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Food For The Sick

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The fol'owinp advice as to administering food to the sick deserves the attention of nurses and of all who are called upou to look after nervous patiënt : It is a great mistake to have largc quantities of fiuit, bibcuitu, etc, lyiDg bout a sickroou). A very few grapes, an orange pecled and (lividcd, and two or three ruilk or water biscuits are quite cnougb to havo disp!ayi -d at one time. The same may be said of food. I have often been painod, when visitiDg some of niy ick pen.sioners, to see tlifir friends, with wcll lueant but mistaken kindness, bring large bamnfuls of' horrible couipounds, whieh they dinnify wiih the name of j.tucI, or ttano, or tapioca, as the enne muy be. The mere ñgfat of tlic food sceuied to et licm ;if,';iinst it. Whemtf, ifa lUtta pws i:id been bcstowcd n]nin it s prepuationj nd a small cupfiil providcd iri'-tcad of tho arK iUinti-t I name:, tliey piobably would lave partaken ofit with pleaxure A notter' error", fltftnmitted with th - Best ntention.s, ia to kee Mkiog the iaüents what they would like, if they could take hi.H thinc or the other. The iekoned, wearied ezprearion 1 have oflcn seen ilit ver th' facs of jn-oplc who are rMÓteffog 'rom alingerinK illin:ss, wheu their oifiuiou.s rlalivoH eome teasing them aM to tlnii re (fuirementa ! Durin: tlie linRoiinfi ilhiess of a dcar relativo, I verily believe wc made her ofton cat, just by prnvúling dain:y morselu of food, displayinf? thoin toiupliiu;ly arranged, and taking thcni to lior bedside quite unexpectedly. jt' ahe had been askod could shc oat anything, I feel conödent tho answcr would liave ioevitably beon : "No, thanks. I don't feel at ull inelined to eat." A very simple and expedhious way of cooking a little bit of chicken or fish is to butter a jiaper thickly, place the food to be cooked within the paper, and place it on the gridiron over a clear Gro. A very short timo suffiecs to cook it thoroughly, and I Lave often found that to be eaten when all other modes of invalid cookery have been tried in vain.