Notes Editorial
was originally Samuol, but that whon ten yoars oí' age he took a fancy to the name of Koscoe, and Koscoe he bas boon ever sinee. The New York World has flung up its bat for u mun namod MeOlellan, who livos in Now Jersey, we bclieve. Sonio sixteeu ycars ago t is rumored lic ran agsJnst Abraham Jiiijciln for the presidency ; he is mU to havo been in the ariny at ono time, too, but ho moved so slow that the truth of the assertiou hasn't been conünned yct. Well, he would bo jast M good a man t slaughter as anyone. Hetides, he has been slaughtcred so niany times, he probably wouldn't feel it quite so b:id as a iifiw man, or one of energy and lifis. VVm. Jt. Morrisoo, of Illinois, liaving been incidentally mentioned by some of hit democratie brcthrun as a possible candidato for the presidency, the oíd gump oes and writes a very egotistieal circular letter to several prominent Illinois demoerats, showing up his virtucs and the faults of oth:r prominent men of his party. It wasn't intcaded for the [public, probably, but the Chicago Times got hold of it and gave the old man away. He might botter by far have traveled a thousand miles on foot than placed in black and white these uttcrances. Writing letters or dispatches, evea when dono in cipher, are dangerous things for the unfortunate aspirants of that party. Two human brutea, one an Irishman namod l'at llyan, the othcran Knglishman known to the sporting world as Joa Uoss, got togethor and pounded each other to a jelly, down in West Va., a few day.s ago, for money. The latter gotting tho worst of it. Auy coMimunity that will allow such proccedings ought to bo eut out of the map of tho Ilniif.l Stn.tos, satUTated with kerosene, and reduced to the dust from whicu it sprung. Prizc lights are a.s damnable as tho accursed polygamous prácticos of Utah Mormons. That such things can takc ïilaoc and esist in this enlightened country is a black disgraco to the nation, and the stwng hand of the government- if it ha one - whould Mtretch out and forever crush both. One would think aftcr tho disgraceful attempt of the demoerats andgreenbaekers of Maine last winter, in attempting to steal into power against the exprossed will of the people at the polls, that the two organizalions ought to bc dcad. But they are not. The two partios recently held their state eonventions at the same time and place. They both nouiinated the same man - llenry M. l'Iaistead- for governor. They Uil inore. Thoy proposed to pool their issues at the coming presidential cleotion, nllowing tbc groenbackers four, and the demócrata thrce of the presidential electoral tiuket In thi.-i way they hope to carry the state. Will iho poople of Maitiu uphold these thicvin' rn-jcals in tli'ir inirmity, o daage.rous to tho üh'rtifis of tho people? We think aot. The Chicago convention i.s tho firwt one in the history of tho party which has consumexl ovor thrco days in the transaction of ta business. The whig convention of 1 S5H, was in session six dajs, nominating Winfield Scott on tbc 53d ballot. The democratie party, however, have several times had long essions, particularly in the convctntions of 1841, whieh noniinated James K. Polk, and the mcmorahlo Charleston oonveotion of 1SGH, whioh af ter a ten day' sesBlon and fruitlen balloting, split and c:u:U seotiop re-ooiivened at Baliimore. Dduglas and Johnson, and Jkeukenridge and Lane wcre tbc choicc of the two factions, while still a third faction placed Bell and Kverctt in the finid. As u well known ttiis división secured the election of Abraham Lincoln and Ilannibal Ilamlin, and WTOOght the soath up to the frenzy of rebollion which up tr this day ha.s never died out. Fía! lia! The democratie inogul of Kast Saginaw, Wm. L Webber, in order to makc for hininelf a litlle proniincnee, introduced into the last democratie national oonvention held at St. Louíh, a resolution to t'.ie effect that the "two-thirdsru!o," which han held in the national nonventiotiH of that party incu the days ol (en. Jackson, sliould be abolishcd, and another to tho eB'ect that each tato be reiuested lo instruct their next dislegsté, either for or against this rule. Now, whcre tho laugh comes in, is that at the Saginawdemocratio county conveution a few dayn ago, a resolution was passed upfaolding this .sanio twothirds rule- in tho vain hope of defeating Tilden - and chose thia same man Webber as a delégate to tho stato convontion, with thc rcquest to "chw" bis words of í'our years ago. What an humiliating upectaclo it will be to seo tho polite and suave William in the imtional oonvention nt Cincinnati roí'usiuK support to his owu ohild! He hadn' t bottsr go to CinciODati ; and his party darc not ood him, eithcr.
Elections - President
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier