I THE HeadeE of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. We promise a cordial wclcome and an attractivc display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jcwclcrs, Silvcrsmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gcms, Corner of Woodward ind' JeSbrson Avenues. [jgipParticular attention given to mail orders. 977-102!) W. TREMAIN Iiinsi Apncy OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE riii iti iiisti Inturance mp'v (of London and KdïobUrgh,) Capital $nS,WJIplOU, ööld. Dclroll l'lr.i anl l urine Icim. o. Out Aflm-tc IQHI IKHI Spring IW Ml Int. ( iiij . ol WtHM., Cash Atvels $l,WKi,0(m. Ilouurd in. Co,, itl' 'v lurk, cuBh axkcií ii,tK,oao. Agririillurtil IiiKiiruiirc iii") WATEliTOWN, - NEW YORK, Uaeh' Asueto 91,aÖÖyOOO. Lomea libermllyadjusted and prona ptly p:iid. yr I f yim we n mu f baria ., ivt alnmml bj th ruíii tf í f yoo aro a min of lettem, tollinir cmr your miiljL;L! vork to reaturo biula iiurvo m.ii uati-, n r dlmlp.Uiin If yoa nru niiüricd or siiiirl. o]l or ÏyoUllK, MUlI.irlnB Trom poor lioiüth or n inKooabtvlof flickiifw, relyon Whoevorymt are, wherovor yon are.whonevcryou fuol UuLt yoursyiTteui ne-(ls t Ican.stnirtoniiif or . tlniulatliijf, wlthuut ÍHÍ.-xaviinf, tako ¦ nTi yo i!ujXTf', kiiinrv or KWnnru COTTinoint. dta- .jweoftho ftomnrh, lnwcH, blnxt, íftTr.orncrucaf M ïuu vrill Im) pured lf ytm u) If youaroslmplyweakand lowppirltcd.tryit! Buy it. Uutat upon It. Your iraKint kevpi 1 1. Ii mar Mavo your Ufe. It hm saved hilredt. Hop Caash CuroItthciwectMtkrcttMtJ beat Ak chll.lreo. Th Hop Fad Tor Stomich, LItvt nd KUlneyi, h npMrlor to til othtr. Cum by abwratloB. li Isparfaet. Ak ilniggiitt. IX I. C itUi nbtoiuUandlrwiitUblicoreor ünuikeiiMa.aMnf ¦¦¦¦ ".min, lolxw.-o or DftruUc(. OMKOB AUT luM by drn(;iiU.llop IüHit Mf-., n., kéMW, N. Y 9S1-990 DANDELION Dr. WWtó'i DnuduHon Altcrative, the Grcat Blood Puriflur and Uonuvator. A ipccitic f(r Livor Comjilunit, HiliüUrtiiuH, Chille and Fever, Dywpep.-la, Kidncy Dlgeanc, Uhcumatlm and Constipatlou of the BowuIb. Kemoves pimples and pnllownei?? from skin, producintí u clear complexión. It ie pun-Iy voictablc, perfect ly barmlees and i)lea8ftnt to takt.. Pint büttlei only 1, and cvery bottlc warranted. PULMÓN AKI A, UÍ Zt for Coughe, Colda, Asthma, Iïronchiti, Crouj), WhocpinpCongh and Incipi'.nt Consumption. Fifty cents por Bbttle. Lare boules tl, and every bottle warrnntcd. For sale in Aun Arbor by Kbiirhach A Son, and drnsnists everywhere. 95S-101Ü Unscrupulou8 partitïs are falttely reprosoutlng to cunsnmers thut ttaey aro eelllng sblrts of our manufacture. NhlriK Slailo lo Orli by nu bear alauip wltll Iud-llhl Ink ou Yokc, tlilu: CHICAGO, S ICINaNNATi, Our Roadj'üradc Mhlrta Ixiir tiiiuit n-lfh Indvllble luk ou Yokr, tUut: All Othersaro Falsoly Representad. WILSON BROS. Importing and Jobbing Men's Furnishers. U8ll MC a, ïj e tr n o r f MACHINIST. DOES ANY ViOKK IN MIS LINK. llMi'ini, Agriculturnl Mnchinory, SvwiiiK MachlDoa mil I.c.ckB repklred. Tnrnlng, Key-üttlng and prlndios pr(mptly done. Keepfl u Rood asMortnicnt of Cutlfri', Locks tmd Toola, which wlU b6 r-oM chcap. No. 36 South Main Street, ANN A.IÍ.KO1Í. Wt-M 1) INSKY & BKABOLTB BAKER Y.GKOGERY ASD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We kocp constantly un hund, BltKAD, CRAOKjaW, ÖAKB8, KTC, KOK W11OLK8ALB AND KKTA1L TKAUK. Wc ehall also keep a upply of BWIFT DEUBEL'8 BK8T WHITE Wil KAT FLOOll, DKLÜI KLOUK, HYK FIA)l!K, UUCKWHBAT FLOUK, OOKN MEAL, FKBD, Ac, c. At wholCBalc and rctall. a (fcuern! storli ol .ito(i:i{[i:svn PROvisioivs conotantly on hand, whlch will bo nold on as roadcm Blilc kruin aK ut nny other hout-c In Ihe rlty. Cash pald for Bultcr, Kkk', und Country Prodnei unurully. WHoodi doltvercd to uny part or the city win out extra charco. ir KINBEY SKAUOLÏ. 11 1 IlITP n acemt7toll teT, WAN I Hl' '¦' ¦! l!k.l.e l„w I., l., f.„,,„,. lñS-1013
M. S. Smith & Co.
Insurance - Agents & Brokers
A. A. Terry's Hat Store
Hop Bitters
Patent Medicines
Dr. White's Dandelion Alterative
Eberbach & Son
Wilson Bros.
Clothing - Retail
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
W. Tremain
H.A. Neuhoff
36 S. Main St