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LECAL NOTICES. Éstate of i'ruiikiin s. llcnuiifnva). 8TATK OF MK'HlliAN.Comny of At a Hoaalon of the 1'robate Oonrt for theOountyuf Waihlcntiw boUn at the Probate Office, II the city of Aun Axhor, on Tnnraday, the ftweuty-asveatb duy of May, in Ihe yoar noe thouaaiid oi&hi hund ehrdty. l'rcfent, Williuin 1). lUrriinan, Jude of Probate. in lbo matter of the asUte "f Franklln s. Heiningwny, di-ivii-:il. dn readiui; mul dilnf the petition, dnfy rwifiod, of Charle II. Worden, prnylnK thut a cartain tDatrnnieni now on ftlo in itiif cour!,iurïort lag tobo the laai wil! nnd tentamoni ói iud iIi-cohhi-i), miy be ndniiiii'it fo iiT"'it't and that hu and B. L. Uuhert may appomted jtecuton ttiareof. 'rinrfui'oii it orderéd, thut Wcrtnoitlay, the ihlnl dny of June iit'xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be aaaiffood for tn: lmarhiK oí sld jietiiion, and th:tt [lic deTlüeua, Uwatavas and nalra at law of said decvarod, aud all other röoiih Intaraatttd in aaH tvU!i', ure nKJtrifad to appi-ar at a aeaalno vt aafd coutt, tlion to bo holden at i'robiitv OfMce, in the city oí Aun Arbor, tod ihow canae, if any then1 be, why the prner ot the pettttoner ahoold nol he grwtad, Aud it'is lurtlur ordurt-d, thiil said petitiouer ivc lo the pcrhoiim intereBted in tuid Cftalf, of tlu' pi-ndency oí aald patttton, aad tbe haarloff thrrcof. iy rmiHiiiE a i npy i.l tliiH onirr to lie pubiiiHlK-d in the Ann Antor , : Dcwapaper print, d om! clrculatlng in said county, three HaoeufiBtve vveekn prevloas to iaid day ol heariiiij. k A truc copy.) WII.1.1AM 11. HAliUlMAN, of Probate. V.1. O. DOTY, Probate Kcirlstur. us M Notioe t ('minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County l Waahleüaw. H. n Ni.iiir herebi (rtven, thal byan Qrúproibe Probate Court ror tho County of waah tana, ande hc. rntcenth day of Muy, A. i. Sè muiithfl froiu thal date wi ¦!¦(' allówed tot credltora to pruient thelr claimt ágata! the eaMtt "f Ullbarl Alh-n, late "f -ai.i i)unty, decoaaad, Wd 'bat ntl creditiirH of aald deceaaea aro nrqiitred to iireatiui lima io Kiml Probáis Court, al the Probate 'mIm ' . In the i-iiy of A nu Arlior.for exanlMtluB am' allowaoce. on ..r before the ITth dny pi Novanibw int, ;iik1 Uuit aach flamiH will be h.'ard berore aald court, on Tneaday, the ITth day of Aiivuhi, and r on W.dnerday. the ITihdayol Novomber next, at ten I u'clock In the torenoon oi eaob of aaid daya, Dated Aun Arbor, May I7th, A. I). 1,nMI. W1U.IAM D. 1IAKH1MAN, 9BM0X .! M.l rol lrol„ltr. All kiiKlH of Itook-ltiiiilinu ilout at The Otirler on -liorl uotirc.