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Nichols Shepard & Co

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SattleCreelí.JíiclL _--3nL Estabulad ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUINE CpKgDg HS Threshing Ma chin e ry and Portable and Traction En gin es. I' 3rS mw'lFn ; (TVKi-KJiVNDAKU f C]weUwwc [r0?JWuX 14 OroinffM8 nflff J MT(' ir Oratn-tUTfng, Tlme-Sartng, Perfect (¦EtMbEE-, jBC3B3i -SEf Ck-Miinfc, Iiaii,t and Thorough Work. U Ub'gtJlr rfSJFEBBib?y . INCOMPARABLE t V"1' of Kater lal, Perfeaion TUOBirUF "JYXJ1ICLDl1 of 1&rts' ï""wi Worltmaaihip, tffcyo FioUb, l.J --riiSrfí" f 1 THr ""ffr MAK 1XOC ÍW wwfy mpmw work in aH t-ni of -"-" 2Zl'' ' iö!7vZv iïrBiii, Mil HtrenoKy knowu u tho oníw iuccuful Tbrcstcr 1 - - ¦1 -1W"" iu Pltx, Tiniothy, Clovcr, and all other Swd. AHTNIIM;l.V IM'KMli.: '¦' odo halftbo anal geart ud Mtt. POKTAIÏLK, TUACTION, ud ATKAW'.ItriCMM STE M K.M. 1 N, wlth ipecial fealore of Powr. Durability, flAfutr. Eoauomy, and Beauty oiUíMy unktiOWD lu othr uuk . tileam-Power OutQtt and Bteam-Powi-r Lciarator anpeoinHy. Four alicaof Hcparator, frnni fi to II boi powei , ui-o 1 MyU-i Improvo.1 Mouattd Morie-P.i . ItS WarH of iWptroiiN and Contlotioun Hu!n M nhuut thaojcof name, locatioE.or maoagcmcnt, furnlhhcB a atroog guaran tec for superior goodJ aud honortiblo deallog. , 0% AIITinil I Tbe vooderful oucc1'' anl poptilaritr of -ra. f f -- U AU I IUH I our Vibrator Mochiucry hi' drlvcn otter tf. 1- mi'-liiui'-t to th" wail ; bcix-e vt iu malcw' aro uow n ¦ ' SSS HjkB mt=3hhw Inr m liuiM and palm otf Inferior aud moQgrcI loütaitous oímhAH .- our famous gooda. ?' BE NOT DECEIVED AtMI IR !T nnch oicrlmoDtml and n ' . l I k HSI lt'.li V a t n, B,t tho "OIUCilNAL" uuJ the aÉ[ÉH Vf c" "Kor full prtlcillir 'lü onr Irilfn, or wrlt.' - 'M NICHOLS, SHEPAED & CO., Battle Creek, Mich. ¦¦ VTffpgW .JÉÉfljfec 'J7S-10U0