FAIRBANKS' SCALES TUK STANDAKD UV TUK WORLD. ECLIPSE WIND MILLS TUE STUUNOKST MILL MADK. s KKMT TO BUÏ, Because Warrantod the liett, aud Warranteo U Hubstaptial. XNTAINS ALL inPKOVKnRNTS. Prlr I.owxt, luullty Cunitltlered. Bcud Cor Pricc Liat deecribing articlo wanted. Falrbanks, Morse Co., Chicago. 968-991 AMERICAN BALL BLUE. THIS IS THE BEST BLÏÏEIN6 lOST USE! IT IS NOT POISONOUS! IIELPS BLEACHING and OIVES A BEAUTIKUL TINT ! KP-For Sale by all Urocers.p American Ultramarine Works, 55 Muiiltn l,nnr, Xciv Vork. ö- lyr DI8TRIBDTI0M Of Real and Personal Froperty To be distribuid to the bolde ra of tickets to the GRAND BALL IN TES GREAT FAVILION, (Kroctcd for the occasion, accomodatliiK all wko como) AT ORION, MICIL, JÜLY 5, 1880. (Oardncr'e Plint city band wlll fornleh mnslc for tbc occasion.) 71237 OKiHD FIIKim-SIUS' BOÏÏCI, OBIOV, HICE. ear$22,725!_8 Iu Kcal and Portoual Propcrty to bc dietrïbuted to tbc Ticket Uoldere. KVEUYTHINO WARKANTBD as RKPRESBNTBD A Fortuna and a Bl Dance for M.OO. Tickets to the hall 2.00 with coupons nttached, cntitliUK the holder to a sharc 1d the dlatrlbutiou uf tbe followiug promiams: Kimt drand Premium- Sima1 House, Orion. ..$12,000 Si-cnml premium - house and lot in orion 2,000 Third preroluro- hoase and lot in Orion 1,500 KourUi premium- bouso and lot in Orion 1,000 Klíth premium- Kqnare trranrt plauo 500 Slxth premium - younc Uashaw mare GOU Suvonih premium - orgtfl 250 lüjhth iremium- villaje lot. Orion 250 Niuth premium - vtllage lot, Orion %ïQ Tenth premium- platform spring wacou.. 150 Bldventb prumium -platform ttprlug wagon... 150 Twulfth premium - Portland cuttcr and robeb l.i Thirtcenth premium - buggy 100 Kit;bt promiuuu- each one bed room set $300 l.fKKi Twentyfecond premium- watch and chaln 75 Tweuty-thlrd premium- watch and chaln 50 Twenty-fourth pruminm - ilver ice pitcher.... 50 Twenly-fllth premium- sllver castor 50 Twunty-aixth premium- eilver cantor rj Twcnty Bcvunil] premium- set ilvcr knivc .. L Tweiityetj;bth premium- set silvcr forka 7ü '.."" (vih prciuiuiuM, t im :ach 1,(m) aOOCMb premiums, JÍ.00 each 1,000 128 premium $22,715 For ful) particular, addreea R. SI MS Orion, Michigan. 'JS7-IW0 WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, - DENTIST1 BK& tJuccesRorto O. W. North. Office, III Honth Main Hl rrt-t,oppMlte National liuuk. KoHidenre, 27 Llb erty 8treet. Nllrciu oxide gaa admlubtered when reqnoiitd, BMtl