Ayer's Agüe CureJ FOK THE SPEED Y KEI.lKt' OF rovor ui Apio, latormittont rovor, CU11 Toror, Eomittont Fo7or, Dmnb Agao, Periódica! or Büious Fovor, ote., sed mlocd all tho affoctions which ari:o trom malarlow, aarsh or =:a:natle jcIjooí, "¦p IIiih liien wtdely urn-d durint; the lat V iwenty-flve years, in lbo treiituu'nt of FB tlKao (tifltr'öiin (llnm't-, jind wlth I CQ , sucli unvaryiiiK Biicci'xa that it luw ¦" :';iip ' il the n putiiüon 6f betnfl; n!ul IMS. The elmkos, or chillx, once iTokm by H, do uot renni, anti] the dleM ix couitHttt tl ügniii, Thie hay made it nu ncceptcd remedy, iiiil trnsted ipeclBc, fftr the Tuver and tinue ol the Wrel, imrt ttie C!nlln imd FeTOC "t Smitli. AyerV Aune ('ure umdiaUus the apzloot ioíkíhí rrnn tin; HyHtcll), uittl bMTei tin: patleat a W6Ï] u? iicfori' the attack. It thoronclily ezpelt Ib AlMue, o tlmt no LiverComplaiut", Rhcuraatlim, Neurulin, Dyscntory, or Debility follow tho cure. Iudecd, DlidtAon ot the I.ivcr und Bowle have jccurn:d Iroui Mniíiniutlc PqImd, it rciuuvoö tho Muiee ui thtim, and thoy dtotppmr, Nbt only is it 1111 )ftVctunl cure, hut, ]f trtkrn (K'c;inionnlly liy ptiticuta ixpOflba to muliirlft, it will inï póiBOD and iro:ct them frum attncK. Travelers ntid tampon} rollfenM la Fever iiiul Acue loetUttsa nrc thus iual)ld to defy the dieciwi-. The (uiiorul DebUlty, wblch so :iit to enne from continucd tzpoann to Mtilarlfi mul Mini-m, bil nu BpooAlflT remrdy. Kit I.ïrtr (07tilaints, it U an xcellant ieindy. HRBPAKEI) BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Analyücal Chem Solil b all Dttnrlata ind Dealara in Mn. u-mes. V7S-1010-WW ro Inventors and Mechanics. Patcnu and llotv to Obtalu lliriu. PamphUti of fin page rn:e, uiion rccelpt of etaiupe or poetaye. Addriin OILMUKK, WM1T1I A ll!„ Solintort of Talent.-, liox 31, UW ,.1-li.n. U. O.
Patent Medicines
Ayer's Ague Cure
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Ann Arbor Courier