Personal Notes
Martin Ilallcr, of thia city, is uow rusti cating at Denver, Col. Thomas Birkit, of Dovor milis, callod a the CouiUEii offico last Wednesday. Ilight Rcv. Geo. D. Gillcspio, of G-ranc Hajiids, was in thu city last Wednesday. Cha. H. Richtnond, of tbia city, ha beon sent aa. a delégate by tho democrats to Cincinnati. Miss Lizzie Avery, of thia city, is pur suing lier musical studies in Drcsden Germany. W. F. Geltson, of New York, stoppcd in tho city last woek on bis way to tho Chica go convention. Tho Blissfiold Advance saya ; " Dr. J. W IVncock, of Ann Arbor, will be in the of fice with Dr. Keniberling tlils nummer. " Mr. A. L, Noble has gone to Lima, New York, to attcnd a reunión of his old school mates. Ho went Monday and will return to-morrow. The ügemaw Ilcrald, publishcd atWes Branch, saya: "Mrs. Waters, of Ann Arbor, is visiting herdaughtor, Mrs. W. C Cunnigham." Joseph Lang, who delivorod the addres of wolcomc at the opening of the session o the intornational typographical unión a Chicago, is a brother-in-law of Robcr Shannon, of this office. Frcd S. Hubbard, for some time conneoted with the lat National bank, and onc of the finost of our young men of the city goes to Leadvillo, Col., next Monday to accept a poaition in tho office of Mr. Chas Baldwin, formerly of this city. Fred is do service of fricnd.s and success in his now home, and wc doubt not ho will havo both