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Mack & Schmid

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Havo Just Oponed a Choico Assortmentof Liipplii's Colebratcd ALL -WÍL FABRICS Which have the indisputable reputation of being superior in wear, color, finish and fineness to any other of the kind made in the world. Orap lc Alma, Itfomlr Clotli, lrap de Ete, Kliyber Clotli, Crspe Imperial, 4 'amcIS Huir Cloili, Tape I.aliore, Henrietta Clotk, merino Saliii. TamcKC Clotli, Camcl's Iluir Grenadine, Patricicniic Cloili. l'iiii-ecl BCacua Grenadine, liusclimj r de llmlr. Plaid Horia, Kaelimyr Ie Ilindou, Koj allne PeklB, Cachnilrc de Ecosnc. SILKS and The close buyers have long since decided that nowhere in Ann Arbor can they buy Silks and Satins for as little money as at Mack & Schmid's. Delighted crowds are daily attracted by the genuine great inducements oiTered in COLORED and BLACK SILKS. Evcry lady in Washtenaw Co. should embrace the opportunity for buying a Black Silk Dress lower than she had ever before had it oflered to her. We will charge nothing for showing th goods but, on the contrary, we will show them cheerfully to anyone, and we makc no boast in saying that if we do not oiTer BLACK SILKS for any less price than any other House in the State, then we will not ask anyone to buy them. Special nttention is callcil to the iierfcet liglit Iu wliicli all our gowls aroexhlij. tel. Liulios oan l)iiy or ns wKh the satisractlon nml nlcasuro of perfectly SEKIMí jusf wliiit liioy aro BUTINA. Tho (roatost üargaiiiH of the lay In all kindü f Urcss (Joods. Sonse-Keeplag Oootls are ollered at the Popular and PnfNnln ONE-PRICE CASH HOUSE OF MACK fe SCH1VEID.