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AYEK'S CHERRY PECTORAL ¦ or liscnsM of tlie Tliroat nnt !iiuiy. nik' li ns fomjlis. 'oll„ Whoopinff 'oiirli. ItroiM'liit . Mlim:i und ConsiiEuption. ?7 Th f f'"' compofltiOTi 1ffí %t whtch have wou thfl COOjátvif Ú lid'-nci' of mankind and Jgf, AjiJS n tlc me tiou-rliMhl wordn. M m"wi U-v uiiiODíí ni't ouly une hut B Strê innoy natinns, must h;.vr ¦Biv &-SF ' ¦S'r.ifi''tinary vin net. W ifcáaSí lVrli:i'B 35.552mB cr'( nr('(' "" w'rto a ropuiiiV. tvHP' 1 St14'11' ür Diaiotaiiad il eu crèSÉtt iTmhTiL:' ;lfi Ayere Cherrr yJÉÉHESufel knowu to tbc pub] & ¦- fTj'T'S'! Bffvn for'v y;". l)y ion cou-ShHHKeSBBbp tinued seres of nmrvrlonf " cnrei, that havo won m it n cpnfldence in lta riitoM, Bever eqnaled by nny otber medicine. It üüH BMbM me ntCMl eflectoal curen ol Couulii, Colds, ConBumpJion, ibat can. be made hv mcidical ikUL Indcod, tbc Cberry Perti nü hrta rrally robbed tbeae dantronuif disüHei? of thelr - to ;t ffreal extent, Értia pivcn ;i fecline of immunity froiu tfheir palniul eflJBCts, tiint Ifl well foundeii, If the rernedy he tiikon in ppaFon. Kvery liimüy ehould have lt Ín their clofte fr the rcady and prompt relief of itf memhert Slcícnep, Euffertni?, and evon Dfe is saved by tliií unu-ly protection, 1'ih; prudent shoulil Dot nevlect it. and ihe wise vill notK'i'p it by yon f'r m ptbteotioo it afTorda y Iti carly use in nudriou af;:' PRKPAKED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., louwen, Mass., Practical V Analytioal CIicihIsJk. Sold ly all Drnia-ist rtmj Díalos in Medicine. To Inventors and Mechanics. l'aK-nto and il ov t Obtaiu 'riicin. Pnmphl'ts of 80 pn -ei frci'. ui on nceipt of sUunpt for ]ustai;c. Addr. u 1E, bMlTll t Cl., Solicltors of Patenta, Box 31, 92-ilf Wrl-hiiietoi.P.-T. i Y#a "1 i? I J mM Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I %f ( Jbrmcry ir. Crnig's Kuiney o ¦ A vepptahle preparation and tbo ohIt inru ! ¦ remedy in the worlrt for IIi (Klil'a Dbraw ¦ nlabetem, and ALL. Kldntj, Ijver, and ¦ Krlnary Olwun. I Testimoniáis of thohlghost order laproof of these statement!. if-For the cure of I)labtc, cali for WarBWi Safe Dlnbrtn Cur. „ "For the cure of Itrtglit'a and tlie otlier i WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It s thobost IMood Puri fier. and stimulutm orery flinctlon to mere healthful sctluu, au Is thus a benefit in all rïiseaaet. Itrun.Srro(nlouand nth'rrgkln F.rnnclon nnl Diseases, incluvliiu Cuuccn, l'loera, and otner Sorra. yapppaia. H.aknvorihoSlomili, ronatipallon. Iizrinw. ernrral ¦- Ity, etc, are cured by tue Safe Bitters. It li uniqiialedasanappeUlerand nvtular tonlc. ; ikittltiS of twu sizc'á ; [Tices 3Oc aml8100 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE QtiirUly ei ves Rest and Sleep tn i he suflen ng cursa Ilcaclnchc and Ncui-nlirin. urevetits t pil'Plip Kit., and relieves Nervous Kr tralioii brouclit on by excessive drink, ovcrworlc, mental sbockn, anftcithnr raiwes. Powerful as lt is to unp pain and suotlio diiturofíl Nérvea, it ncver ïnjurra tb? System, l wh e tb er taken ui nm;Ul or lnro do&es. I Bottlesof twoeizus; prlceï.SOc. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS [¦Ars an Immediate au! nctive stimulus for a Torpld Uw. and cure Cotuveneit, Driptpsl, Bii31 nfïSMrüffl I iootníM, Biliom DiarH PÏTtbiaWïTvTai Bftft n1 L" u;nl abould I LügBPBftifaUcJ flPBW '"' '1"S11 wlu-neviT the I VrVKSI23flHHS lowuls du nut opérate ¦ULLiËISairS freely nnd reuJnrly. ', ¦ VrV " 'ttnr l'ill. t.Tiiif -nrh B IÏPTliiTn Kfl H 4um for Uturooh ¦ KMbAIÍÉIÉÉÉB MTm '"'' '""ii-c 2.S ets. ¦ box, VfVTnifffnfS -P" WariuVa Sfr Htmi ar I "' 1 ¦ tB ¦Ua Bi BV '¦ Á"iar ")¦"- g)W Hfeffal l'roprlrtora, jgrOÜ8Jí8 .xNDLüTS KOU . una n nnmlici 'i frm !t, .,¦., ,.Luj roasonlK- rr-ilit. A'-io. flftv ,-jrv loto, wo!l ImiOM, wlthi ma mui mortM'im.-v inf-'y iuv.--.K-1 pi li-ndcri, at I 11 iwri UUL lu.iillr ui feW B. W. MOROAN I