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LECALJiOTICBS Chancery Xotlcc QTATIÍ OF MICHIGAN- The Clrcolt fioort W O County ui Wasbtotuw, In ihancery. r"" lik I). Jeuklnu, complainaut, TB. Kliza A. Mei"10' defenda&t. ,, _rt At n kohIou of raid conrt, holden at tno u' lli. mr, in the city of Aun Arbor, 011 WcdnceatJ. " nvcnty-flret day of April, A. D. is'). . Procent, tlie Uou. Qoaveniaiu Morrl, tw" liill of Complalnt in tliie canio havine Iwra on the nlnUi da of April, A. U. ISSO; dl'j satlafactorlly Biipeariin; to thi conrt, ii''"[: ly iillid.ivit, tbat the dotouditnt In thi ca, '" A . McDonald. rcidee ont ol thia WMtc, anl i 'T denl ol tha BtaW oí Texas; on motion of 1!nl"„ F. Granar, olicltor, und 01 counel tot tne oj pldnant, ii Ik orderad Umt the sald di'fcudit. w A. Mc Doiml.l, appoai and anKWur the bill ofcoinpW ii. thia cause, wtthln threo months from thü ure" 'bi8Ordl-rUüUVEHNKUR HÜKKIS. Circuit JiiJS1I). F. GlUNOSB, Sollcitor, uud 01 CotinKel for the CompWnant. 985-K91. . Estat of Triinian H. lloatli. OTATli OP MICllIOA.N.Couiity of Wauhicu. "¦ At n soMloa ol iba PiohtoOorl for ih'.C'l''ií Wnshi.'iniw, holden at :)ic l'robale Office in uj .if Aun Arbor, on Maturday, the twenty-ocona ow Maj, In tlic rr ene thonwnd oict Huw " IiIhe mntter of tbs estáte of Truman B. ecetsed. On raadlng and lllng Uie V':'. i ï,Vui rerlñed, nf Almlra A. lleath, pniynn; U " : ",ot, inxtrument now on fila in thi cour!. l'"r! ,,{;,, thclantwill umi tettunantol said deewme " '"„j admlttad to probate, and taal ho may be ai' Thercupou it is ordere.l, that Momlny, ' lirnt duy .t June next, al teu o'clock " J",., ooojL bo iBsignsd for the houiut; o' "Í1" ,, L ui 1 ilpit the dwlaeet, lestuaa and """"jinrfil xald d.ra.l,.iii,l..llollieri-rol.8inUrat ai estáte, rcqnircd to appear ' "" i" n oourt, Uien to bo holden t! tha rrotwte „,, ; Aun Arbor, and how caue. il "y '" l „„f why the prayar f lh paÜOoner hoiild m "„„er ed. Andlt la furthor orderod. thif 8h'tít,,ol i;lve notie, to the persona Intereatad """''". nirr the pondeucy of wild [wtitlou, nd ""''", ;,.iT,fl I Of, bv cuuii..' COPJ of thlK order to be ¦ 1" ud the Aun Ai , a newaptpet F clrcnlatlnu In aid counly, thrce fCOS'" ,j lirevloun 10 k.hHI dny of hearlns. JtjniiuS, WU.Í.ÍAM R-JjJ WM. U. UOTY. l'roliate Ke4:ltr