Dr. S. Whittier
The City RhíIwm) Company of Chicago worfci 1,76O Honra. Rcad u lint Superintendent Squirefi lia lo say : We use exclusively Whittior's Lininient. It will pay all owners of horses to cal ' or write. M. W. SQUI11ES, Sup't. C. C. R. Co. The Exprest Coinpany ork 370 IIurscN. Real whai Superintendent Knilil has lo suy : I have been usinc Liniment on tli;: horsee of t!ic American aud United States Express (Jompany atables for 24 yeara. I never mol uny that h;ul onu-tenth tle merit oi' Whittier'i Liuiment. Our stables are open. Cali and aee for yonrwlvcs. U. KNIGHT, Sup't. U. S. Kx. Co. The Transfer Company f CliUauo worh 7S I Uorsts. Rvatl wlial WM. ÏOUSG A, CO. liavc to sny : 124 Michigan Avenue.- WkUtifer'a Liniment tliould be in every barn. h has real mcrit. Tlic coniractori for clcanlng of ihc eity worh 2i llortvs Ht ir whal '.r. IIOTCIIÜISS & CO. llave lo say : Whittier's Liniment will cure more linrsea in One das than ;vll others in a month. C. T. HOTCHKISS ct CO., Street Cleaning Contraotors. Scratclic!, Ciro aso l Ilecl, 'Mirusli, Oallcl Spot f rom any enliste, feeal up in from lun to liiroo applicatioii, aatl yon -an Avork Ihe luirlo overy dajf, anl yon can eiire liini at Ihe same lime. It will lak e out all infiammation in a few moment. There is no Remedy on Earth that Equals Whittier's Liniment for Rheumatism. II uill have the same elfeef iipnn the hiinian. Pitos, Serofiiln, Seall lleal, ('atarrh, Plmpfci or Itloiehes on Faee or Itotly, Oll hores, or I'resh Cnls. OISTLY 5O CENTS J BOTTLE. NO. 2O4 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. l'OK S4I.K 1IV II. .1. HltlIttN A; CO., ANN AUUOK. 9.vi-lU(líl-coW