Go ring the bells, and fire the guns, This is day for jubilee. This day hath proved Columbia's sous A ncw birthright to liborty. Shou: we're free I wc'rc free I Till wood and dell the sound proloog. Sing; fret I ld, victory, The burdea of the song. Bchold the wreek oi scheme to drown The pcople's voiee ; the eople's plana. Shout [ouder ! clanishncss is down, Wc'rc free from clans, we'rc frix from clans. This is the dayspring of an age ; Destinad to foil full many a wrong ; Thai evcry frecman shoulu engace To labor in with purposc strong. The peoplc's victory today Will live for aye, in puje and story ; Let n'er a freeman henccforth s;iy : l've seen no day of spotless glory ; In this biest land of all the carth ; '1 lic [eoplc rule, let roques remember ; And .mc A. Garfield, man of worth, Shall represent us uext November. Ann Arbor, June 7th. Chicago must bo an uuwholesome mor - sel by tliis time, for it has boen in everybody's niouth for the last two weeks. The mother of Prof. EL A. Sponce died recently at Nashville, Tenn., and her body was brought to this city for intoimont. The Jonesville Independent speaks of Mrs. L. 0. YanDemark, of Ann Arbor, :is buying a stock of furniture in that place. We are rciue-ted to say that the city spoons can be found at the residence of Miss Ladd, corner Catharine and Thayer streets. The colored people had a strawberry festival last Tuesday evening for the benefit of the A. M. E. church. A large number attended. Eighteen years of married life has brought 14 hcira to Oco. E. Iïull and wife. The last hoy is quite young but tips the Ikviui at 11' llis. Profs Barrington and Pattengill visited Fenton last week, and examined the high wliool pupils with icfurcnco ta admission tn the university. The father of Prof. Frieze died at his home in Rhode Island, recently, aged 90 years. The Prof. left last week to attend the laat cad ritca. Tlic tïlenty-fnst anniversary of üiivet college coiumencos next Sunday, June 13, tod tliu cxereisca proper will be held the Thureday fbllowing. The county pouiological society meet at thcir rooms in the oourt house, to-morrow, at 'J o'clock p. m. títrawberries will be tlm subject for discussion. The high wind of last Sabbath broko down many cherry and other fruit trees in various parts of tho city, and amputated the weak limbs of shade trees. Company A are to have a dress parade Monday night at 7 o'clock, and the Ann Arbor city band will appear with them, dressed in the state uniform. The mcmber8 of tho Dexter rod ribbon club are to takc charge of tho meeting nest Sabbath afternoon, and the Dexter choir will take charge of tho music. Tho passenger train on the T., A. A. & N. R. 11. was delayed about an hour last Wednesday night because of an accident at the bridge just north of Toledo. ?-? Mrs. Lynch, fonuorly Miss Anna Berger, has a wee bit of femininity to look after now. She is at her home in Jackson. Father, mother and child all happy. Wni. A. Moorc, of Detroit, in lieu of liis prescncc at the laying of the corner stonc of the new Baptist church last Monday afternoon, sent hls check for $100. Mr. A. A. Gregory denies having one thousand and bixty acres of land in Kansas l'nr ale, as wc publiühed last week, butsays lie has 1G0 acres he would likc to dispose of. To sce the crowds on our streots for the past ten days, and the rush for the first look at the telegrama as thcy carne from Chicago, made ono tbink of the old war times. Tho Young Pooplo'a aocioty of the Methodist chuxoh, at their concert and !'Htiva! last FriJay night, clearcd the nier littlc sutn of $35 over and abovo all expenses. The person who borrowed the flag belonging to the CouniKtt office somo weeks K) will eonfer a great fuvor by roturning the saine. We havo use for it now for a few months. Persons cmployed in tho petroleum works state that il" in tho eommoncement they are troubled with bronchial or pu niouary discasos they are at once relieved of the urne. Daaeon Loren Mills, oí thiu city, attended ' Koldon wedding of his parents, Mr. Md Mrn. Deacon Willard Mills, of Galcs'lurKi on June 2d. A largo number of i-'uesta were present. The editor is indebtcd to the Chicago j'"'lcy dab for a coinplimentary season tick U) iheir suaimer running meetings, for l'ip.h the superintendent, Mr. D. L Hall, ill pkasc accept our thanks. (ur thitnka are due for a programmc of tli; oonimenceinont exercitoa, and of the "wéjoal oiree, held at tlio West Virginia Institution for the. dorf and blind, locatcd at lfomney, West Va., June 3d. To morrow afternoon tho university baso 'all nine are to play the Tecumsch nino at ¦ta fair Kromids. Ladics admitted free. The university boys were dcfeatcd in tho Wit (Hm ut 'l'.Tiiin.Mc], hst week. It ia seldom one has tho ploasuro of listening to a better lccturo than that delivcrcd by Rov. J. Alabaster, at the M. E. church last Suuday evening on tho lifo of " Charles Wesley, the Ohristian Bard." Ilere is politoness for you. Tho Manistee Times says : " Mrs. Daily, the lady who keeps a houso of ill famc in Filer town," etc. The first time we ever heard of' a lady engaged in that nofarious busiMM. Our Probato Judgo, Wm. D. Harriman, on tho 24th inst., is to makc hú annual pilgrimage to Pcaeham, Caledonia oounty, Vormont, to visit his aged parenta residing thorc. He will bo absent somo two or three weeks. A few minutos after the nomination of Oen. Garüeld the proprietor of the CouiiiEii, who was at Chicago, roceived the following telegram: "Campaign oponed at tho Courier office I Flag up and guns booining for Garfield I " Mr. Israel Hall writoa us that thore is to be no meeting of tho women sutïragists in tliirt city this month, as stated last weck. We took the statement from the publishod annouiiccincnts in the daily papers, and supoosed it to be correct. The subjoct of Will Carlcton's Iccturc last Sabbath beforc the roforin club, was " Fathcr Matthew as a temperance rcformer." In the ovening hc loctured at Whitmore Iikc tu a largo audience. The reccipts at tbc opera houso worc $50. It is proposed that the public schoola of this state shall make ezhibits at the coming sUvte fair, and teachers and othora dosiring information on tho matter will do woll to writc to C. A. Gower, state superintendent of public instruction, who will furuisb said information. Lodi is to have her first township teniperancc mass meeting and basket picnic, at L. O. Itogern' grove, one milo west of J. II. Hicks', on Friday of next week. A rand time is looked for. In the evcning a .social hop will be given, tho music to be furnuhed by Minnis' orehestr:i. Monday night as the ballots wero being announcod in front of the American Union office, tho crowd cheered lustily whenevor their favorite, lilaine, went up a vote or two. They also appreoiated the bull-dog tenaeity of the Minnesota ten who ao heroically endeavored to out Wind-' urn in the fight. ______ The Dundee Reporter says : " Tho Toledo & Ann Arbor and the Detroit and áouthwcatcrn railroads aro making arrangements whoreby thcy will sell round trip tickets to Detroit and return at the same price that the L. S. & W. S. charges, and give the advautage of czpress train all the way." The Ann Arlor Demoorat wHKtheonly Wiu-litounw uomity paporiwliiiitii'd in the republlean ïiutUmal [Ann Arliur Uutuucrut. The Courier was represented in the convention ly its proprietor, but he didn't see the Domocrat there. Whcro was it? 'a it cnthusiastieally roceived, and did it finally swing in for Garfield? Teil us all about it. ___-____ The lady i'riends of the Ann Arbor city band, of which Prof. Simonds is the loador, will givo a atrawberry and iee cream festival at the opera house basement next Tuesday ovening, June 15th. Tho proceods are to be devoted to the purohasing of new uniforma for tho band. Gü and help tho b.iys along. Most all of the lookers on who went to Chicago last week, returned Saturdny, tired out with the excitement. The long delays in perfecting the organization deprived theiu of the privilege of sceing a ballot takon, but all sceui well pleased with their journey. The excitement is said to linve boen tremendous, passing any doscription. Win. Gillutt, a lawyer of East Saginaw, of Borne considerable prominence, and many good qualities, died on Saturday last, at East Saginaw. lic graduated from the university in 1802, or thereabouts, and during his cburse bcre made many warm friends who will regret to hear of his death. His remains were brought to this city for interment. Last Monday morning a procession of students and others marched to the depot to bid President Angell farewell, upon his departure for China, as minister plenipotentiary to that nation. He is secompanied by his entire family with the exception of the oldest son and his wife, who accompanied them upon their bridal tour as far as San Francisco, wo understand. The Sunday School excursión oí' the Baptist society last Saturday was a very pleasant one, notwithstanding the threatening weather. Five coaohes wcro handaomely fillcd, and about $100 was clcarcd by the opcration. The train arrived homo at about 9 o'clock p. m., and somewhat different from most similar occasions, all secmed glad that tUoy wont. The stockholdere of the Ann Arbor Savings bank held thcir annual meeting last Monday and elccted the following directora : Christian Mack, W. W. Wincs, W. D. Harriman, K. A. Bcal, Dan'l Hiscock, Wm. Dcubei, and W. B. Smith. The directora met and choso the followiög officers : Presidcnt, Christian Mack ; viocpresident, V. W. Wines ; cashicr, Chaa. E. Hiscock. __t__ On Monday afternoon last an inmatc of tho county house namod Tuoiny, undcrwent the amputation of ono of his limbs. He is a man advanced in lifc, some 65 years of age, and the cause was chronic ulccration, which would havo cauaed death in a vcry short time had not thu opcration been performed. Dr. O'Toole, assistod by Dr. Kapp, did tho job and the patiënt is progrcsüing fincly. The excursiou of Vigilant firo comj'any last Sunday to Toledo, was not as well patronized as they had hoped for - only about three or four cars bcing filled- owing, no doubt, to tho unpleasant state of the atmospherc. And then again many of our citizens who would gladly have patronizod and hclpcd the company, preferred somc other day than the Sabbath for thcir ploaaurc oxcursions. Is there a greater quostionor than rostlcss what-ors ? asks an exohangc. Well we would suggest the tclegraph why-ora.- Detroit Frcc Pross. And wo the novcr ccasing how-er. - Houston Evening News. And we tho sucocssful when-ers.- N. O. Times. And wc the persistent w(h)ooers. - Alpona Reporter. And wc the evorlasting w(h)inc-ers. - Lako City Journal. And we the infernal (wh)iinp(ors.) Last Monday morning a nico, ncat looking hose cart stood out in front of Fircmen's hall, with the namo W. B. Smith upon tho same. Ouoss our ex-inayor has handod his name down to postcrity, for wc learn that the old vigilant firo company has changed its namo to the W. B. Smith company, and that tho ncw engino whon it comes will alno be known by the Bamc appellation. Well, hcre's aucoeas to the W. B. Smith engine, company, and cart. Tho ladies of the senior medical olass held a recoption last Saturday evcning, to which wero invited the gentlemen of the senior niudioal olass and the members of the faoulty with their wives. And we risk nothing in snying that it was one of the most enjoyable evening'a entertainment of the college year. Music and dancing worc continued to a late hour. Strawberriea and cream, and other delicaeios of the season were served during the evcning. Tho laying of tho corner atono of the Baptist churcli, on Huron streot, brings to mind the littlo incidont of tho ürst money given for the purposo. It was just previous to the departure of Rev. It. 15. Pope, for Chicago, that ho called upon Prol'. Oluoy, stating that he was desirous of leaving a littlo souvenir, and gave him a $10 bilí as a nuclous for a ncw church fond. And now Itev. J. Alabaster, not to bo outdonc in gonorosity by bis popular prodeceasor, proposes to dónate the $10 bilí which shall eomploto the fund. If any of our nelghboring towns havo niiy Klrls capublc of dome housuwork, aud who w(H DOt noed more waitlug on Uiiui au lnfant, aml who do iiut curtí to be away more than Qvndaya in the week and mor tiuui levan ¦¦,. and wuo do uut objuot Ui wukíliuk, nonint;. oooking, etc., why-eend down About 150 and t hoy can got good plaeos at liilr wages. - Dowagiac Krpuiilirnu. Such girls are not thc faahion now. Tho day of Berving has passed by. Our Republican friend might possibly be able to secure a girl to run the house, boss tho children, rcad novéis, lounge about in the sitting room, or occupy the parlor half tho night with "her feller," but the kind ho speaks of- hm ! They are entirely out of date. At a meeting of the school board last Tuesday evening, the following teachers were hired for the coming year : Superintendent- W. S. Perry. High School - Judson G. Pattengill ; Horace N. Chute, Lucy A. Chittenden, Mrs. Emma Chapin, Levi D. Wines, A. B. Pond, Adeline B. Ladd, C. A. Sager, Benj. E. Nichols, Grammar School- Clara L. Conover, Abbie A. Pond, Addie H. Morey. Ward Schools - First ward, Ruthetta Kerr, principal; Allie Porter. Emily J. Eldridge, Flora I. Hull, Maggie McDivitt, Mary A. Beal ; second ward, Mary Mulholland, principal ; Frank 8. Larned, Eliza S. Wright, Susie Spoor, Emelia F. Lutz, Emily Gundert; third ward. Marion Brown, principal, Josephine Armstrong Nettie B. Ames; fourth ward, Eliza Botsford, principal ; Hattie L. Taylor, Lulu Goodrich, C. E. Corselius; fifth ward, Lida Canwell, principal ; Alice Douglass ; Lillie Chase, special teacher in drawing. Salaries remain the same as last year. The meeting of the pioneers at Saline last week was well attended, and considerable enthusiasm manifested. J. D. Corey, of Manchester, presided, and M. H. Goodrich, of th9 city, acted as secretary. Obituaries were read of Gilbert Alien, A. R. Clark, Zalman Church and Chas. Bliss, old pioneers who have died since the last meeting, Remarks were made by Horace Carpenter, Col, A. F. Fellows, Mr. Crittenden, L. James, E. D. Lay, L. Tower, Mrs. Isabell Robinson, Rev. Mr. Brush, Messr.s. King, of Saline, Finley, of Ypsilanti, and othors. The next meeting will be lusld in Ann Arbor on the first Wednesday of Soptombi'i. The many friends of Dr. W. H. Smith in this city will regret to learn that he has changed his residence from Ann Arbor to St. Clair. Mr. Smith in 1870 roecived the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree given íbr clmlnrship, from tho literary department, and in 1879 was a member of the graduating medical class. He forraerly filk'dtho ohair of Natural History in Vassar College very successfully and performed soine very efficiënt work upon tho Gcologieal survey of Ohio. In his experienoc as a practicing physician he has been moro than usually succusHful, and bis private character froui boyhotxl u lia always bcon hcyond reproach. Tho only thing that's all right in Ann Arbor, according to the Ypsilanti Sentinel, is tho flteain hcating apparatus in the L-uurt hou.se, which was put in by an Ypsilanti man. Now when tho stroct railroad is made between this place and Ypsilanti, and the telcphono line orcoted, we hope that our peoplo will all go down to that city and view thoso marvels of architectural boauty and graeo standing upon the normal grounds, and then basten with rapid strides to the high school, or acadomy, and standing in front of the same drink in with soul inspiring awe, the architectural elogancc of the many jags and corners of that structurCj after which - but we forbear. That would bc enough, probably. Tho corner stonc of thc ncw Baptist church was laid last Monday afternoon, and quite a largo assemblage gathcred to witness the same, l'raycr was offered by Dr. Brown and soripturos rcad by Dr. Haskell. Prof. Olney delivcrcd thc address, giving a brief history of the building. In a futuro issue we propose to give a eomplote description of' thc structure. Theru was deposited in thc corner stone the following articlcs: Bible, article3 of faith, nanies of mombers of the. church, and church manual, minutes of Baptist conference, 1880, addross to Baptists of Ann Arbor, Michigan Horald, Ann Arbok Couiiier, Register and Argus, constitution and namos of officers of Ann Arbor red ribbon club, Detroit Post and Tribune and Frce Press of that day. The citizens of Syracuse and the students and faculty of Syracuse University, reoently gave Bishop E. O. Haven a grand reecption. Said to have been one of tho ünost ever witnessed in tbatcity. In closing some very foeling romarks respeoting the neecssity of findlng a. homo among now friends, ho u reported as saying : ' In a fow short woeks I shall be a wanderor on tho face of tho oarth. Already I have my appointments. I sh&ll bc obligod to visit Tennossce, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, and be present at four conferences in Texaa. The most time that I can hope to spend in what I may cali my hoiuo will bo three or four months. But wherever I shall go I ahall ofteu think of you. I havo lived hcro as long as I have over lived anywhere. But I feel now as if I must say ' Oood night to Syracuse, and good morning to San Francisco. ' That is whero I must soon tako the remnant of my family." Locality, Ann Arbor ; scène, sitting room in a privato house ; dramatis personoe, man and wife. Tho latter speaks : " Now, Joo, I teil you what it is.my voico shall bt) heard in bchalf of my poor oppressod sisters. 1 have stood this dcspotisni of man long cnoujth, and from henccforth, hereaftor and forever, I shall advocate the breaking of the chains which bind us." Joe, looking up in uttcr astonishmont at the speech and its fcarful import, asks : "What's tho matter with you, Susan?" "What's the matter with mo? Therc is this the matter with me, Joscph II - , I want you to understand that tho unit rule has been broken, and that we aro all to vote as wo ploase, and that the tyrant man Hball no longerdominoer ovor the womon because hc claims to be of the stronger sex. And furthermore, Joc, wc might as woll li ave an understanding now. Hercafter if any firos aro built in tliis house in the iiiiirning, you will build thom. Do you hear, Joo? Tho unit rule is broken." Joo beard, and went down lown to hear tho last ballot.
Ann Arbor Public Schools - Teachers
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Zalmon Church
Walter S. Perry
Maggie McDivitt
Lucy A. Chittenden
Levi D. Wines
Judson Pattengill
Israel Hall
Horatio N. Chute
Horatio J. Abbott
Horace Carpenter
Henry Simmons Frieze
Gilbert Allen
Emma R. Chapin
Emily Gundert
Cornelia E. Corselius
Benjamin E. Nichols
Addie H. Morey
Abbie A. Pond