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Common Council Proceedings

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Tlir council met, in special session on Friday cvoninK last, the lSth. Absent Aids. l'Vrdon, Thompson, Kecch, :md Martin. Minutes oí' last seéaion read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND l'KTÍTiONS. Petition of 1'. Irwin tobuild a lean to on the building occii]iieil by liim, on the eiwl sidc of Fourth st., bctWoen lluron and Ann st. On motion o!' Aid. Mesmier reiiicst {ranted. On motion ot' Aid. Betómet the spoehl business of the BMttfeg was takto Op má KKI'tiUTS OT rn.uMilTKKS called for. Aid. Ilutzel f'roin .speeial eominittee appointcd to tako into eonsideration the reopeniiiK of the old well on the court house square made a verbal report. He said Toni Keoch- meaniiifi Aid. Kecch- liad another .schemc of bfingtog water froin the f-prings in the norlheusern part oïtlie but he didn't think it advi.-aWc, as it would coat too taueh money. He thousht the expense oí' cleaning out the court house wcll, putting in a new pump and coverinK tho wcll with tone, with stone basin for waste water, would be worth about $X0, and the most cconomical plan proposed. The city funds would not warrant any very great expense an they were only .sufficient to run the city Kovernmont. If other prop ositions werc nccepted an appropriation would liave Jp be aaked for. Aid. !5.'siiMor thoutflit that tlie funds were baruly suffieient to run the rovltiiment o( the city, and that only wilh tho strictost eoononiy. Tlie sfveral schemea preseoted lor tho oonddemtion of' the eouneil were fraught with graat expense, nd not of sufficient practical benefit to warrant the assuinptiiiii by the euuneil of tin: BM i-ssary OBpeoditure they w.mM inrw. And tnkin all fhingí intO coiisidrr:tli"M he sbonHTtvor tbe report of bia oolleagne, and uliould voto for the reoponinR of Ule wU. Aid. Hutzcl then said that 150 business ion had petitioned them and lio thouxht bey ought to prant it, and offered ihe fblowing : WilKUAS. Tho bUSlBMI 1 l i" I"' City Of Anu Albor Imve unamtooaly peUtloneil tlu ommon oouncll to open umi n iuinii u thecoiiri House gquate well, Tlierefore llenóla tt l'ii''1 the reqOMt "I lh petUtooer c cranteu, 'd tlnit tho raayor upixmit 11 coinultleeirtlni'', wlmshall glve Ibelr ïiiniiwllute iinnnm to theopenlugol thenboremeulloud wcll, at a rost not to excoud $BU.Ü0. Carrk'd uuaiuinously by ayu and nuy volé. The mayor appointed Aid. Hutzul, ''leming aüd McOinber as the cjiuuiittec. Aid. Besimcr oallcd the attention of the uarshal to the fact that the uistorn DOaf the 'atholio ofcmeh was dry, and there was uo vidence that thero had ever been any waer ia it. Aid. llutzol said that this eitorn had icen orderod repaired once, and the man who was dirceted to do it reportad the job omplcted and ia good condition. He lidn't undcrstnnd how it could be dry now unless sonio ncw leak had dcveloped. Tho reeorder offered tho following rosoution : litsolvtil Tlmt it conmiittfo of thrpi', of wlilch lio mayor sUall l cliairmmi, bo nppolntinl to uiii-i witli tlie lteseuU ui Uie uuivcr.Mty i llohlgan, :iini riHiucsi the privilege ol extenani; iiio water iIm! huw Lermluatlna t the lulslde of the law balldlna to tbeoasUieM ,nd more compaet portions of tlie city, and ïsiug the water tliorelor for tin' Uut ¦ i-mtlii" to tln uulvuislty thr rfghC U dhipom M water 1ohk the Uneofsald touoh uitons mul apon toch ternw as tlioy may thlnk iroper and expoltsst UU mich timeiw tliuuily aaj construct wato WOTkl of its own. The resolution was adopte J and the recorder and Aid. Bcsiuier appointod to act f ith the mayor as sueh committec. Aid. Thompson theu introduced Prof. WitK'hell, who desired to obtain permiswion to shoot blackbirds withia the city liuiits.