Another Pioneer Gone
OODKKBY- At Chclíea, Mlch, March 2D, 1880 Thon. II. üodlroy, aed 82 yearB. Tho deeeaeeii was boro In OranRc connty, New York, 1798. In 1831 hc camc to Waahtonuw Co., set Unit: flml on lloncy Orcek whorc bc Hved uulil 1834 when ha cmnc to Sylvan wbcro bc rcsldcd uut il bl Mik. lic was prcxout at tbc ornanlzatlon oí tli tdwiuhlp la lHii and wa clcctcd one of lts ulllccr and sevcrtl times bcld important ofllcc durlng tb oarly part of hls Ufe. Af a huahand be waa (onda and afTcctlonatc , n a fatbor klud aud ïmluU'.i'ut as u nclf;bbor obllgiui;. llo will long bu n.-mcmbcr cd )y a largc clrclu of frlend and acqualntancco as man who waa puculiarly kind of beart, coiuteous and genial In duportincnt. lic leavos a wlle, two &uiim hik om: danghter to moiirn hls loas. Illa oldeet aon Wil Mam, realdce In California David L. In Ann Arno towuabip; tbo daubtcr, Mre. Cbas. UuttcrScld (wlth whom tho paroutK rcaidcd) in tbo vllUfu o Chvlsca. lic waa a mumber of the Congrcgntlona cbureb And diod in tbc happy aeauranco of a btaiM4 lmuiortallly boyoud tlila lifo. t'lielse, MUIi.
Thomas H. Godfrey
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News