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The Ann Arbor Relief Committee

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Organizod ausiliary to the kansas r reearoan's Relief Association, most cavncstly urge the oitizens of Ann Arbor to iu:iko goncrous and prompt contribution-i. Two depots have been establinhcd in Ann Arbor. one at the residence of Mrs. Darius Wood, Main St., No. 68, the otherat Mrs. Mooro's, lower town, for the recoption of supplies for tho frecdmon. Boots sbocs, olothing, bedding, crookcry, genoral household goods and farming implemonts. AnythioR useful in pioneer lifo will bc thankfully received, and iinmcdiately forwarded to Kansas. Theso supplies will be distributed with care and eoononiy, upon personal acquaintancc with each oaso. Any donations in uioney niay be sent to Mrs. Bliss, treasurer, at No. 07 South State St., or if sent by mail, to P. O. box 1104. Donations in money way also be sont to any niember of tho couiruittee. It is hoped tho frionds of tuis oppressed peoelo will'not beconio weary in well doing. Tüure is no indication of any disease in this emigration. Money for food, shelter and medicino is needed. Gov. St. John, of persons in the eouth, through whom hc finds that we are likely to bc ruore and more ovcrwhelmed with Qiíh Nwelling and rapidly increasing field of eolored emigrant. This association is not organized to encourage emigration, but as its name indicates, is a relief association. It feeds the hungry, olothe the nakod, cares for the sick and infirm, and finds homes for tho homclcss. lteader, remembor that continued aid iï called for, and do not liiil to send your mite.