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Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure. % (Íbrmo-Iy Dr. Órala'' flny Cur:) A vegetable ñreparatiou añil tbs ofilr are rrainlT lu the world fnr llrlglit'a IMnen. ni.lMi,M,nd AU, Kldncy. Utct, iiud UrlKary DIlflM. "Testimonial of the Lig buít order la proof of theso Btmsmob u. MTFor the eurs of Dlabetc. cali fnr WarnWl Nafb UtakvtM Cure. JFor the cure of Urtcbt'a and tlio nthnr dlaeaies, cali for Warnrx'i Salo Kidn.y ¦nd Uer Core. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It la thebest Blood PurlO-. and sttmulttet every fiiucliuu to more hoalthful actlou, nu4 1 thos a. bsneflt in U dlrwwaea. It cnre tjcroftaloas and otbor Skin Krti ntlona and Dlseiues, lududJcg Caneen, 11een, and other Kom. Dyappaln, Wralineai ortke Itaimafh, Coaatlpatlon, Dlnlnca, nend IXI.IIity, etc, are cureil by the Safe RMton. It li unenualed asan sppetlseraod regular tonlc. liottlea of two alies ; prlcea, SOc. and tl .00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qntcklr el voti Brtt and Mwp to the suffwl nr, curen af4Mlolie and Bfeuraltftm prevoiita f :pllptle Fita, and rolleveaNervoua Frottrmtlon brouifht on by excesalve drink, overwork, mental shocks, and otbor eatues. Powerful ai It U to atop pain and loothe dlsturbed Nerrea, it nver Injurea the nyatoui, whether taken in email or lort" dom. DotUeaoftwoalzoa; prlcoe, B0. aud (1.00. WARMERS SAFE PILLS Art an immedlats and active stimulus for TorpldUvr. andcure CwtWcotu, Dr.prU. BllI WnWHffi t louiDMi. Rllloai Dlxi¦ BiMV I mV. rhft. Mklirlft. Pvor ¦ PvfRnQ ukHn I HW and Agnt. and flhoulft luuÉJ I iiy u"l whenuver the ¦ Mi ¦¦!¦ bowela do not clorato ¦ KB frwly nnd ri'Kiil.uly ¦ MKlVQ ¦ Irff Ko oll..r f'IIU rinlrr lurk IIMniiRRH ¦¦ - " ¦ ¦ UU13X 4 wiiri.Mrrt.'!. ¦ BVnMvVPVRfS rl ?fnnr'lHlffllrilHli ¦ I-T 1 1 % IMiilliH mmm "'' ij irwi ! I LL1ÏT '1TWé1M H.H, Warner &, Co., ¦ ifXfnüM ROOHEaiEK, N. 7. ¦BMaUiBSAW C0-H-.4 fcr rpl.ll ÖÜÜ-lüiti