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Kegent Shearer was in town last weck oxamining the ncw museum building. Prof. Tyler goes cast to look after the publication of lus work on Literaturc as soon as his work is finishcd hcrc. The Adelphi has an extra programme to-night, when the members will disouss the Ufe and works of Alfred Tennyson. The following candidatos for the second decree have read or are to read thia week their essays : C. W. Tufls, J. W. Smith, C. W. Hitohoock, A. W. Burnett, J. J. Bates, C. N. Greathouse. Prof. Newcorub says that the cornet ditcovered by Schasberle, in April, i an ontirely new one, never before discovered. By the way, why doa't we hear about Tubby's catching ono once in a whilc. If tho old man isa't caroful, tho other astronomers will get ahcad of him. The farcwcU to Dr. Angelí, at University Hall, laat Saturday afternoon, was not very largely attendod. It was probably owing to the small noticc given out and to the political oxcitcment caused by tho telegrama from the Chicago convention. The speakers wero Dr. Winoholl, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Beebe, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Gatohell and Dr. Angelí. Schik: genural understanding ouglit to be had when a holiday falla on Sunday. Why not colebrato on that day, in an appropriatt; manuer, and let it go at that? Here is coming the Ith of July, for instance, on Sunday. Why not for once attond to business Saturday and Monday as usual, and decórate tho churchos with patriotic embleins, omitting the noise and tumult of drums and works? We don't expect anything so sensible will ever occur. - [Ypsilanti Scntinel. We have just been shown ono of the most useful and attractive books over sold in this county, Johnson' s Natural History, by the Hon. S. G. Goodrich, botter known aa "Peter Parley," hut have only time to say that it is most highly commended by the gruat masters in suience, Professors Agassiz, Guyzot, Drs. Winchcll and Stecre; by Prcesidents, Ilopkin.s, Barnard, Stearns, Chamberlain, Angelí and other distinguished scholars and educators, and that our bost citizons are ordering it, and wc advise every onc to examine it. We ehall notice it more at longth at somc future time.