The Why And The Wherefore
![The Why And The Wherefore image](/sites/default/files/aa_courier/aa_courier_18800611-p02-010.jpg)
OF TUL ;KHT KISII AT BACH &. ABEL'S Int. Tlicy curry the lacfeal itock ol all kinds of ldi to bc IoiiikI tu Aun Arbor, uliUi, niakcN Nhopplng 'l i""""'' f ploiixurc. üU. Tliclr lartfc IUmm l-ndlca' and CtonU' FwnliMnc Clood, Hoslerjr, Gléfrea, I Hl ru. ar, Lace, BabroMerlea, Pwawli, leibbons, raus Corwis, mui Faney irc GomH, Imm i tketr patrom BlmoM every artlele iiu- wlrt lowr ttaau it can bc louiui in any ether in tiiccHy. One prlce and a low prico for Laclies', Gents' and Children's Spring and Summor Underwear. PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! Oiir Kloek of ParuHoli sprinu II inosl novel, varled mul pleaatag. Tlicy are in olor un ¦tylei io inaU'li Hui prrvaiiins rtjrle of irc K, iHins in s.-uin. Mik, Bréeadea, wlih atMtled S....M i H..I..K,. LOW PRICES PREVAIL IN THIS DEPARTMENT. SXS.K & T $.'$ I MUS $ T Stt-K 8 T It Is an m-kuowlcilgod AMSt Hint wc lend the Slik Triule In Ilic InUrlor of the tttatc. Wc have ¦dWHUMM Uiai bo oUrer lionsc in tkls aectf pn pONOH. Spécial anentloa callcd lo onr IuhuIhoiiu Ulack SÍÍkíTnt 55, 05, 7S, O and IOO cents. Elegaol Black Silks, licavj ciioiikIi for nek, al jjl.35 1.3 und f 1.4. Alo a full lino cquall) a clicap from 1.60 to I.OO per yard. TUc (reat BargalM lor the next ten day wlll bc onr $ .25 Colorod Silks at $ 1 .00. We respectfully cali your attention to the above, where you wlll find facts and figures worthy of your notice. It is to your own interest, and you can not afford to let the opportunity escape you. REMEMItER TMAT TUK PLACE TO TRADE IS WHEBETHEÏ HAKE TRICES, .vSii NOT WIIKKE TIIKY MEET TIIEM. BJOH &c ABEL, CASH DRY COOPS HOUSE.
Bach & Abel's
Dry Goods
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier