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Oloalng and Oponlntc of Mali. Mails leavlng Ana Arbor, East and Weat, wül close as follows : QOINO WEST. tt'uv'. S:3(l mrhrough luid Way Muil 10:50 a. m.and 4:50 p. m. Vay Muil bctween Anu Arbor and Jaekson 1:50 p.m. . tüoaga umi beyond ' mQO1SU BAST. Petroit pouoh ¦ ¦ mfhi-ouKli and Way Mali 10: ft. la., 10 p. ui. Baitern Mali dlstributed at 8 and 1U a. nou, tí m uncí l:'M p. in. WoHtorn Mail dlHtrlbuted ftt 6:30 p. m. Ohloago Mali dUtrtbntêd at 8 u. m. Jiuksou Mali and Wuy Mali between Jaik¦od aod Aim Arbor dlhtrlbuVo.1 at u a. m. Mail by Ttoledo Kallroad closi al 11:10 a. in. Toludu Ballroad Mail dUtrlbatod at tfcOO a. m. exocpi Saturday evenlug, wliou it 1h dlstrlbuieilU'iiHv HuMiiüueclosüB. all to Wüttnvore i-ki', Webster and Biighton leavsa Tuesday, Tlmradayi and Batunl.'ivs ut '.i u. in., and La reeelved inmi these Uondaya, Wedaosdays and ïrulavBal !,„„¦ o'olook P. in. CHAS. Q. ULA&K, F. M. Travoler' Uulde. Tiaiim uu ivo and depart froui the Mlcnlgan .viiirul Dptt ïu thlH clly uu follows: THAI NB KAST. Atl.mtU-Kre.. i.ORa. in. MKlitKxprei ii.U5a.iii. IMluuu Accointnodatlou Ma a, m. UraudUaplU Hi.35 u. ui. Kx,,!,. ........................ 5aop;m. TKAINS WKST. uftll H.4t) a. m. i,iy Kxprcws ll.lKj a. ui. UraudRapkU Kxpro 5.2U p. m. .', J-.xpross i.jü l. m. Kveolng Expresa ,?LL¦ ïï" l'.i.iilr Expres 11.20 p. ni. Vh tratos aro run by OlilcagoUme-wlui-li Is tl.teon mluulos slower than Aun Arbor tinie. Iricii.lM of The 'ourlor, who have biiHint'Hri ut tho l'robatc 4'ourt. wíl! nlrsnT roiiK'Ht .Iui1k' Harriiuan to ¦¦¦ Huir Prlntlna to thlH ofllrc.