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(Jaru has a young Iadics band. Alpena is to invest in briok making. Albion wants the state military eneampment. ('apt. MafW, of BayCity, lOOyearsold, died Friday last. Yuba, in Grand Traverse county has a new cheese lactory. The Hillsdale boat crew lefi for the Moline regatta last Monday. Gov. Croswell is to deliver the 4th of July oratiou at Tecumseh. There were 4,44'J births and 1,941 deaths in Wayne county last year. Senator Ferry has arrived at nis home in Grand Haven from Washington. Dr. May E. Green is the health officer of Charlotte. Not very groen either. Julius Caesar Burrows, M. C, is to deliver Kalamazoo's 4th of July oration. The Three llivers school will be taught by Prof. Howell, of Buchanan next year. Dowagiac wool buyers have purchased some 85,000 tts. of wool this season, at froni 35c to 45o. The Macoinb county supervisors have got into a muddie over the contract for their new court house. One of the graduates of the Niles high school, Wm. L. Alexander, isa colored boy, and he did his part well. B. R. Gass hasresigned the principalship of the Niles schools, and Frank Laudan has been elected in his place. Prof. McEwan, of the agricultural college, and Miss Erca Babcock, of Kalatnazoo, were married on the 17th. The Port Huron militia are drilling twice a week, and are bound to be in good shape for the grand encampment. The Chicago & West Michigan 11. R., alone took 12,000 bushels of strawberries into Chicago during last week. enumerators only add up 10,200 inhabitants in Saginaw City, and they, the Saginawians- are mad about it. The Liberalists of Michigan will hold a state camp meeting at LaDsing, commencing June 2'Jth and ending July 5th. The Shoe wae-cae-mette crew has "busted up." The New Orleans defeat was the hair that broke the elephant's spine. A shingle mili Putnam & Barnhart at Sand Lake, burned on the 17th. Loss, $3000, $1,000 covered by insurance. The coming regatta at Bay City is bidding fair tobe a "big thing," and the course selected is said to eclipse all past courses. All companies of the 3d regiment of state troops have received orders from headquarters to turn out for parade on the 4th of July. Marcus Stevens, one of Detroit's prominent men, and a furniture dealer there since 1859, died on Saturday morning last, aged 66 years. The Flint school board by a vote of 6 to 3 bounced Prof. T. W. Crissey, for the past four or five years superintendent of schools at that place. The state pomological society changedits name tothc "Michigan State horticultural society," at the recent strawborry meeting at Battle Creek. Rev. L. M. Hunt, who killed himself at Galesburgh, recently was a membor of the lloyal Arcanutn, and his wife receives $3,000 insurance. Taylor of the Charlotte Republican, has been reckless enough to get married. An lndianapolia lady, Miss Wilcox, is the other party to the transaction. A business man in Wyandotte signed a petition to have a nuisance in his own yard removed - itwas signed without inquiring into the merits of the case. Robort Sands was run over by a freight train near Adrián, on the night of June 18th, and instantly killed. He was under ik. :.,„„„„ „ i;a„„r ot ty,a fmfi The M. E. church at Port Huron, which was blown down by an irrevcrent tornado ono year ago, has been rebuilt and will be dedioated on or about August lst. John Van Horn, cx-aupcrvisor of Hamburg township, Livingston county, has been fined $50 and costs for not assessing the dog tax. The case will go to the supreme oourt. . A new democratie paper, cdited by M. H. Clark, formerly of the Grand Rapids Dctnocrat, and called the Barry County Democrat, is about coming into existence at Hastings. Capt. Kehoe of the vessel Ontonagon found two small children adrift in a small boat 10 miles off Port Hope, Huron county, June 13. He picked them up and took them back to port. The Oceana County Journal says that the Hessian fly is working on all kinds of wheat, except the Clawson, in that neighborhood, and the prospect is there will not be a half erop of Deihl and Soles wheat. The Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. is to bo sold under foreclosure of mortgage, at theeompany's office in East Saginaw, at any time after June 26th, upon eix weeks' uotice. lts debt aggregates $6,236,368. The Raynor opera house at Masón will be 100 feet long, 44 wide, and 50 high, with a mansard slatc roof mounted by a center' tower. There will bc a large stage, four boxes, and a gallery with raised seats. Detroit Post : In the West Point graduating class of this year. C. S. Burt, of Michigan, st )od Gth and F. A. Strong of Michigan 1 Ith. Mr. Burt hasresigned under the act of congress, pertnitting any cadet to do so, and giving him $750. The dirtiest, meanest, most degraded and low-lived thing in liuman form is a thief that would steal a crock of butter whieh a one-legged man had earned and carried home to his blind wife, but that same thing was done at Paw Paw last week. This is the story the Traverse Bay Progress tells about the recent storm at Elk Rapids : During the storm Saturday night the wind blew the nuts off from a cast iron stove which was riding at anchor on the walk ncar the Lake View house. Jay Whiton of the firm of Hood & Whiton, of Ithaca, died recently, and a pöttmortem examination revealed the faot that inflammation caused by an imperfectly cooked beau had caused his death, having lodged in a narrow passage in the right iliac región. The annual meeting of the Northwestern ' Michigan press association has been post' poned for one year. The political canvas?, raise of paper, and general poverty of the member.s is probably the reason. Now is ' the time to subscribe for your own home ' paper. ' Among the ncw wrinkles on the sleeping coaches in usc on the G. R. & I. railroad, [ in this state, are electric cali bells from cach berth, and a rocepUcle for valuablen, which cannot be opened excopt by removing the sidc of tbc berth wherein the iiassenger is sloeping. Uii raoorded that a certain Montoalm i county editor went to Chicago during the re publiuim naiidiial conventioD, and attergajii jog long and aaneatly at the eleotric lights c in the Palmer house, exclaiint'd : " Well ! t l'll behangedifthal ain't tlu' best kw'seae t I ever did see." t Soy mour Shelters, aged lOyears, was shot by Henry llaymond, aged 9 years, on Wednesday, of last week, in Allegan, thu ball ontering the rightgroin, and nol found by the doctors at the last information. The boys had a quarrel over something, but Raymond claims tho shooting to have been accidental. The first reunión of' the grduates of' the Michigan Institution for the deal' and dunib, will be held in St. Andrew's hall, Detroit, on the evening of the 5th of July. Prof. D. A. Simpson, of St Louis, is to deliver the oration, and a good time is expected. During the day a basket picnic will be held at Grosse Islc. John Jacob Astor's old residence at Sault St. Marie, which heoccupied whenfur trading up there in the year 1827-28, is now in a :nl state of dilapidation. The house, whioh for years was the finest in the northwest, is now a wreek, and furnishes a shelter fora very old half-breed who was in Astor's eniploy over tiO years ago. The following are the prizes won in their order at the recent state touinauient at Flint : First class, lst prize, Lansing knights templar band, $150; 2d prize, Ypilanti, $75. Seoond class, ]st prize, Port Huron band, $100; 2d prize Altnont, $50. Third class, lst prize, Eaton Rapids band, $80 ; 2d prize, Port Sanilac, $40. The Adrián Times is authority for the information that therc is a young man in that city who declares that he will support Arthur. He says he has always adtuired T. S. Arthur since he wrote " Ten nights in a bar-room," and thinks the republicans acted wisely in making him the nominee for vioe-pre8ident. Thomas Davis, of Murfreesboro, Tenn., e route to Kngland, atuck his arm out of the window of a carón the M. C. R. R. day express, at Trumbull's, near Jackson, ono day last week, and his elbow was crushed so that amputation was necessary. The express was passing a freight which had just cleared the switch as Mr. Davis put his arm out. A serious accident occurred at Hillsdale recently. A hack run over a pile of dirt lef't io the street, and tipped over with a loadofpeople returning froin the evening exercises at Hilladale college. Miss Silly had her collar bone broken, and MissGriffin had three ribs broken. $40 were raised for the former in the chapel of tho college the next morning. Last Saturday two noted rascáis on their way to the Ionia house of correction, from Bay City, were placed in the Lansing lockup for safe keeping for a few hours, when they battered the doors down and escaped. No clue to their whereabouts. The two officers in charge ought to be reprimanded for their carelessness, or eise the city of Lansing for its easily broken lock-up. Detroit has at last, by continual and repeated importum'ng of its citizens, and about $1,000,000 worth of advertising in Detroit, and $2,000,000 worth of sneers from country papers, suoceeded in raisini; $200,000 for the Butler, or Wabash connection R. R. project. Work will begin at once it is said. This will place Detroit as one of-the termini of the greatWabash line, and be of incalculable benefit to its business men, a majority of whom littlo deserve it. The peppermint oil excitement i just beginning to be agitated here. As peppermmt is known to flourish well here, and as thcre is thousands of' acres of low land, well adapted for that plant, it is confidontly believed by many who know about its culture, that the business óf raising peppermint here would be a source of wealth. Wc have the assurance from a reliable eource that roots and a good market will be furnibhed to any one wishing to try the experiment. Let us hear from as many as possible. - üceana Co. Journal. ai tne oiose oí exercises at the State band tournament in Flint, a meeting of the band iuasters present was held and a permanent state organization was effected with the following ofiBcers: President, Wm. N. Dreskel!, Lansing ; secretary, J. F. O. Smith, Port lluron; treasurer, J H. Uardner. runt, inese omeers wi!l torm an cxecutive comtnittce wbo will have charge of all the musical details of future tournaments inoluding the arrangement of classes, the niaking of rules and regulations, the number and charactcr of the prizes, etc., the organization to be known as the State a.sjsociation of band leaders.