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Rev. and Mis. h. 1'. Davi.s are tmtñg friendo and relatives at Romeo and other plaoef. Miss Marian Pittlp b frum Olivet, and expressen herself mueh pi' witli hor visit thero. C, S. (regory and Jno. C. Tuomry have boon ''doing" the democratie national convention at Cincinnati thia weck. Win. Stevens has put up a handsome feucc around hia new BüiMlUgS, aud t adds much to tlie ai)iearancu of' the place. Mis.s Muy lluwell was marriod Wednad:iy erentng to Dr. Arthur Niohol.s, of Ann Arbor. Tlie couple have uiauy wel! wishera. Mra. Jno. C'roarkin was attending coiu mencoraent at Nutre Dame (Ind. ) univcr.ily ÜÚB week. Her hon s a student in that instilution. Thoniah McN amara, who has been attendiiif,' Nolre Dame university for cveral years, returned to this vülage to spend his vacation with his parents. The reform peojile had an enlhusiastic meeting last Sunday night. Prof. Olney addressed the meeting, and his cfforts are very highly spoken of by many whoBe opinMM are valuable. L. L. James, of this village, is lying ill at his residence, and faitit hopes are entortained of' his f'ull recovTy. Il is son has been nummoned by a telegram froiu tho Ut, and is now hcre with his father. leader: " W'hat doe tho correspondsntl of the Ann Arbor papers mean by the Dexter .-candáis '! ïes, what doei ihry in. in .' Hm Laad thinks it would be a " eicat loss to anexpectant public-in Ann Arbor," if these scandals should pas:; by uninoli-sU'd. 'ery so'ieitous for the A. A. M'tmilal loviug ptioplo; you see? By and by, f tho Loadw l'ails to obten a dae to Ilirin, (ir is afraid t' vriit.ilalr thcni. WO uiay . ninr all.litioii (o l.hrni. Till tli. n, lo( Ui' in H. I J'. Xlio cominencement exercises of the mion school taltcs place this (Friday) ivening atCostcllo's hall. The following ie the programóle Oltl"lllTA Prayrr BOT. !.. - Onge. Wo Iamiii ly Katliirc, Knsay, .Viinn !. üockart. riSuwrsHiif HuniliiigH, Ebwut, MnHIe I. I'almnr. - "Drlflltisi wllli tlie Ti.l. ¦' ¦Clewol Ivallho. lv.say, NWlir A l'mx-laml. "Drink ]id lt," ! ¦ ¦iimuiiloii. Carriel". Uitiirop. Qnarlett: Harvest Timo Is ruling Hy." gducaUon and Cuototu. &nj. Annti L. Wlllmiim. llevcngr in Hlstory, Enay, Iüly l.iitlmui. s.l,. ffThe 1,iiM Hymn " Eva L. M.'Malh How I.lttlc WoKuow, Euay, Lun; N . ToerClMKlliHtory . Matlie Hi . tiaurtetl. "Tiol NiKht." Acl,!rosHl(.lli.'Clas- Kcv. I.. 1'. Dftvls rreseutmion ni Diplomas ly the ProslUeat l tho Board. ndDHmn. SALINE. The annual commcncemcut exercises of the union high rehool of this placo occurs to-day, the 25th, at 8 o'clock p. m., with the following prograuiiuo : Muslc: Lnlaiyr Llfo ¦?.' OM I,y-eimi Q luirte! U A. K. Clark, Mr, t.mlly Davcüport, Mr. Iüu Douuldson, Wm. IhhhiMbou. IKAYKIt. Muslo: Instniiiieiiit:il Din-l llratlmr Ucll Miases w.'i.ii : 1 1 1 . i Wallaoa. Oratlon uovornmont Qeorge '. Burk hart. Music: Danee wu oQally SohubMt Dlil Lyoeam Q,narttte. Oratlon wooiiora i Ui6 Dcp Charlle il. Pargoo. Music: Inatnimental Duet ti V1t MlHMffl uut Webtoi l'r.'srniatidii uf Diplomas by frasldent 11. v. ISamatt. AI(insR by Chas. lt. Whltman, of Ypüllantl. Muslo: Come WherettieLllle ra. .om, om Lyceum Martetto. Thompton. UKNKDIOriüN. The iirJuütinfi olass consists of (eoiKC Urant Hurkluut aml Chai lio Reynolds l'arsous. Tho lal! tonn of seftools will bogin on the Oth of September ne'xt. STONY CUEEK. Miss Mawii-' MoQrW is visitinii ftieodi) here. Haying has comtnODCOd witli prospect for a fair erop. Juo. Vanderworker, of Ypsilanti, was iuterred here last Friday. Farmers are not very well aati--fied with the priee of wool. J. Webster Childs is to s]eak nt Mooreville nest Sunday evening. Anna Hailoy fini.shcJ the siriug term of the Crittenden school last weck. Ordinatioii of elders took place at the l're.sbyteriarj church last Sabbath. An infant ehild of Mr. and Mrs. ülair llinkley was buried here last Sufcurday. Miss Rundel closes the school yoar this weck on Friday, of the Loudon district. Mr.s. Rndnor, who lias had poor health for Bome time, was not benefited by the treatuient of the Ohio dootors. The subject of the Hev. V. E. Donoitig'B fourth of July diseourse will bc " 8Bgg98tions to TOterg." W. K. iJunniDK spieajfca on temperanccat the Forbo.s school house next Suuday ul'ur?oon, at oi o'clock. Ira T. Colby roturnod froui Bay City on the 18th inst. He and his fauiily are to visit the cast next weck. Two men and two woinen, awornpanied by a large d.g, and a pup carried by one of the woinen, have been tra veling our streeLs, Bharprniiijc shatrB. Wind mili aeuts havo been jilenty of la'e, ötlfi calleil M Spencer Dttvia not long aKo, wlin told the agent ho bopea to b ublo to ppwhwe urn; ncxt yer. Tho agent alter uarking down wliat Mr. 1. tlumght lic wiiuM want wlicn rcady to parchase, wk4d kim to hkii it. Tie agont did not gtay long alter Itat, Tluie wfcs :i temiorancc service at the Presfeyterian ehurcli last Sabbath evening. .luim Campbell and tho iastor of tlii Mcthodi.-t ohurcjb spoke. Mr. C. spoki montly against the use af tobaoeo, anc mude k goud argument. Tho other speaker spoke of present condition of' th( tempcraooe issue, esiecially praotically ufterwards learing heavily on those DM1 who are too indifferent to assist in any wa in this work, being men f'rom whom helj is naturally expectcd. Childrens day w;is observed last Sabbat! at the Methodist ehoroh. The exeroiaea were mostly from the iohool and were good Alter tho introductory servicos, lirst an ex ercise liy Hiurteenlittloehildren, which was ery nicc. Al'terwards, "whatthon," b (üarence Dunniii!,'. "One step more," by Klla Olds, who recited in her usual pleasinj, maiiner. The "cross and crown," an ex ercise which used ncarly all of the school in which the scholars did well, having hai no practico. A Sunday school song wa sung by Alia Hrown, who sings and plays well. Sarah Hartnon, who ia one of the best réciters, reudered ".souictiuie." The exercisos were interspcrscd by singing b tht; BÖhoot Quite a BénnatioD waa created when i nao InuUCU Uiai.SUIIIC lidCl}' SIKUCtHTS liai almost succeeded in taking the body of Mrs Vanderwaiker fiwu tho grave lust Sutur day niht. .Mr. .lames Vaodsnrarker tm Mr. J'ottcr were eoniing to wateh at abon eleven o'clock when they saw a tesa standing just soutli of the church shed's whieh drovc towards the churcli, north, a thcy approached. Tlie man with the tean soon gave an alann by whistlini', lollowe Hton by the firing of a pistol u anothe alarm. 15y this time the Watch had ap proaobod near tho grave and the robber made iiiick flight for the road, and all, foa in nuinbi r, drove hurriodly away, tirin ágain to Blimidate their ]ursuers. Thcy had just made their wuy iuto the coffin am thoir work was nearly comploted. Ther is no littlc indignation in thu conimunity and probably the graves here will b watched hercaf'ter in such a marnier as to reinier grave robbing rather uusaf'o.