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SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH A purely vegetable dtstttlation entirely unlike all other remedies. IK the prcprntton of thls romiwlcable rcinedy cvory herb, plaat, and bark I subjocted to dUiíllation, wheroby che ensunUíil i-u-iJich! principie ís obtulnuJ ia yuTior, condensad (uul bottlod. Whai rcniaftis Ín tbu tul la inert, valniMi't, nni totally nnflt for uno Ín an oritaniam eo delicate uu thu nattul paa?e8. Yet al) nnttis arr luonhihlo conmoundb oí woody libra ; all Uuo turca, aaturatud solutloris. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE Iflaloenl and conslitntlonal remeriv, nni U .pplled to tho ntiHAl pitótiu.M by luuülaliuií. ÜiUrt ullftyhiK tuilaiiiuiatlon and paln and nt once corructluir, :í.miiíiük', and purtíyiUK the secrctlon. ïntfirnully tulmtiiiBterftl. lt acto upon tho oiKan oí clrcuUtlon, Tíüc tlio skln molet, and neutralizo tho add polson that haafotmd lt way tnto tho stomaeli and thenco luto the bloud. Thup A cor profcrcfurt! Ín lioili dirpctluim, anl lt doca not aooni ponsiblo for human ln.'jenulty to do viso a moro ratiüual treatment. SURPRISING CURE, OenVemen. - Abont tretvO yr.nn upo, vnila travelUn wlth Faturr Kemp' Otd Folk Concert Troupe kö a tenor pinacr, I toóle a severa cold and wa lald up at Nttwark.lO. Thlacoirt brongbton u severo attack of Catarrh, wJilch I battled witta oYtiry known remedy for four weoks without avnll.and ww rtnally obtlrud tu Klve up a moet doalrablB poaltiou aad return bumo, unable to pImk a noto. For tltruo iJtcrwanU I waa unablo to titig at all. Tbu nrt atUck ot Catarrh had lft uiy niwaí ortranf; and throat o aonaitlvc that tliO ellghtest cold woula brlriK on & frcRh attack, leaving me prnetrntcí!. ín thiP way I contlnned to iilfer. Tho ltiBt attack, tho svverost I e ver íiful, wa trmbta. Ib ' fered th moet excructatlnir pain In my hciKl, was o noarne aa to bo ecarctíly allo t ppoak, aud cuuhud lnccsflontly. I thought I wat ïoüik lnto quick cousutnptlon. and I Ürnuy bellcvo that had tboao Byniptome contlnuüd without relief tliev woald havo ren dcrd mo an easy víctlm. VTtien fn thlñ dlstreaélníe eondltlon, I connnencud the ota uf ftA x yonn'a Iíaihoal CuksforCatahui, vory roluctantly, Icnnícw, mi liad tried all the aclvortlst-il s without bencllt. Tha flrat doBO of thlB won(irfil medicine g tno thi (rroatt'Btrclirf. lt in hnrdly ['Oenihloíor onc whOBt'tientt achiH, eyes nene, who can Kcurofly artlciilato dtatlnctly on Hccount if tlio rhoklng aceumulattous in hls throat, t( n-ftllzü how iiinrli relief Ï obtfthu'd from tho Ürst apEllciitlonof 8an!obd'h Kawoal cvbe. Ciulor lt Ínuenrt', both Internal and extrnil, I rapidly recovered, and by an oocHslonnl nw of the retnerty ilncu. líate ti ¦ n entirely freo from Catarrh, íor tito flrt timo tu twclvu yeara. Rc6pectfu;iy yonr, Waltham, Miss., Jan. 8. t578. I'. S. - I purchoaod tLe 1UDIO4I, Cche oí GÜü. U. ROGIERS, Drugfflat, Hutuford líuUdluif. KftPh nncltfipo rfntaln Bf Sanford's Improred Xnhal tní Tube, witli rtil! dirootloiis iir uo la all caaos, rrlccIl.OÜ. KornU" ly al! M liol-aal'' and Uctall I)rufftflta tiiíuugiKiut tho rnltoJ Sutes and Cañadas. WKKKS 4 POTTETl Ouncriil Agente and Wholoealo DniKgJetJ, HustoD, ilaty. VOLTAIG PLASTER An Electro-Gaivanio Battery combined wlth a highly Mcdicatcd Plastor containíngtho choicest medicina! Gum and Batsams krown to modern Fharmacy. ThopeTlrtR' icon befon; tho pntl!c for twu yuar. wwt, noiwithhtaiuilu tli tmiuoiiso nuiuber of remtllofl ii tlw form i f lluimont, fottons, pain mr ri, tiiid ouiiu.ny plantere, thov hiive Htcadlly InerPiut- '1 In phI'J hikI ii 'r frh anlvrml npproval, aa evtririiccti by over o.ü l!i uaand DutoUotlun iem:noiiiniw in i'iir poascAfllop, (lauyjeu urkable cases hu va i rttned ( i by WHlt-kuown rltlz-MH In nll parta ,' .1 httcÁ.C0nÍeSl vvhlch wIM bo nt-nt freo ¦ io ('.-jalrínK tlicm. liüproyeniontt, in ntany wnyV, iiin ö bei n nindc, i. sti(TKlT(%ft by sxo auu (;-¦ , nntll it 13 bdtli-rcil tiir.t tiu-y are now pcrfcft !n f-v-ry runpct, an-l the btt pkuier ín tAe worUiariMduine. All w ak Irow cvury BulTenr In the land ibuvl ivle ttlml. Tli prl#w U25cnts,aUbQUKQ thr ;(tat fa lionhln t1 u o' othcr piaster. Itut, notwltlmtandlnic tliu - irnts cf tfir pfofirfetors to make tbo bett plaBti r In tlio worM for tho least monuy, any iiiillr reinorty cu be buiiKht, numb-rrt of uuperppoloudMurs will bo fuim-l niftdy to mltfwreëBat them (o Buietliut othcra. Do Dut allow youreelf to bu Impoücd upon. Ak for COLLIKS' VOLTAIQ PLASTER And InaiBt npon bftting wbat you nn wlUlnr to pay for. Bold by all WIioIuhaId aud ReUli Iru(il3t thrOQffhont tlic L'nltti.l Btatint nnd i'mmtdos, umi uy Wkkkh & oTTKit, lYoprlutorft, líoston. Muso. 980-990 TUTTTS symptÖBsofT torpid li ver. Losa of Appotite. NauaeOy bowclscosttv. hoback port. Pain undortho ahouldorsom" di TSíñfasTTTuttSrWM1 íií)ñrt7potDetoreiaooyoa! SigEíigElyooToroaUnner IFTHíSEWAIUíIIIQSABEUNHEEDED, SERIOUS MSEASfS WIIL SPON BEDEVELOPHX TÜTTS PIIXS nro cHprdally ulnptol i o mirll roitOHv onodOHO elfootHsurh nciiiniRn offeollng oh to fiMf oniwh tlio Kiiflerer. A Noted Divine says: Dr. TUTT :- Haar 8ir i For tn yrara I havo boon a nMirtyrtoDyppepöIoCorrtitiiJationaDdPilrti. Laat RprinyDurliHsworer'conimftntlei; I uuwd thm. I am nowa woHman.havo Rood appetito.ditretifion iifrftwt, rpRiiliir htooín, piles (ïone, jtod havauinmi lorty pounusflesh!!!! are wrtli tiioir wii#fht in old Rev. ïl. i: ; SÍMPSON. LoiawUii. Ky. They InproaHECnCpïtrtReTaïKi cbuwï 11h body to Tako on FIchIk thiif the eybtcm ín nourinhfHlf aud by thoirTonic Aotlon on th DiffeMlive OrwniiH, ICeinilnjr SIooIh art; prodnced. Prk-c 35 r tmta. 35MurrHySt., N. Y. TOTT'S MWHm Cray Haih oh WnisKKK chiuurod to a Olosuv IIlack by a üinulo iH.iliciition of tliin Dye. It imKrtH a Natural OoiuT. aitö lnAtantiimiouniy. SolU rrungi8t. or Bnt ny fxiwfsa on rocoipt of $1, Office, 35 Murray St., New York. E00T-re6 Capaoity as I ider perday, E1.EVATORS, PUMP8, PATENT RACKS nd Cloths, Jelly Pana, Cider Keeping Solutiou, witti full line ..f CIDEH MILL SIJI'PLIES. lUunrated catalogue free. Menlion this paper. Addresi C. (J. HAMPTON, Detroit, Mich. 1,-vkxx; c o w HALLS BALSAM Cnres Colds, Pnenmonia, Bronchitis, Astlima, Cronp, AVhoopin? Conrl, and all disensos of the Iiroathing Organs. Itsuothos and hciils the Membrana of the Langs, inflamed and poisoncd by t!ie discaso, and prcTcnts the uihtBwoftts and tigrhtness acrosg the oucst which occompnnr it. CONSUMl'TION is not an Incurable inulady. It is on ly uocessnry to hayo tho richt remedr, and HAÍX'S KALSAM in thnt remedy. DON'X DKSl'AIU OF BELIEF, fr thi.s benigu spcciflc will cure you, eren though professional aid fuils. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most rowerftd Jleallng Agent ever liscovcred. Urnry' Carbolie Salve cure the teor orpê. llenvy't Carbolie Salve allayt the pain of hurnm. llnry'm Carbolio Salve cure all trup. llunt. llinry't Carbolie Salve heult nitnvlcê and blotcht: Urury't Carbolio Salve l eufe rvH and brui. iU for Ilenry'g, and Tako JTo Othcr. :r HBWARB (IV ÜOÜNTKRFKIT8. _ FOM Al-E Dï AI.l. URUOOISTS. JOHN I'. IIKNRY, CURRAN Jk (., soi.ii ruuiiuEToiui, 'i-i Oolloce Pin. e, New York. JKil-Ulia-Bow. STEPHEIT T=ieA.a?T, iisiLswi'innms ot all kin.lH. :aoiS; nrsa, mul uil Choat Iros Worï ai i, 216, '.'is Congren 8t. Wi?t, utwhx nfltvnit Miph TninD AMD l-ül'uiii Hl,, 1OtJ.Ulli, JUUjJl.i Ecpi:lnE dono. Sivots isi Bollo: Flato for Calo. 'JSMUUT PJOAL! COAL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlinr mul wIio1i-h;i!c il-iitir of tbt celrbratud BRIAR RIDGE GOAL. AL80- !, -niiT iri Hiini Col mul Tic Inm. Ordsn promptlj Blled. Office, VU örlwold trcot, Detroit, rum :. LOM