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"The double-turreted Monitor," ia the way the editor of the Mt. Cleinens Monitor bas letters directed novr. Ingham County News : "There is weeping and wailing aad gnashing of teeth in the offices of' the democratie newspapers, as they sadly consign their editorials on a tuird term and a mónarchy to the waste - basket. They were "bom to bloom orneen and waste their sweetness on the desert air." The Allegan Tribune thinks some of our great men better come down a Hule : "lt would do the statesmen and polititian.s, good, great, suiall, who try to drive thu masses, to go around among them more, and discover the amouut of reading and thinking they do now-a-days. The trouble is the statesmen get away above the people, don't understand them, and mistake tbeir men when they try to rule them." That there are others in the country equally as great and intelligent as the New York senator, the Mt. Clemeng Monitor has full faith: "The Spartan niother's epitaph, 'Greece hath many a nobler son than he,' may be written after the name of lloscoe Conkling. The Chicago convention developed men that were his equals, if not superiors, in re partee, logic and eloqugnoe. The fact of it is there are thousands of men in humbler life who need but opportunity to put tuem upon a level with the few whose names are daily on the public tongue. " Big Rápida Pioneer Magnet: "General James A. Ciarfield resides at Mentor, Like county, O., seventeen miles from Cleveland. The roofs of his farm-house can be seen from the passing trains of the Lak e Shore railroad, nestled among the trees, lic h a man greatly loved by his neighbors. His wife is of a delicate f'orm, in rosy health, a domestic, devoted mother, fitting her four sous for collego or for active life, a lady of sunny spirits and of a very quiet, dignified bearing. No one can truthfully say the family, from father down, would not in all respeets, honor the white house by a residence of four years." The CedarSpringsClipnersayg of China, but forgot to add that she had the meanest people on the face of the earth: "China is the ricuest nation in the world. She owes less money than any nation in existenoe, can cornmand more revenue, has a greater population, more inexhaustiblo resourees, larger accumulated treasures, and is obesied more implicitly in her mandates than any human authority in existenee as a government. To have a difference with such a power is a business very embarasMiii; to a power like Kussia. The Czar realizos this, but cireumstances urge hiui forward to a war with China, which, once began, would doubtless be the bloodiest ever waged in Asia." The ü rand Traverse Herald thus refers to the Ferry scandal : "A most disgraceful and scandalous report has been cinulated, chiefly by democratie newspapors, affectinfi the character of Senator Ferry. It was of sueh a nature that Senator Ferry's friends indignantly repudiated the idea that it had even the remotest fonndation in truth, and this confidence in Michigan'. s favorite senator has been justified by liis moet einpliatic denial of the truth of the story. The whole affair it now appears was gotten up for the purpose of ruioiog Mr. Ferry's prospects as candidate for the vice-presidency at Chicago. The pool of politics indeed needs cleansing when such ineans are used to accomplih poütical ends." The Berrion County llocord teil of a new insect pest whieh has mude its appcarance in that section: "A small, lively, yellow bug, called the rose bug, is making rather sad havoc on Rev. J. F. Bartmess' piiice, jusi west or wwn. nuie pest attaoks nearly every green thing and espceially thosc that are of value, catino the peaches and apples on the trees, small 'rapos, rose blossoms, and the wheat, eating the kerneis out of the head andleaving UpnMnn A httd was brought to this oinca with a dozen or more of üir VKn clinging to it. Mr. Bartmcss says he has been bothered with these bugs for several ycars, they making their appearance at about thia time of year and lasting about two weeks, but ncver have they been BO ravenous as this year. He says he would Jike to know just bow to get rid of them. They grow fat on paris green, and the only thing that he has ibund that materially affjets thcir happiness is kerosene oil, but that also kills the plant." Tho ïsabella Enterprise thus says of the fast-fading democracy : "The democratie boom for the Ilon. Uavid Davisisdeveloping into quite formidable proportions. D. D's huil, however, is so large that Éne boom is diffieult to discover by the rabid bourbonistie leaders who favor Gen. Hancock, Samuel J. Tilden, Thomas A. llendricks, and the remainder of that clan. Like vesults would probably occur if the democraey were to rest up for recruiting purposes duriog the next four years without making anyj attempt to secure the natiqnal supremacy of power for this presidential term, taking into eonsideration their present dilapidated poütiguê, To split and fall asunder seems to bc tho idomitable event so vividly forecast by various indications which circumvent that faction. PBace to the memory of the fading demoeracy ! May the gentle breezes of heaven chant with tender compassion their last dirge o'er its little grave." The editor of the Lake City Journal thinks that the editors of the weekly republiean pres throughout the country ought to have had some rights at the national convention, and says so in plain and forcible language : "We wish toremark and our 'language shall be plain,' that whoeyer had the management of the ticket business, proved himself the most expert bungler to the business on record, and when the national committee, or M. K. Stone, oí the Chicago New, andsecrotary of the press eommittee, exclude, and throw overboard tho weekly rcpublican press of the country, that has labored, and is laboring for its interest, and admit rabid democratie editors to seats, (to our cert;iin knowledge,) and also adniitting scores of the inmii dim jnice of Chicago, while there was at the MMM time large numbers of vacant seats in the building, and hun dreds of hard-working ïepublican editora that came hundreds of' miles never saw the insido of ts walls, was a most DAM N A ¦ BLE INSULT to the great republicaD weekly press of tho land and somuonc did not understand his business, ordo his duty. Tickets were sold on the streets at price.s rangins l'iotn $5 to $35." The Little Rock, Ark., (jazette tulls of .a "colored lnother" wlio named his tenth son "Judus .isciirut," and gave these as his reaMMu: "Jodtn hez been slighted. Nobody hez eber had de immoral courage ter name a chile for dat man. But dat ain't de Dtio reasoo why I named him Judus. I'se got de Bible ter stand by me in gililin de ohile dat name. In remarkin' of ¦Judus it ia MJd dat it would had bin better ior dat man af be hadn't bin bom. Au' oonsiderin' huw many moufs is ojiened at de doo' when I gocs homo wid a sido ob meat, it would hab bin better for dat boy ob mine ef he had neber seel daylight. I tako do scriptur (rum de relerencrs. In de futur ef I tinils tlat the boy hez made iin provments on hisscll', den l'll ehaoge hú name ter Jim."