun ut imy (itherolfloo.
Veterinarians & Veterinary Medicine
Misses Hayleys'
Clothing - Retail
Real Estate - Agents & Brokers
Insurance - Agents & Brokers
Classes & Instruction
Physicians & Surgeons
Bach & Abel
Painting Contractors & Services
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rev. S. Haskell
Rev. Father Fiele
Rev. W. H. Ryder
Rev. Wyllys Hall
Rev. C. Helwig
Rev. John Neumann
Rev. John Alabaster
Rev. Fred T. Brown
Rev. J. T. Sunderland
Rev. H. F. Belser
E. W. Bartram
O. C. Jenkins
Dr. Frothingham
Henry R. Hill
Geo W. Renwick
Dr. Wm. C. Stevens
John L. Burleigh
W. H. Jackson
F. Sorg
William Herz
Christian Mack
W. W. Wines
Rice A. Beal
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
Daniel Hiscock
Dr. Willard B. Smith
5 S. Main St
47 S Division St
3 S. Main St
No. 32 E Washington St
No. 1 Opera House Block
32 Washington St
No. 10 Grove St
4 W. Washington St.