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The ropublioim of Indiana have placed I f ii. Allicit (í. Porter, of Marión, in noBiination fiw goveroor. A stronjr oomiDfttiOD. It look.s nonio :is il' Geo. 1'. Sanfiml, of the linsin Journal, would ! the oaudidato of the demtxmtB of this state for (iovornor. It is the dktingaiahod fortuno of a bod ofOhio to boamemba of flnnrea. riniccd SUli Senator elcct, and Dominee for the I 'residepey, by tho party that is Htiro to win. üow i.i that lor bigb ï ünc great want at Oincinnati, was tho preaenea of oma statasman, üke (Jai field, on whieh all could unite. I5ut as thoro was lut OM Statesmaa in the party, and he had "Modined," thcy werc in a bad fix. The slato central eoatmitteo are indebted in Win. LiTÏogstone, -Jr., lir his'fenerona hospitality wbich enahled thein to jileasántly pftM a lew extra botofl in Detottít last. Wedqeaday. Mr. LlvÍDgStone isa pofisted geatlamM and a prinoe of good fellowa. 2,.0OO niou in six and ono-half hours' time, changcd the gauge of' the N. ., J'a. and Obio 11. R., IVum Uayton to Leavitleburg, a distance of '225 milos. Tho sliortest time on record for a pieoe of work of the kind. It was done June 22. W'ell, lvuiley, how did you likoJudge [loadley's soab, the otherday? Do you think that you and your 75,000 tnoken will swallow the thiug graoefully? Your party has always howlcd aliont f'ree sjieecli, bat théy dun't pnetioe ii, do they? " Mark this predirtion," that aller the coming i're.-iJeiitial will never hèai more of the deino.ratio party. Thcy will split up and disband. The hope of plunder through the election of a president is all that holds thcui tegathet, aud that will nover be realized. Gen. (jarfield íh not a rioh man. On tho ¦inirary his fortune is a very moderate olie. Now f In; had mail.' 80 much monoy out of paring OOntraota, baek salary, etc, etfcj as the dcjnioeraU claim, how is itthat he ifl still pOOI ''. Will some of lus sland.'iers plea-c: inf'orm the pobÜO? Tho .supremo court of Indiana lian doeidul that the state election niUNt occur in ( ).:tolicr, notwillistandiiiK the law pawtd by the legialatnre last winter, ptaoing the 'ate eloction with the general election in tho November followiag. Tliis makos Indiana a politieal battle ground tffêXL Whist ! Dinna yo h:ur the sthory I'at? There is to be a Weaver and Chaiubrrs ratifioation mcetinii! It is lo bo ono of' the liat kind. Just think in your mind that there is a graat meeting takin piare in yi;r 'medjate wieinily, and shiire it wilh be Hehust so oot as diré nono vas. Allee Kaiueo. Wee, woe, monseiur. The prohibitioabta held a national conrentioa in Cleveland lasl wrok. The delegatea, nut 150 in numbor, pepreaeBted only twolvo gfateti, and wrre not eztremely entbusiastio over the last prohibition prerfili'nlial vote, 'l'hoy, however, went tlirouh with the form of noiuimtiog oaodiditc for prenideDtaud vioo presideat, geleoting Qeo. Noal huw, ofMaine, lor tlie furmer pogii ion, and .1 [I. Thompson, of Ohio, for the latter. Chas. It. Back us, of Detroit, and V. 0. Hugart, of Grand llapids, bavo been appointed by Gov. Croswell as coinmissiuners ['rom thc talo, toassist in umk'iDg the u . Bssary orrangements for the proposed world's fair to be held in New York city in 1883. Pr. 11. C. Potter, of Kast Sagioaw, und J. D. Hayos, of Detroit, are altérnate.-. llow eorrectly did Iloratio Scyuiour read the t-ÍK'1 of thc times whon ho said : " If it comes to a choice betwoen a funeral and a nouiiuation, 1 would prefer thc funeral." Old a.s the New York war uorso is, he is cvidently not at all childish, and not to be caught by any of the wary traps set for liini. He liad a numination once and kimws tho f'ull signifioance of it. Whon the Shoc-wac-cae-mettes first cama out viotorious, beating thc famed eaBtorn erews, Michigan, almoat went wild. Now the Ilillsdale boys have been "soooping' ' out everytliing in their pnth fora year or two, but they don't got half the attention. Is it possible that Michigan, tbc land of' lakes, is losiog her interest in :uU:itio t porta? We hope not? The lotter of tho sago of Uraminflira park.decliuing tho uouiination for the l'rcsidenoy on (he Dcinoeratic ticket bcfore it wa teuderrd him, was a document thoroughly eharacteristie of the individual who wrote it. It waa full of " righteous " indignation ovor thc inauguration of President Hayos, but it neither deelincd the nomination or aocepted it. It waa a slippcry document, to be construed in mauy differoot ways. The democratie conference at Cincinnati, organized last Tucsday, by elccting Judge Hoadlcy, of Cincinnati, as temperar? president, and V. O. Pnnee, of Boston, as seeretary. Kvery allusion to the great declincr, Sir Samuel, of Cipper Alley, was received with the wildest enthusiasm, whioh shows what the delesatcs would Iikc to do, f they only had sufficient courage. But they lack stamina and backbone as inuch as they do fixedness of purpose. lts anything to beat Grarfield now. Just out of mere curiosity somutimc ask a democrat what his principios are, and seo it you can get any rcply. The faot is the party have had all tho principios they ever possesscd dug out from under thein and buried by the republican party. Thcrc isn't a single idea for which the party fouL'ht for so mauy years that is cnibodied in a live issue to-day. They have no principies excopt that etcrnal greed for spoils, and that is all that keeps them together. But a solid south will be met by a solid north, and thoy will be once again disappointcd. Tho colorod delégales íioiu the south at thc lato Chicago eonvention, wcro the subject of much suspicion, and a great deal was said respecting their selling out to this or that candidato, but the Chicago Tribune has a good word for them, as follows : ¦¦ Murh luis Ixfii wliiMTcd HtKiut Iliosapixaed ulnerablllty oXtbeiouthorn colorea uelhrnlü. U 18 due to them tosu -tlmt they vmdioated thelr cliarart.T for intesrlty mul wisd.iTii In lint Hin]ilest nianner. Nevir has UilRepabllcau ]arty of thc South beeu vnote truly r.picsi'iii.'d, or by mon of hlgher clmmcl.T. The aolored ilelegate ware, s " ola, im tnuii fui u patrlotlo, as absolutely abpve UiesuaplClon iloiililc-ili'HlniKiis their white aS8OClt(3B north un. I soulli. Mauy "f tlifin meta ol comider&ble nieans.aua 1 1 1 . ¦ a'l itood by tlieir oooTiotlons tothe eii.l. ThárooAdncUusMflei In a way Hu' aotlonoi the ttopabllcun )inrty in givlvg Ihcm voto und iiU:ility befora tliu luw." At one time it lookod as though the Cineinnati eonvention would be obligod toproeee.l without tho usual fonnality of prayer in thc opening exerois:s. Thc list of Cincinnati preMhers wore gone through with and not a domoorat to bo found among tlitin, and tho managers utterly refused to havo a ropublican ask divine guidance for theiu, for foar he might in:ikc Hme converts among the more civilizcd delegates. Fiually, ft(T serious delay, and ttending nut scareh warrant in cvery lirectimi to kscertain il' any of thc suburbs contained a curiosity óf the kind, the jiastor of a "leeile (crinan ehureli" was fouud, who wouldu't deny belonging to that party, and he diil the job for them. As far as tho prayer was concerned they didn't care very much, but it wan an old eustom adopted by BOme religiously inelimd delegates years ago, and you know deuiocrats cling to moss eovcred custoins. Tho New York Independent the leading semi-religiou-f newnpaper of this nation and the Chicago Advance the leading represent itivo of Co!i;,'ri'is':itimi:ilisui in the west, are highly gratilicd at tho nominatiou of (iarücld, and prediet his olcction. The Indepeudent t, in a doobte leaded leader : " Victory: Jamos A. (arfield of Ulno, is the repnblicad cainlidate for President, and we are glad. Tho iuaehineH are broken. The dictators are beaten. Tho glorious old republican party rofuses to be bartered away. Those who bully and those who buy retire discoiulited, and a Uue man roccives the nomination, who made no efïbrt for it, whoso name had not boen uientioned, but whoso jiro eminent ability neods no issertion. Ho will biing us, in November, victnry. K ' And now the republiean party, witheut bitterneSH or ilissensionH, can join hands to elcct ita candidato. Let thero be no holding back by Graut'sfriends or Blaine'.s frionds, or Sherinau's friends. We nicd them all. Nobodycan complain. Thcro is everythiuc to arouse eiithu-itsm. Now for union aüd vietory 1