The Gentleman Wins
If yon speak the right word at tho riglit tipac; f you are ciinTul to leave peoplc with i sood ioipresnion ; if you do not trespas upon tlic rights of' otliorn as well as yourself; if ynu do not put yourself' umiuly fbrwanl ; if you do not Ibrgut the ooartemea which bclong to vont poMtinn, you are (juitu sure to aecoiupfwh wuch iu lifo whicli other with ((ual ability fail to. This is Wbere the race is not to tho swift or the batilo to the strong. It 8 wliere yuu inaki! pcoplo Rel that you are unselüsh and honorable and trutlilul and .sincere. This is what society is looking fr in nicn, and it is astonishitif,' liow men are ablc to win seH'-respect and suncess aud wlio possen theso aaslitiea of good breedDg. It ia aiuuost tlie turoing point of succes. in praotioal life. - Boston Ilenild. A Greaï Whisky Sprino in Mishouki. - Twenty yearn ago tho .stuamor A rabian sauk in tlio Missouri river wilh GÜO barrels of whisky on board. Tho current of the rivcr went on ohangin;, and now tho place wherc tho stcamer nauk u lry land, and the forgotton wreek in buried 10 feet deep in the aand. Tho othcr day the man who owns the place put down a pump, and the first üquid ho f'ound was whisky in ono of tho 600 barrck Por a while aftcr he had tastcd the veiu his pipe had struck, land in the vicinity was held at $475,000 an aero ; hut by and ly somc one remembered about the o!d wreek, and the price feil. A trustworthy and constant veiu of'20-ycar old whisky on any Missouri farm huo n tendency to increaso tho domand lor it rapidly.
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Ann Arbor Courier