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LEGAL NOTICES. Estftte of r'nuiklin S. Hominifway. QTATIÍ OF BlCHtGAM, Connty of nehtenaw, ee. Al a m'snlon of tho Probtte Oourt (or the Coantyoí Wahteiiaw, holden Hl the l'robute Office, In the city of Aun Artxr, ím Thurfdny, the tweiity-aevonth day f My, Ín tho year ona thoaand ebcbt huadred uní i-ichty. Preeeul, Williani ü. llamiutm, Jude of i'rolnite. 1 ii (he mattirof the estáte of FrunkJln S. QamlDL. way, deCfUM'il. On nwUlfg mul üliiitf tho pelitum, duly veritied, of' Charlea 11. Worilon, preylng thut b eertain iiintruincnt iiow on file Id thls conrt, purpori in' t bfi the liiHt wlll mid tesuuuL'iit of fuid 1 muy lo urimlucd to prebau-, nuil tlmt he aud B. L. Bttbert may lio aiiiMtlntfd execntoré thereof. Thoroupon it i erdèn4j th;U Wciïm-e'lay, the (wtinty-thlrd (lny of June nnxt, ttt tuu o'clock Ín the forenoóni Uêlgnod for Ihu hearing of rtnid pottUon, and that the devlsous, lgutees, auil hetrs at law of wíld dcceaxud, and n!l other perHoiiH inten-btud in wld 60tat6 uru rcqulrul to appetl nt a ttulod oí Kald court, tlien to De holden at Ibe l'rolmte ofllce. In the city of Aiid Arbor, nd hIiow cftUHc, if auy thoro bu, why ihe urajer oí the lctiiionr ehoukl uot 1k jnintüd. Ainf it i lurther ordered, that unid intllioucr Rive notice to tho perHOiiú Intonatsd Ín eniil entate, of thc pendeney ol ald pctltlon, and the hearing theieof, by caoalns a cdpy of thít order to be imblínhed m tho Aun Ariior t'ourier, ¦ IMrapaper printed und circulatin in fwihl cninity, tbrec 8uccci4ivc vvcukö prcvUma W tuiid day oí luarinj;, (A truc copy.) WII.l.IAM 6. BARRIMAK, Juclte ol l'iMiwtc WM. . 1XJTY. rrobale KwllUr. Notico to Credltors. STATU OF M1C111UAN, County of Waahtanáw, w, Notice is Iicreby Rtvi-u, thnt by au order of lbo l'riibui t'ourt for tMConBty of Waphteuaw, made ou the Hoventueuth day ol" May, A. . ls,s, ix froni that díte wero ollowed lor creditora to lr-8ont llu-ir claimfl Rgatost the estáte if (ilbort Alien, late of sald county, dogeased, and tlmt all creditora of sulil deceased are refiulred to proeoxii their clainiH lo naid ProiMite Conrtí 'it the Probate (iilii ¦¦, mi the city of Aun Arbor. for exainioatlon am' tllovninee, on or btfore toe I7th day ot November "t thai miiIi clalina wlll bu hetrd before naid Courl, on Tliertdíiy, thc 17th (lny ol Aui-iih-t, :iikí on VcdiK'!:ty, the 17ih day ol' November nest, at ten o'clock in tlie lorenoon of eacb ol Knitl days, Uated Aun Arl'or, May 17th, A. D. 1880. WILL1AM 1). IIAKK1MAN, RM8I Judiieoi Probate. All liiiuln oí' liiml. done at Thu 'oui l-r iIIm on nlioii uutlce.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News