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IL D. Palmer, of Brooklyn, bas beon making a drawing of the " Shorthorn Sixth Earl of Raisin," owned by Junius Short, D. W. L F. M. Palmer, of this place, and went to Detroit on Tuco-Uy to lithograph the same. Ho also han drawings to litliograph of " Rosket," ownodby A. P. Oook, and oclebrated atock shecp from the llooka of VV. Kennedy, ofliiberty, and J. VanGieBon, of Coluuibia. CIIET..SKA. From üic IlcrulU A basket picnic waH held at Four mile Lake last Tucsduy. Several herdn of eattle havo boei neon on our strects. Wherc was the marshal? Thcre ia one good Mgn in Chclsea as regards prospority - that i.s the lawyers and justice's courts havo nothing to do. Long üiay it continue. We were shown by J. B. Beisnel, of' this village, ono of the largest eggn that we over saw - it was an egg within an egg - with perlect shell on oach, which measured six inches in eircuinfrrenee, and weighed one pound ! We would like to hear from nny party who can beat that. A olergyraan, not many miles from (!hcisea, preaching a sermón on death, concludod with tho following observation : " But even death, my brethren, ao woll deserved by mankind for their sins, tbc wisdom of Providence, has, in ita paternal kindness, put at the end of our exwtence ; tbr only think what life would bc worth if doath were at tho begiuning ! " Quite extensivo preparations were inade for momorial services, and a grand timo was expected. Sunday niorniug heavy clouda appoarcd, and soon the rain iell in torrents so that it was impoasiblo to visit the cemetery a planned. It was determined not to abandon tho exercises but to hold the sorvioe in the M. E. church. At hall-past 2 o'olock in the afternoon the audienoe room of the ohuroh w;is thronged with people. Tho Chclsea band fuini.shed oxcollent musio. Rev. Mr. Hudnon i)resided. Prayer was offercd by llev. E. A. Gay ; a roll of honor was read by W. E. Depew, and a very forciblc and eloquent oration was doliverod by Hon. E. P. Allen. Excellent solos were sung by Miss Oxtoby, Mias Sargent, Mr. Ward and othern. Tho exorcises pastedoff smoothly, and wero a perfect 8UCCC.SS. Monday morning a oommittoo of young Indien viaited tho ceuiotery and decorated the graves of tho Holdiers with tlowers. DEXTER The graduating class of the union school hero numbers uine this ycar. Thr Uolloway houso near the dapot, hM boen mmad l''iankliu house - J. EL JoyuflT, proprietor. Quite a nuuibor of Oextcr popl went to Ann Arbor to hear Will Ciuletoti tut Sumlay afternoon. M. J. Fanning spoko on " The OMttttutional Amondiiicnt." boforethe reform club list Monday night. Rov. L. P. lavis, of the M. E. olmroh, g to addross the Ann Arbor reform olub next Sunday afternoon. The alumni of the Dexter school will hoIJ thoir reunión nest Satunlay afternoon, at thü union sohool building. Noxt Sunday is childron's day for the M. E. Sunday school, and the oxoroipes for the occasion proiniso to bo excccdingly interesting. Come. Miss Marian Phelps has gone to Olivet to spend a few woeks with friomls, imd attend tho coinmenccment of tho young Indien seuiinary therc. 8ome of our onterprisinK business nion are baring tumr store fronts painted, now signs put up, and othcrwi.-c improvud. Keep tho ball rolling. A pleasant couipaiiy ansouiblcd at Fourmilo lako lastTuesday to"pioM&" Tho picnio was roally Ben Boeker' s lilrthday party. Benin ono of Iho band favoritos, aiul the Doxter and Seio Germán banda were prosent to enlivcn the oeca.siou with iiiu-ii-. Tho gathering was orderly and all soemcd to thoroughly onjoy thcmsolvcs. Tuero was a dance in the evcning. It keeps your reporter busy to notice tho doparture and arrival of Dexter young men. 80 many of thom follow florare fljrceley'a " Oo West, young man ! " adviee, but tiouie of thcui, not finding thelr fortune in a brief spacc, return to tho "Peninsular State." Chris. Miller a short timo ago went to Colorado, but to day is again in thin place. Late advices froni Frank II. Smiïb say lie is going to New Mexico. Frank H. Magoffin, son of the Rev. J. H. Magoffin, of St. James' church here, left last winter to join a surveying party in Colorado. Many people prophesied his apocdy return, but tlils Is Just whero thuy missod it, for Frank is still with hia party hale and hearty. In a letter dated : " In camp, June '2, 1S80," he says among other things : "The Arickaree valley (river) whcre we are at work, is a shallow stream of wator, quito wide at places, with a (uiekN'iml bottom up aa far as a placo called Duok Springs, whioh is now the hoad of running water ; abovo that it is a and creok. The country is good for nothiug but grazing, bcing very eandy. It is oovcred with short buffalo grass, sage brush, and cactus. There are a great many antclopoa, buffalos, wild horses, rabbits, prairie dogs, snakes, etc, hore." Frank don't forgot the roportor when you have anything in the naturo of a curiosity from the Centennial State," which you want to send to somo one east. Wc are glad to sayFrank stands tho work and elimato excccdingly well out therc. MANCHESTER. From the Eutcrpnse. It is recommendcd that tho coutici' make an appropriation for the lire department. Docoration day was eclobrated in an appropriate manner, Kov. J. B. Uilman dclivcrod tho oration. The alumni association are getting tho programmc of their coming annual exeroisoh ready for the printer. The sinall boy exclaims, " What ! nocireus ; no 4thof July celebration? what kind of a town is Manchester, anyway? " The will of C. T. Stevens, lato of Manchestor, was contested in the probate court at Ann Arbor, last week, but was admitted to probate. We aro told that Dave Woodward, of Clinton, says that he will niovo his plow fkotory to Manehestor if our citizens wil! raiso a certaiu sum of money to assist hini in so doing. Ask for anything but money I:ive, and it'.s all right, but of that we are just out. Some of our cttizens are planning suniraer excursions. Some talk of going west, some will viMt tho east, others will go up the lakes and visit tho upper península, and tho OOpper, silver and iron mines, üthers wish to dash dowu the rapids of the St. Lawrenee, and visit historie Ticondoroga, climb the White mountains of' Now Hanipshire, and sniff the salt water breo.ze at I'ortIand and Boston. The MethodiHts, of this village, celebratod tho centonnial of the orgauizatkm ol Sunday schools, at their church, on Sunday last. Rev. Mcllwain preaehed a memorial sermón to the life of Kobert Kaikes, the founder of Sunday schools, in the morning. In the evening a centennial servioe was held, the scholars of tho school taking part. The pulpit of the church was decorated in fine style with many bouquets of flowers, evergreen wreathn, etc. SHARON. The bridge at Sharon Hollow is to be ropaired, and lengthencd out a httlo. Children's day is to bo celebratod by the Methodist Sabhath schoolon the 12th inst. Tho Prospect llill sohool houre hasbeon condoained as being no louger safe for ocoupancy. The Robert Raikcs' centennial servioe at the North church Sabbath of last week, was a grand ufïair. Tho church was beautifully deeorated for tlie occasion, and the exercises wcro vcry entertaining.