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lt i.s quito usual for national couventions, alter failing tu chóose onc of the prominent candidatos brought bcforo it, to select as u htaimrd Ixarer boom peooa Hul tnowu tothe country at larga. Quito different, Imwever, was theconsiiminaii"iiat. Chicago. Whoh ofwjtíO Icll upon Om -lames A. (lulu-KI, it. li-ll Bion ma of W grtiaUst htatésniïm, aíiá ni.ict wortliy and papular men in the rank of tlic ropublican party. Vvc.r recUiii tfco pOSttion, lut oontinually and peraistontly refwrtng to alle bis name tu lio bioufiht befiM iluM.mviMitioD, lio was u om tfli plovatál to tlu; place of standard lafor through HOthmg but his I opnliirity and peneral fitness fnrthc place. "Whoisho? " will nut mv.l tube cxplained. The republicana well know, and the (Iciiiocrats it' they do not know now, will bofbrfl tlie sun Beta on the 2d day of next Noviinbcr. llis reconl i.s oho of honor in botli military ant i'ivic cai 'acitics. He bas been terincil " the scholar in politics," while he hu bM well knowo to bo a statoMinan where wisc counsols havo been needod, and a íiiodel of bravery upon the field of battlo. In whatever avocation of liio, bo ha. aaaj bceú tbc mum consistent. abW ..If-rAiw.l. ci..Tfiotw, brave uian. Ia point of years and and mental ability ho is in just the prime of lif'e, with all his faculties in porfeot coiuuiand. With him as a standard bearer the party Lave not to enter upon tho defensivo, bnt a vigorous and aggressivo campaisn will bo pu=hed by them. For Vice-Prosident, Gen. Cbester A. Arthur, of New York, wm the choico of the couventioa. Ltkc bis leader he attaincd an honorable reoord in the late rebollion, risinc to the rank of brevet Major-tíeneral at tho close of the war. During General (rant's nduiinistration bewas appointod collector of the port of New York, wherohe s.'rved until Gen. Merritt was appointod by President ILiyes. His nouiination will grcatly aid the rbpublieans of New York in eairyiDg tho State next fall, as he was approvcd without distinction, by tho business men of New York city. He bas character and capacity to bring to his aid in tho now pnsition he will bc ealled upon to 61).